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Marder M.P. — Condensed matter physics
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Название: Condensed matter physics
Автор: Marder M.P.
Аннотация: This new work presents for the first time in decades a sweeping review of the whole field of condensed matter physics. It consolidates new and classic topics from disparate sources, teaching "not only about the effective masses of electrons in semiconductor crystals and band theory, but also about quasicrystals, dynamics of phase separation, why rubber is more floppy than steel, electron interference in nanometer-sized channels, and the quantum Hall effect."
Six major areas are covered-atomic structure, electronic structure, mechanical properties, electron transport, optical properties, and magnetism. But rather than defining the field in terms of particular materials, the author focuses on the way condensed matter physicists approach physical problems, combining phenomenology and microscopic arguments with information from experiments. For graduate students and professionals, researchers and engineers, applied mathematicians and materials scientists, Condensed Matter Physics provides:
* An exciting collection of new topics from the past two decades.
* A thorough treatment of classic topics, including band theory, transport theory, and semiconductor physics.
* Over 300 figures, incorporating many images from experiments.
* Frequent comparison of theory and experiment, both when they agree and when problems are still unsolved. * More than 50 tables of data and a detailed index.
* Ample end-of-chapter problems, including computational exercises.
* Over 1000 references, both recent and historically significant.
Рубрика: Физика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2000
Количество страниц: 928
Добавлена в каталог: 04.12.2013
Операции: Положить на полку |
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V, voltage 79
Vacancies 386 488 624
Vacancies, table of energies 625
Vacuum tubes 519
Vainshtein, B.K. 36 41 68
Valatin, J.G. 817 840
Vamanu, D. 705
Van Alphen, P.M. 433
van Dam, H. 781
Van Den Berg, G.J. 780
van der Laan, G. 663 668
van der Marel, D. 558
Van der Waals interaction 265 283 389
Van der Waerden, B.L. 341 607
van Elp, J. 667
Van Harlingen, D.J. 840
van Houten, H. 551 558
van Hove correlation function 100
Van Hove singularities 160—162 319 588 589
van Karman, T. 305
Van Leeuwen's theorem 707
van Leeuwen, H.-J. 707 743
van Vleck paramagnetism 717
van Vleck, J.H. 706 707 716 743
van Wees, B.J. 550 558
Vanderbilt, D. 68 286
Vanderkooy, J. 441
Variational principles 187 205 225 813 850—852
Varma, C.M. 831 840
Vaterlaus, A. 781
Vedernikov, M.V. 478
Verlet algorithm 98 125
Verlet, L. 98 131
Vespignani, A. 85
Vetterling, W.T. 848
Vettier, C. 839
Vicentini-Missoni, M. 698 702 706
Vinen, W.F. 399 410
Vinokur, V.M. 837
Virial expansion 114
viscosity 404
Viscosity, due to polymers 384
Viscosity, dynamic 377
Viscosity, table for selected fluids 378
VO, insulator 659
Vogel — Fulcher law 104
Vollhardt, D. 479
Volovik, G.E. 410
Volume expansion coefficient 325
von Klitzing, K. 728 743
von Laue, M. 43 68 305
von Meyenn, K. 259
von Neumann's law 127
von Neumann, J. 128
Vortices 406
Vortices in 398—400
Vortices in superconductors 793 794
Vortices, classical 399
Vortices, quantized 399 794—795
Vugmeister, B.E. 636
Vulcanized rubber 298
Vuorio, M. 781
W (tungsten), Fermi surface 436
W, , scattering transition rate 483
W, fcc Brillouin zone symmetry point 170
W, plastic work 388
w, Wannier function 195
W, wave packet 160
W, width of disorder potential 501
Wachs, A.L. 657 668
Wagner, H. 355 374
Walecka, J.D. 578 581
Walker, I.R. 839
Wallis, R.F. 340 341
Wanklyn, B.M. 779
Wannier functions 195 200 604 751
Wannier functions, ambiguity 197
Wannier functions, Peierls substitution 740
Wannier functions, polarization 611
Wannier — Stark ladders 432
Wannier, G.H. 202
Wannier, G.H., Mott — Wannier excitons 591
Wannier, G.H., Wannier functions 185
Wannier, G.H., Wannier — Stark ladders 432
Want, J. 85
