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Ticciati R. — Quantum field theory for mathematicians |
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525 527 529
525 527 529
decays 525—530
function 642
function at two loops 658
function 548
matrices 205 207
renormalization 594
-theory 295
-theory, renormalization 295—301
-theory 93 668
-theory, normal ordering 29
-theory, renormalization 270—294
-theory, RGE 644—652
model 502
Model, abelian anomaly 503
vacua 435
'Later on the left' rule 191 219
't Hooft gauge 406
1PI diagram 292
1PI Green function 292 294 295
1PI Green function, RGE 661
Abelian anomaly 419—425 553
Abelian anomaly theorem 421
Abelian anomaly, Model 503
Abelian anomaly, QCD 476 503
Abelian anomaly, Ward identity 561
Abelian Lie algebra 144
Action of Lie algebra 57 141
Action, Lorentz group 137
Adjoint action 138
Adjoint representation 142
Affine connection 263
Alternating tensors 361
Amplitude 107
Amplitude, interference 197
Amplitude, relative sign 194 219
Amplitude, trace trick for squaring 197
Angular momentum and parity 235
Angular-momentum operator 66 182 183—185
Annihilation operator 16
Annihilation operator, time-dependent 21
Annihilation operator, wave-packet 279—280 303 310
Anomalous Jacobian 423 476 629
Anomalous magnetic moment 591
Anomalous symmetry 412
Anomaly 49
Anomaly, axial rotation 424
Anomaly, axial U(1) 475—478
Anomaly, BRS current 629
Anomaly, chiral coupling 426
Anomaly, fermion currents 415—417
Anomaly, lepton and baryon numbers 473
Anomaly, local 425—428
Anomaly, massless fermion 436
Anomaly, scalar theories 414
Anomaly, Standard Model 471
Anomaly, trace condition 427
Anomaly, triangle diagram 428
Anomaly, vector coupling 425
Anti-particle 71
Anti-symmetric Lorentz tensors 163
Anti-symmetric representations of SU(3) 450
Anti-unitary operator 74
Arcwise connected 429
asymptotic freedom 656 657
Asymptotic series 258
Atiyah — Patodi invariant 365
Attraction between opposite charges 258
Axial current 558—562
Axial current, regularization 476
Axial current, Schwinger regularization 552
Axial gauge 383 393
Axial U(1) anomaly 475—478
Axial-vector mesons 481
Axial-vector mesons, leptonic decays 496
Axion 478
Background Dirac field 301
Background field 270
Bare Lagrangian 288
Bare Lagrangian, non-dependence on renormalization scheme 639
Bare, coupling 118
Bare, field 117
Bare, mass 118
Bare, parameters 288
Baryon 480
Baryon decays 525—530
Baryon decuplet 481
Baryon number 470
Baryon number, violation 473
Baryon octet 481
Baryon octet, magnetic moments 488—491
Baryon octet, matrix 486
Baryon, quark wave functions 490
Baryon, structure 484—485
Berezin 619
Bianchi identities 431
Binomial ordering 335
Block-diagonal form 389
Bogoliubov 600
Bohm — Aharanov effect 249
Boost of Weyl spinors 167
Born approximation 110 111
Bose symmetry 14
Bosons 164
Box operator 21
BPHZ procedure 600
Breit — Wigner peak 325
Bremsstrallung 589
BRS current anomaly 629
BRS transformation 617—619
BRS transformation, matter fields 628
BRS variation 619
BRS variation, Faddeev — Popov action 622
Cabibbo angle 469
Callan — Symanzik equation 634
Campbell — Hausdorff formula 62 336
Canonical anti-commutation relations 178 216
Canonical commutation relations 9 16
Canonical momentum 22 26 45
Canonical momentum, Dirac 215
Canonical momentum, fermions 173
Canonical momentum, vector 248
Canonical momentum, Weyl spinor 177
Canonical momentum, Yang — Mills theory with fermions 391
Canonical quantization 22—29
Canonical quantization, conserved quantities 43
Canonical representation 31
Canonical transformation 85
Cartan subalgebra 144 150
Cartan subalgebra, su(3) 439
Casimir operator 68 153
Cauchy characteristics 660
Causality 19 20
Center of energy law 66
Center of mass frame 124
Charge 51
Charge conjugation 70—72 209
Charge conjugation, Dirac fields 230—233
Charge conjugation, Weyl fields 170
Charge of complex field 52
Charge, eigenquark 470 518
Charge, eigenstate 51
Charged particle 52
Chern — Simons term 431 476
Chiral, covariant derivative 366
Chiral, current 425
Chiral, fermions 426
| Chiral, flavor SU(3) 530
Chiral, SU(2) symmetry 501
Chiral, symmetry 426
Chiral, symmetry of QCD 475
Classical background 271
Classical Electromagnetism 249
Classical fermions 364 418
Classical limit 24 179
