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Prigogine I., Rice S.A. — Advances in CHEMICAL PHYSICS. Volume XC |
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Pesin formula, phase-space structures 174
Pesin, Ya.B. 173—174(125) 357
Phase portraits, atomic and solid-state systems 325—327
Phase portraits, bounded molecular systems 284—285
Phase portraits, matrix Hamiltonians 262—265
Phase-space structures, classical dynamics 146—175
Phase-space structures, classical dynamics, billiard systems 161—164
Phase-space structures, classical dynamics, Hamiltonian mappings 159—161
Phase-space structures, classical dynamics, Hamiltonian systems 154—159
Phase-space structures, classical dynamics, linear stability 146—153
Phase-space structures, classical dynamics, mechanical system examples 153—164
Phase-space structures, classical dynamics, Smale horseshoe and symbolic dynamics 164—170
Phase-space structures, classical dynamics, thermodynamic formalism 170—175
Phase-space structures, molecular transition state 309—310
Phase-space structures, scattering resonances, chemical reaction dynamics 345
Phase-space structures, semiclassical quantization 126—127
Phenol-water cations, vibrationally resolved structures 88—94
Phenol-water cations, vibrationally resolved structures, ab initio comparisons 92—94
Phenol-water cations, vibrationally resolved structures, ZEKE spectra 89—92
Phenol-water cations, ZEKE analysis of 8—9
Photoabsorption cross-section, molecular vibrograms 274—278
Photoabsorption cross-section, quantum observables 226—227
Photoabsorption cross-section, semiclassical quantization, atomic particle scattering 121
Photoabsorption cross-section, semiclassical quantization, light interactions 120
Photoabsorption cross-section, semiclassical quantization, overview 110
Photoabsorption cross-section, trace of the propagator 177—178
Photoelectron matrix element, (n + 1') REMPI process, asymmetric tops 40
Photoelectron matrix element, (n + 1') REMPI process, linear molecules 35—36
Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES), rotationally resolved ZEKE spectra 21—25
Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES), single-photon ionization, molecules 59—60
Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES), single-photon ionization, nitric oxide analysis 43—45
Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES), single-photon ionization, OH compounds 45—48
Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES), ZEKE compared with 3—4 10—12
Photoionization efficiency (PIE) measurements 6-7 10—11
Photoselection, nitrogen dioxide 71-72
Pine, A.S. 24(97) 101
Pique, J.-P. 280—284(216—218) 345(216—218) 347(216—217) 351(305) 360 364
PJiva, J. 20(93) 24(93) 101
Planck constant, Feynman path integrators, h-expansion of propagator 144—145
Planck constant, Feynman path integrators, semiclassical regimes 134—136
Planck constant, matrix Hamiltonians 247
Planck constant, matrix Hamiltonians, diagonal matrices 251—253
Planck constant, matrix Hamiltonians, isotropic conical intersections 263—265
Planck constant, Morse oscillator 272—273
Planck constant, periodic-orbit quantization, convergence and topological pressure, zeta functions 205—206
Planck constant, periodic-orbit quantization, h-corrections 211
Planck constant, periodic-orbit quantization, zero length paths 196—197
Planck constant, semiclassical regimes, short-time behavior 178
Planck constant, semiclassical regimes, short-wavelength asymptotics 125—127
Planck constant, semiclassical regimes, trace formula 109—111
Planck constant, semiclassical regimes, Weyl — Wigner representation 123—124
Planck constant, trace of the propagator 177