Warren, J.L. 341
Waseda, Y. 102 131
Washboard potential 799
Washburn, S. 516
Wave function for correlated electrons, 396
Wave function for correlated electrons, fractional quantum Hall effect 736
Wave function for correlated electrons, superconductivity 813
Wave packets 160 425—429 439
Wave packets, sketch 426
Weaire, D. 128 131 259 285 558
Weak disorder 504
Weak localization 514
Weart, S. 41
Weaver, J.H. 131 558
Webb, M.B. 74 86
Webb, R.A. 516
Weber, T.A. 286
Wei, S. 330 341
Weinberg, S. 785 840
Weiss, G.H. 340
Weiss, P. 682 706
Weiss, R.J. 705
Weisskopf, V.F. 259
Weissman, M.B. 706
Wentzel — Kramers — Brillouin approximation 78 422
Wertheim, N.R. 789 840
Westering, J. 667
Westra, C. 668
Wetting 73
Wheatley, J.C. 404 410 478
Wick's theorem 333
Widom, B. 698 706
Wiedemann — Franz law 415 455
Wiedemann, G. 415 441 455
Wiegmann, P.B. 763 782
Wigner crystals 275
Wigner — Eckart theorem 712
Wigner — Seitz cell 8 10 139
Wigner — Seitz cell, bcc lattice 22
Wigner — Seitz cell, fcc lattice 21
Wigner — Seitz radius 280
Wigner, E. 184 227 259 286 374
Wigner, E., Breit — Wigner factor 338
Wigner, E., exchange functional 220
Wigner, E., first band structure calculation 229
Wigner, E., group notation 178
Wigner, E., key and glass 343
Wigner, E., Wigner crystals 275
Wigner, E., Wigner — Seitz cell 10
Wilczek, F. 794 840
Wilde, G. 105 131
Wilks, J. 410
Willardson, R.K. 607
Williams, E.J. 90 129 690 705
Williams, G.P. 658 668
Williamson, J.G. 558
Willis, R.F. 781
Wilson, A.H. 246 259 479 763 782
Wilson, K.G. 692 706 764 782
Witten, T.A. 84 86 131
WKB approximation see "Wentzel — Kramers — Brillouin approximation"
Wohlfarth, E.P. 706
Wolf, D. 86
Wolf, E.L. 78 86
Wolf, H.C. 636
Wolfe, J.P. 607
Wolff, P.A. 646 668
Wolkow, R. 81 86
Wollan, E.O. 68
Wollman, D.A. 840
Wong, K.C. 440
Wong, K.W. 667
Woods, A.D.B. 410
Wooten, F. 131
Work functions 519—520
Work functions, optical measurements 651—654
Work functions, scanning tunneling microscopy 78
Work functions, table of values 653
Work functions, versus chemical potential 519
Work hardening 387
Wortis, M. 86 782
Wortis, M., equilibrium crystals 84
Wortis, M., magnon bound states 756
Wright, D.C. 231
Wright, W.H. 839
Wu, D.T. 95 131
Wu, F. 773 781
Wurtzite see "ZnO"
Wyckoff, R.W.G. 19 23 25—27 29 36 41 65 68 286
X, fcc Brillouin zone symmetry point 170
x, position component 20
X-rays, coloration of NaCl 623
X-rays, first scattering experiment 44
X-rays, inelastic scattering 650 651
X-rays, interaction with matter 60
X-rays, photoemission 658
X-rays, production of 55 60
X-rays, scattering from superlattices 90
X-rays, synchrotron 61
XPS see "Photoemission X-ray
Xu, Y. 667
Y, , spherical harmonic 232
y, position component 20
Y, Young's modulus 43 293
YAG, yttrium aluminum garnet 600
Yaglom, A.M. 410
Yamada, H. 743 840
Yang, W. 226
Yano, S. 743 840
Yarnell, J.L. 328 341
YBCO see " "
Yennie, D.R. 743
Yeomans, J. 782
Yeshurun, Y. 840
Yethiraj, M. 759 782
Yield stress 386
Yip, S. 86
Yonezawa, F. 104 131
Yoon, C.O. 516
Young's modulus 293 301
Young, A.P. 356 374 705
Young, R.A. 67
Yu, C.C. 780
Yu, E.T. 558
Yu, P.Y. 530 548 558 571 581
Yue, W. 220 226
Yuval, G. 779
Z, atomic number 62
Z, conduction electrons per atom 147
z, coordination number 101
Z, partition function 143
z, position component 20
Z, thermoelectric figure of merit 457
Zachariasen, W.H. 107 131
Zak, J. 441
Zaleski, S. 131
Zalkin, A. 67
Zallen, R. 131
Zangwill, A. 73 86 524 558
Zeidler, E. 849 852
Zeiger, H.J. 606 607
Zener tunneling 422—425
Zener, C. 425 441
zero point energy 389
Zero sound 472—474 478
Zero sound, attenuation 474
Zero sound, measured in 474
Zhao, Q. 220 227
Zhe, Z. 838
Zheludev, I.S. 636
Zhu, J.G. 705
Zimm model 381
Zimm, B.H. 381 382 410
Zimmerman, W. 409
Zinc oxide see "ZnO"
Zinc sulfide see "ZnS"
Zincblende see "ZnS"
Zirnan, J.M. xxii 131 259 479 484 500 516
Zn, band structure energy 279 283
Zn, Fermi surface 252
ZnO, insulator 659
ZnO, structure 28
ZnO, table of similar compounds 29
ZnS, structure 26
ZnS, table of similar compounds 27
Zok, F.W. 373
Zone refining 89
Zunger, A. 220 227 516