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Marder M.P. — Condensed matter physics
Marder M.P. — Condensed matter physics

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Название: Condensed matter physics

Автор: Marder M.P.


This new work presents for the first time in decades a sweeping review of the whole field of condensed matter physics. It consolidates new and classic topics from disparate sources, teaching "not only about the effective masses of electrons in semiconductor crystals and band theory, but also about quasicrystals, dynamics of phase separation, why rubber is more floppy than steel, electron interference in nanometer-sized channels, and the quantum Hall effect."
Six major areas are covered-atomic structure, electronic structure, mechanical properties, electron transport, optical properties, and magnetism. But rather than defining the field in terms of particular materials, the author focuses on the way condensed matter physicists approach physical problems, combining phenomenology and microscopic arguments with information from experiments. For graduate students and professionals, researchers and engineers, applied mathematicians and materials scientists, Condensed Matter Physics provides:
* An exciting collection of new topics from the past two decades.
* A thorough treatment of classic topics, including band theory, transport theory, and semiconductor physics.
* Over 300 figures, incorporating many images from experiments.
* Frequent comparison of theory and experiment, both when they agree and when problems are still unsolved. * More than 50 tables of data and a detailed index.
* Ample end-of-chapter problems, including computational exercises.
* Over 1000 references, both recent and historically significant.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 928