Poincare resonances, atomic and solid-state systems 325—327
Poincare resonances, hydrogen negative ion ( ) 328—329
Poincare resonances, matrix Hamiltonians, anisotropic conical intersections 265—267
Poincare resonances, molecular transition state, intermediate regime 307—309
Poincare resonances, molecular transition state, mercuric iodide (HgI2) system 297—300
Poincare resonances, periodic-orbit quantization, 2F system tunneling 218
Poincare resonances, periodic-orbit quantization, bifurcations 222—223
Poincare resonances, periodic-orbit quantization, quantum billiards 234
Poincare resonances, periodic-orbit quantization, zeta function approximation 207—209
Poincare resonances, phase-space structures, Hamiltonian mappings 159—161
Poincare resonances, phase-space structures, linear stability 151—153
Poincare resonances, semiclassical limits and 349—351
Poincare, H. 111(24) 153(24) 353
Polik, W.F. 323(252) 351(299) 362—363
Pollak, E. 295(235) 296(236—237) 309(242) 314—315(236—237) 344(236) 360
Porter — Thomas distribution, quantum billiards 241—242
Porter, C.E. 194(142) 241(194) 322(142 194) 358 360
Poston, T. 223(186) 359
Potential energy surface (PES), matrix Hamiltonians, two-surface one-degree-of-freedom model 256—257
Potential energy surface (PES), mercuric iodide ( ) dissociation 293—295
Potts, A.W. 21(94) 84(94) 101
Pradeep, T. 89(169) 103
Pratt, S.T. 3(34) 10(73) 15(34) 30(105—106 108—110) 99—101
Predissociation, Rydberg couplings 13—15
Press, W.H. 304(245) 360
Price, W.C. 21(94) 84(94) 101
Prigogine, I. 146(88) 350(292) 356 363
Pritchard, H.O. 122(65) 323(65) 355
Probability conservation, short-wavelength asymptotics 127—129
Propagator, h-expansion of, Feynman path integrators 141—145
Propagator, semiclassical quantization, Feynman path integrators 132—134
Propagator, semiclassical quantization, short-wavelength asymptotics 131—132
Propagator, time domain trace 175—190
Propagator, time domain trace, equilibrium points 179—183
Propagator, time domain trace, harmonic oscillator 187
Propagator, time domain trace, Morse oscillator 187—190
Propagator, time domain trace, path integral 178—179
Propagator, time domain trace, periodic orbits 183—187
Propagator, time domain trace, regularizations 175—178
Propagator, time domain trace, short-time time behavior 178
Pryce, H.L. 25(98) 28(98) 101
Pseudomagnetic field, matrix Hamiltonians, isotropic conical intersections 261—262
Pulsed field ionization (PFI) spectroscopy, OH compounds 46—47
Pulsed field ionization (PFI) spectroscopy, ZEKE analysis and 10 15—16
Pulsed separation fields, mass analyzed threshold ionization (MATI) 96—97
Q-to-S branch intensity ratio 50—51
Quantum billiards, degenerate periodic orbits 234—236
Quantum billiards, disk scattering 238—246
Quantum billiards, disk scattering, three-disk scatterer 238—245
Quantum billiards, disk scattering, two-disk scatterer 245—246
Quantum billiards, multiple scattering expansions 228—230
Quantum billiards, regular periodic orbits 233—234
Quantum billiards, semiclassical regimes 110
Quantum billiards, stationary phase integration 230—232
Quantum billiards, wave equations 227—228
Quantum billiards, zeta function resummation 237—238
Quantum energy levels, Morse oscillator 272—273
Quantum gaps, three-disk scatterers 239—240
Quantum Hamiltonian, semiclassical quantization 268—269
Quantum mechanics, quantum billiards, three-disk scatterers 243—244
Quantum mechanics, quantum billiards, two-disk scatterers 245—246
Quantum mechanics, semiclassical quantization 108
Quantum mechanics, unbounded molecular systems 291
Quantum spectra, classical chaos and periodic orbits 341—344