Classical mechanics 22
Cluster expansion 93
COLOR 438 465
Color, singlets 482
Color, symmetry 444—445
Commutative Lie algebra 144
Complete set of independent fields 250
Complete set of operators 21
Completeness relation, Dirac spinor 214
Completeness relation, polarization vector 251
Completeness relation, quantum mechanics 329
Completeness relation, Weyl spinor 176
Complex field 52
Complexification of a Lie algebra 149
Component (topology) 429
Composite operator 552
Compton scattering 259—261 587
Confinement scale 480 658
Confining 656
Conjugate momentum see "Canonical momentum"
Conjugate representation 439 484
Conjugate representation, so(1, 3) 161
Connected Green functions 292
Connected Wick diagram 93
Connection one-form 263 385
Conservation law - multiplicative 73
Conserved current 46 59 180 217 391
Conserved quantity 43 46 59
Conserved quantity, action of 50 60
Conserved quantity, canonical quantization 43
Conserved quantity, quantum 49
Consistent anomaly 427
Constituent quarks 491
Contraction 85
Contraction, derived fields 256
Contraction, Dirac fields 218
Contraction, Fermi fields 186
Contraction, Weyl fields 187
Coulomb gauge 259
Coulomb potential 258
Counterterm Lagrangian 288
Counterterm Lagrangian, QED 566
Counterterm renormalization 593 603 632
Coupling renormalization condition 294 309
Covariance 340 343 359
Covariance, Bose fields 344
Covariance, Fermi fields 363
Covariance, matrix 357
Covariant anomaly 427
Covariant conservation 392 425
Covariant derivative 263 265 386 389 391
Covariant derivative, electroweak 458
Covariant derivative, hermitian 264
cp 241
CP, Standard Model 470
CP, strong interactions 475
CPT invariance 70
CPT invariance of amplitudes 116
CPT invariance of field theory 77
CPT on amplitudes 109
CPT on diagrams 108
CPT on Feynman integrals 242—244
Creation operator 16
Creation operator, Lorentz normalization 16
Creation operator, time-dependent 21
Creation operator, wave-packet 279—280 303 310
Cross section 130
Cross section, high-energy approximation 131
Crossing 114
Current algebra - axial current 558
Current conservation 266
Current octet matrix 487
Current quark 491
Curvature tensor 387
Dalitz Plot 126—128 526
de Broglie 662
Decay rate 128
Decay rate, deviation from exponential law 320
Decay rate, unstable particle 325
Decay width 128
Decay, 525—530
Decay, 464
Decay, 522
Decay, 516
Decay, 519
Decay, 520
Decay, 503—505
Decay, suppression factors 518
Decay, tauon 515
Degree of a representation 142
Delta functional 30 379
Delta functions - products of 107
Derivative interaction 119 255
Derivative interaction, Feynman rule 355
Diagonalization theorems 200—202
Differential cross section 129
Differential geometry 387
Differential transition probability 122
Dimensional regularization 544
Dimensional regularization, and 551
Dimensional regularization, axial current 558
Dimensional regularization, integral formulae 546
Dimensional regularization, mass parameter 545
Dimensional regularization, numerator substitutions 545
Dimensional transmutation 633
Dirac adjoint 203
Dirac adjoint of matrix 210
Dirac algebra 206 208
Dirac algebra, D dimensions 549—551
Dirac algebra, formulae 222—223
Dirac algebra, projections 211
Dirac algebra, representation 208—209
Dirac equation 206 207
Dirac field 203 215—221
Dirac field, renormalization 302—309
Dirac field, self energy 307
Dirac field, table of particles 218
Dirac magnetic moment 525 591
Dirac mass term 171 200 203
Dirac plane waves 212
Dirac polarization spinor 212
Dirac polarization spinor, completeness relations 214
Dirac polarization spinor, discrete symmetries 242
Dirac polarization spinor, normalization relations 214
Dirac polarization spinor, phase ambiguity 214
Dirac representation 208
Direct sum of Lie algebras 141
Direct sum of representations 142
Disconnected Feynman diagram 291
Disconnected Wick diagram 93
Discrete symmetries 70—78
Discrete symmetries, Dirac fields 230—244
Discrete symmetries, Fermi bilinears table 240
Discrete symmetries, photon field 267
Discrete symmetries, polarization-spinor phases 242
Distribution theory 184
Divergence, disjoint 603
Divergence, logarithmic 117
Divergence, nested 603
Divergence, overlapping 604
Dyson's formula 274
Effective interaction 608 621 623
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