Добавлена в каталог: 04.12.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Hard spheres      103
Harrison construction      192
Harrison, W.A.      192
Hartree equation      204 223
Hartree — Fock equations      205—214
Hartree, D.R.      204 226
Haselwimmer, R.K.W.      839
Hass, K.C.      838
Hassager, O.      408
Hassani, S.      849 852
Hauey, R.J.      3 5 15
Haupt, U.      633 635
Hauptman, H.A.      68
Hayakawa, H.      838
Hayes, T.M.      130
hcp      see "Lattices hexagonal
He II      see "$^{4}He$
Heaviside, O.      563 581
Heavy atom      64
Heavy fermions      150 772 773
Hebard, A.F.      838
Heberle, J.      341 706
Hecht, J.      596 606
Heeger, A.J.      514 516 623 635 780
Heine, V.      232 258 259 275 285 667
Heisenberg model      750—752
Heisenberg model, antiferromagnetic ground state      753
Heisenberg model, ferromagnetic ground state      753 776
Heisenberg uncertainty principle      220
Heisenberg, W.      155 750 780
Heitler — London calculation      745—748
Heitler, W.      746 748 780
Helicon waves      665
Heller, P.      697 705
Henderson, D.      129
Henisch, H.K.      524 558
Hennion, B.      779
Henry, C.H.      652 667
Henry, J.Y.      839
Hensel, J.C      595 606
Herbst, J.F.      705
Hermanson, J.      668
Hertz, H.      561 581
Hessel, J.F.C.      17 47
Heterostructures      548—555
Hetherington, J.H.      781
Hetler, W.      746 748
Heubener, R.P.      478
Hewat, A.W.      837
Hewat, E.A.      837
Hewson, A.C.      763 780
Hexagonal close-packed      see "Lattices"
Hexagonal lattice      see also "Lattices"
Hexagonal lattice, symmetry points of      180
Hexatics      357
Heyraud, J.C.      4 15
Hg (mercury), superconductivity      783
Hill, R.      388 409
Himpsel, F.J.      667 668
Hirschfelder, J.O.      286
Hirst, L.L.      705
Hirth, J.P.      373 558
Hockey, B.      94
Hodby, J.W.      635
Hoddeson, L.      17 41
Hoelzl, J.      520 558 653 667
Hoflund, G.B.      667
Hofmann, J.A.      679 705
Hofstadter, D.R.      727 742
Hohenberg, P.C.      214 226 706
Holes      413 419 453 459 461
Holes, heavy      527 588
Holes, light      527 588
Holstein — Primakoff representation      754
Holstein, T.      754 780
Homopolymer      110
Honeycomb lattice      see "Lattices"
Hong, J.M.      440
Hopfield, J.J.      652 667
Hopping term      198
Horn, P.M.      515
Hotop, H.      269 286
Houston functions      422 439
Hsieh, T.C.      668
Hubbard model      772—776 779
Hubbard model, exact one-dimensional solution      773
Hubbard model, half filling      776
Hubbard model, mean field theory      773—776
Hubbard model, two-dimensional phase diagrams      775
Hubbard, J.      772 780
Huckestein, B.      780
Huefner, S.H.      667
Huffman, D.R.      130
Hume-Rothery, W.      286
Humphreys, J.      349
Hund's rules      710—713 715
Hutchison, J.L.      373
Hydrogen-bonded solids      280
Hyperscaling relation      701
i, $\sqrt {-1}$      44
i, integer      207
i, Miller index      51
I, scattering intensity      45
I, stress invariants      386
Iafrate, G.J.      440
Icosahedral symmetry      115
Ideal diode equation      545
Ignorance and error      574
Il'inskii, Y.      565 581
Illini, T.      667
Imer, J.M.      668
Impurities      488
Impurities in tight-binding model      492
Impurities, compensated      488 492
Impurities, deep      489
Impurities, non-compensated      488 499
Impurities, one dimension      493 498
Impurities, shallow      489
Impurities, three dimensions      493 498
Impurities, two dimensions      493 498
Imry, Y.      552 558
Incommensurate potential      510
Indirect exchange      752
Indirect gap      526 602
Inelastic structure factor      332
InSb, excitons      594
InSb, optical absorption      589
Insulators, defined in single-electron theory      246
Insulators, dielectric function      567
Insulators, optical properties      609—634
Insulators, table of magnetic properties      676
integrated circuits      69 125 549
Interfaces, coherent      70
Interfaces, commensurate      70
Interfaces, geometrical description      69—73
Intermetallic compound      89
International notation      33
Interplanar spacing      71 83
Interstitial alloy      89
Invar      326 327
Inversion layer      549 728
Ionic crystals, cohesive energy      269—272
Ionic crystals, optical modes      613—623
Ionic crystals, table of cohesive energies      273
Ionic crystals, table of dielectric properties      619
Ionization of dopants      531
Ionization potentials, table for selected molecules      211
Ipatova, I.P.      340
Irreducible zones      179
Isaacs, E.D.      667
Isihara, A.      478 780
Ising model      703
Ising model, exact solution in one dimension      703
Ising model, exact solution in two dimensions      682
Ising model, mean field solution      682—684
Ising model, no exact solution in three dimensions      682
Ising model, table of critical exponents      698
Isoelectronic      488
Isothermal compressibility      696
Isotropic solids      290
j, $j_{l}$, Bessel function      242
j, $\vec{j}$, current density      95
j, integer      102
J, magnetic exchange coupling constant      682
j, Miller index      51
J, stress invariants      387
J, total current      79
Jackson, J.D.      45 60 68 581
Jacobs, I.S.      691 706
Jaeger, H.M.      301 303
Jaklevic, R.C.      798
Janot, C.      124 130
Jastrow wave function      736
Jayaprakash, C.      781
Jellium      212
Jellium, cohesive energy      275
Jellium, density functional theory      217
Jellium, ferromagnetism      761
Jellium, Hartnee — Fock theory      212
Jensen, E.      656 667
Jensen, L.H.      68
Jiles, D.      706
Jin, Y.      743
Joannopoulos, J.D.      286
John, S.      575
Johnson noise      488
Johnson, E.J.      589 607
Johnson, J.B.      488 515
Joint density of states      588 648
Jones, R.O.      226
Jongh, L.J.      695 706
Jorgensen, J.D.      838
Josephson effect      see "Superconductivity Josephson
Josephson relation      701
Josephson, B.D.      796 838
Joshi, S.K.      340
Julian, S.R.      839
Jurgens, J.M.      839
k, $k_{B}$, Boltzmann's constant      43
k, $k_{F}$, Fermi wave vector      138
K, $K_{T}$, isothermal compressibility      696
k, $\vec{k}$ space      139
k, $\vec{k}$, Bloch wave vector      156
K, $\vec{K}$, reciprocal lattice vector      49
k, $\vec{k}$, wave vector      44
k, $\vec{k}\cdot\hat{P}$ method      417
K, fcc Brillouin zone symmetry point      170
K, hexagonal Brillouin zone symmetry point      171
k, Miller index      51
K, stress intensity factor      368
Kadanoff, L.P.      729 578 581
Kagan, Y.M.      337 340
Kahn, F.J.      130
Kajewski, J.J.      837
Kamerlingh Onnes, H.      783 838
Kane, E.O.      589 607
Kanzaki, H.      607
Karn, P.W.      399 409
Kartheuser, E.      619 635
Kasper, J.S.      124 730
Kastner, M.A.      558
Kawasaki, T.      743 840
Kaxiras, E.      775 780
KCl, absorption and emission data      629
Keesom, W.H.      389
Keldysh, L.V.      565 581 595 607
Keller, D.      82 85
Kelton, K.F.      95 130
Kelton, R.F.      130
Kelvin, W.T.      317 340
Kepler's conjecture      103
Kevan, S.D.      667
Key      343
Keyes, R.W.      558
Khalatnikov, I.M.      409
Khokhlov, A.R.      130 379 409
Khurana, A.      705
KI, Urbach tail      633
Kimerling, L.C.      607
Kincaid, B.M.      130
King-Smith, R.D.      68 286
Kip, A.F.      606
Kirby, R.K.      341
Kirkpatrick, T.R.      515
Kittel, C.      606 780
Kivelson, S.      201 202 635
Kleinman, L.      230 259
Klingshirn, C.F.      607
Knapp, J.A.      667
Knipping, P.      44 68 305
Knox, R.C.      607
Knudsen cells      76
Kobayashi, K.      607
Koch, A.J.      130
Koechner, W.      607
Koenig, S.H.      341
Koerling, M.K.      286
Kohler, J.S.      350 374
Kohn anomalies      336
Kohn — Sham equations      218—220 232
Kohn, W.      202 226 340 515
Kohn, W., analytic structure of bands      201 202
Kohn, W., anomalies      336
Kohn, W., density functional theory      214
Kohn, W., Kohn — Sham equations      219
Kohn, W., shallow impurity states      489
Kojima, T.      286
Kolenbrander, K.D.      607
Kolomeisky, E.B.      781
Kondo effect      763—772
Kondo effect, resistivity      771
Kondo effect, scaling solution      770
Kondo effect, scaling theory      779
Kondo effect, specific heat      772
Kondo temperature      770
Kondo, J.      763 781
Kontorova, T.      348 350 373
Koopman's theorem      223
Kortan, A.R.      117 125 130
Kosevich, A.M.      440
Koster, G.F.      170 184 237 259
Kosterlitz — Thouless — Berezinskii transition      356—363
Kosterlitz, J.M.      356 373
Kotliar, G.      780
Koumoto, K.      478
Kouwenhoven, L.P.      558
Kozlov, A.N.      607
Kr, band structure      249
Kramer, B.      515
Kramers — Kronig relations      568—573 578
Krauth, W.      780
Kresse, G.      xxii 251 253 259 281 286
Krieger, J.B.      440
Krishnamurthy, H.R.      781
Krishnan, K.S.      481 515
Krishnan, R.S.      340
Kronig — Penney model      166 181 182
Kronig, R.      166 184
Krumhansl, J.A.      515
Krusius, M.      781
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