Quantum spectra, semiclassical averaging 223—227
Quantum spectra, semiclassical averaging, diagonal matrix elements 223—226
Quantum spectra, semiclassical averaging, photoabsorption cross section 226—227
Quartic oscillator, phase-space structure 154—155
Quasiclassical method, Weyl — Wigner representation 123—124
Raghavachari, K. 4(56) 21(56) 24—26(56) 99
Ramasamy, R. 349(290) 363
Ramsay, D.A. 35(123) 102
Rand, D. 173—174(126) 357
Random matrices, molecular transition state 323
Rangacharyulu, C. 114(48) 227(48) 337(48) 354
Rao, C.N.R. 89(169) 103
Rapelje, A. 112(35) 219(35) 324—325(35) 348(35) 354
Raseev, G. 33(122) 36—37(125) 40(125) 43(122) 49(125) 51(125) 69(147) 102
Rau, A.R.P. 120(63) 325(255) 337(63) 355 362
Reaction rates, atomic particle scattering 122—123
Reflection amplitude, periodic-orbit quantization 214—215
Reilly, J.P. 6(59) 10(74—76) 21(95) 22(76) 30(75 104) 86(59) 87(165) 94(59) 99—101 103
Reilly, P.T.A. 69(149) 103
Reinhardt, W.P. 292(229) 326(257) 360 362
Reiser, G. 3(3 5 7 18) 6(7 60—61) 8(18) 9(64) 10(3) 13(3) 15(7) 18(7) 19(5) 25—26(19) 30(3) 47(7) 85—86(61) 90(64) 92(64) 93(181) 95(182) 98 100 104
Relative errors, three-disk scatterers 243—245
Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization PES (REMPI-PES) 89
Resonant enhanced multiphoton ionization, (n + 1') REMPI process, asymmetric tops 37—41
Resonant enhanced multiphoton ionization, (n + 1') REMPI process, asymmetric tops, parity selection rules 40—41
Resonant enhanced multiphoton ionization, (n + 1') REMPI process, asymmetric tops, photoelectron matrix element 40
Resonant enhanced multiphoton ionization, (n + 1') REMPI process, asymmetric tops, rotationally resolved photoelectron spectra 37—39
Resonant enhanced multiphoton ionization, (n + 1') REMPI process, linear molecules 31—37
Resonant enhanced multiphoton ionization, (n + 1') REMPI process, linear molecules, parity selection rules 36—37
Resonant enhanced multiphoton ionization, (n + 1') REMPI process, linear molecules, photoelectron matrix element 35—36
Resonant enhanced multiphoton ionization, (n + 1') REMPI process, linear molecules, rotationally resolved photoelectron spectra 31—35
Resonant enhanced multiphoton ionization, (n + 1') REMPI process, symmetric tops 41—42
Resonant enhanced multiphoton ionization, (REMPI) techniques, computational procedures 42—43
Resonant enhanced multiphoton ionization, (REMPI) techniques, nitric oxide analysis with 3
| Reuter, m. 130(78) 136—137(78) 356
Rice, J.E. 87(166) 103
Rice, S.A. 151(93) 156(101) 160(105 108) 161(93) 163(114) 175(114) 204(114) 206—207(114) 224(101) 238(114) 239(93 114) 240—241(114) 243(114) 247(200) 314(114) 315(114) 319(101) 322(108) 325—328(101) 331(101) 334(101) 345(285) 349(290) 356—357 360 363
Richter, A. 114(48) 227(48) 337(48) 354
Richter, K. 111(23) 156(99—100) 169(99—100) 206(159) 268(23 100) 325(23 99—100) 326(99—100 259) 327—328(23 99—100 259—260) 331(99) 340(278—279) 353 356 358 362—363
Ridyard, J.N.A. 84(161) 103
Riedle, E. 20(92—93) 23—24(92—93 97) 27(92) 101
Rieger, D. 6(60—61) 85—86(61) 100
Riemann surface contours, propagator and Green operator 116—117
Rigged Hilbert spaces, propagator and Green operator 118
Ring, H. 351(305) 364
Rinneberg, H. 112(35) 219(35) 324—325(35) 348(35) 354
Robbins, J.M. 199—200(150—151) 212(171) 271(171) 358—359
Roberts, G. 279(215) 292—294(234) 311(234) 315(234) 360
Robinson, P.J. 122(65) 323(65) 355
Robnik, M. 194(146) 358
Rod, D.L. 157(102) 159(102) 356
Rodgers, D. 3(47) 48—50(132) 95(47) 99 102
Romelt, J. 309(242) 360
Rose, T.S. 258(206) 360
Rosenbaum, M. 123(67) 178(67) 355
Rosenfeld, L. 118(55) 355
Rosenqvist, P.E. 206(160) 345(287) 358 363
Rosker, M. 258(206) 360
Rost, J.M. 327(260) 334—336(267—268) 362
Rostas, J. 35(123) 102
Rotational coupling, molecular transition state 320—321
Rotational coupling, nitrogen dioxide 76—80
Rotational coupling, rotationally resolved ZEKE spectra 24—25
Rotational coupling, ZEKE intensity deviations 64—70
Rotational coupling, ZEKE intensity deviations, HCl/DCl (2 + 1) threshold photoionization 64—70
Rotational structure, nitrogen dioxide, state-to-state threshold photoionization 73—76
Rotational structure, rotationally resolved ZEKE spectra 22—24
Rotational structure, ZEKE analysis of benzene cation 5
Rotational structure, ZEKE analysis of nitric oxide 3—4
Rotational-vibrational Hamiltonian 271—272
Rotationally resolved photoelectron spectra, asymmetric tops 37—39
Rotationally resolved photoelectron spectra, linear molecules 31—35
Rotationally resolved ZEKE spectra, benzene cation 19—29
Rotationally resolved ZEKE spectra, benzene cation, excited Jahn — Teller state 25—29
Rotationally resolved ZEKE spectra, benzene cation, electronic ground state 20—25
Rotationally resolved ZEKE spectra, nitric oxide 19
Rottke, H. 112(34) 219(34) 268—269(34) 324—325(34) 348(34) 354
Roukes, M.L. 113(40) 161(40) 337—338(40) 349(40) 354
Rovibronic ionic state, origins of ZEKE and 10—11
Rovibronic ionic state, photoionization efficienty (PIE) measurements 6—7
RRKM theories, molecular transition state 322—323
RRKM theories, scattering resonances, chemical reaction dynamics 345
Rudolph, H. 3(12) 22(12 76) 98 100—101
Ruelle zeta function, periodic-orbit quantization 202—205
Ruelle zeta function, periodic-orbit quantization, approximations 206—209
Ruelle zeta function, periodic-orbit quantization, convergence and topological pressure 205—206
Ruelle zeta function, quantum billiards, periodic orbits 238
Ruelle zeta function, quantum billiards, three-disk scatterers 238—245
Ruelle zeta function, semiclassical limits and 351
Ruelle, D. 108—109(4) 147(90) 172(124) 173(4) 175(124 127) 202(127) 352 356—357
Ruf, M.W. 10(71) 100
Rugh, H.H. 206(160) 358
Russberg, G. 206(158) 358
Rydberg states see also "Molecular Rydberg states"
Rydberg states, atomic and solid-state systems 324—327
Rydberg states, atomic Hamiltonian systems 269
Rydberg states, Born — Oppenheimer Hamiltonian 271
Rydberg states, delayed pulsed-field ionization of, in ZEKE analysis 13—16
Rydberg states, delayed pulsed-field threshold photoionization 69—70
Rydberg states, field ionization of 17—19
Rydberg states, nitric oxide 3
Rydberg states, nitrogen dioxide, state-to-state threshold photoionization 72—75
Rydberg states, nitrogen dioxide, three-color triple-resonant threshold photoionization 71—83
Rydberg states, photoionization efficienty (PIE) measurements 6—7
Rydberg states, REMPI procedures 42—43
Rydberg states, semiclassical regimes 112—113
Rydberg states, unbounded molecular systems 228—290
Rydberg states, ZEKE intensity deviations 62—70
Rydberg states, ZEKE spectroscopy, longevity of 95—97
S-matrix, atomic particle scattering 122—123
S-matrix, quantum billiards 228
S-matrix, scattering resonances 121
S-matrix, semiclassical limits and 349—351
Sack, F.R.S. 25(98) 28(98) 101
Sack, R.A. 25(98) 28(98) 101
Saddle equilibrium points, molecular transition state, ABA-ABC molecule comparisons 314—316
Saddle equilibrium points, molecular transition state, large molecule bending and extension 316—319
Saddle equilibrium points, molecular transition state, nonseparable and statistical regimes 322
Saddle equilibrium points, molecular transition state, rotational motion 320—321
Saddle equilibrium points, phase-space structures, linear stability 150—151
Saddle equilibrium points, Smale horseshoe mapping 166
Saddle equilibrium points, unbounded molecular systems 287—289
Sadeghi, R. 309(243) 360
Saher, D. 323(253) 351(253) 362
Sander, M. 3(1—2 11) 12(1—2) 16—17(1) 18(2 11) 30(11) 47(11) 63(2) 80(2) 98
Sandner, W.. 112(36) 269(36) 325(36) 354
Sands, W.D. 247(200) 360
Saphir, W.C. 350—351(295) 363
Sathyamurthy, N. 349(290) 363
Sato, K. 89(171) 90(171) 103
Sato, S. 287(221) 360
Scaling laws, hydrogen negative ion ( ) 335—337
Scattering resonances, chemical reaction dynamics and 344—345
Scattering resonances, matrix Hamiltonians, surface hopping 258—259
Scattering resonances, molecular transition state, low-energy regimes 304—305
Scattering resonances, molecular transition state, overview 292
Scattering resonances, semiclassical regimes 121
Schardt, P. 114(48) 227(48) 337(48) 354
Schedletzky, O. 340(280) 363
Scherer, P. 210(168) 359
Scherzer, W.G. 95(183) 104
Schiff, L.I. 115(52) 354
Schinke, R. 120(62) 267(62) 288(223) 289—290(62 223 227) 300(223) 313(223) 355 360
Schlag, E.W. 3(1—4 11 18) 6(4 60—61) 8(18) 9(64) 10(3—4) 11(83—84) 13(3) 16—17(1 3—4) 18(2 11) 20(3) 30(4 11) 47(11) 63(2) 80(2) 89(18) 90—94(64—65) 95(183) 98 100 104
Schmidt, C. 343(281) 363
Schneider, R. 26(101) 28(101) 101
Schroedinger equation, mesoscopic semiconducting devices 337—341
Schroedinger equation, molecular transition state, wavepacket propagation 311—313
Schroedinger equation, quantum billiards 227—228
Schroedinger equation, Rydberg states computation 42—43
Schroedinger equation, semiclassical regimes 111—112
Schroedinger equation, semiclassical regimes, limits and 350—351
Schroedinger equation, semiclassical regimes, propagator and Green operator 114—118
Schroedinger equation, short-wavelength asymptotics 124—132
Schroedinger equation, short-wavelength asymptotics to Hamilton's equations 124—127
Schroedinger equation, short-wavelength asymptotics, Jacobi — Hill equation and linear stability 129—131
Schroedinger equation, short-wavelength asymptotics, probability conservation and Van Vleck-Morette matrix 127—129
Schulman, L.S. 136(82) 351(309) 356 364
Schutz, M. 89(175) 93—94(175) 103
Schwartz, S.D. 219—220(179) 359
Schweizer, H. 340(279) 363
Schwenke, D.W. 309(243) 351(300) 360—363
Schwinger variational principle 43
Seaton, M.J. 3(48) 99 325(255) 362
Seideman, T. 192(138) 194(138) 358
Sekiya, H. 3(8—9) 5(8—9) 12(8—9 85) 19(8—9) 22—24(8) 26—29(8—9 85) 69(9) 98 100
Sekreta, E. 6(59) 10(74—76) 22(76) 30(75 104) 86(59) 94(59) 99—101
Selberg zeta function, periodic-orbit quantization 202—205
Selberg zeta function, periodic-orbit quantization, approximation 208—209
Selberg zeta function, periodic-orbit quantization, h-corrections 211
Selberg zeta function, quantum billiards, periodic orbits 237—238
Selberg zeta function, quantum observables, diagonal matrix elements 224—226
Selberg, A. 202(152) 358
Self-consistent field ab initio computations, para-difluorobenzene cation (p-DFB) 87—88
Self-consistent field ab initio computations, Rydberg states 42—43
Seligman, T.H. 112(37) 271(37) 324—325(37) 354
Selzle, H.L. 95(183) 104
Semiclassical quantization, atomic systems 268—269 324—341
Semiclassical quantization, atomic systems, highly excited electronic states 324—327
Semiclassical quantization, atomic systems, hydrogen negative ion 327—337
Semiclassical quantization, classical chaos, periodic orbits and quantum spectra 341—344
Semiclassical quantization, classical dynamics 146—175
Semiclassical quantization, classical dynamics, mechanical systems 153—164
Semiclassical quantization, classical dynamics, phase space linear stability 146—153
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