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Prasolov V., Solovyev Y. — Elliptic functions and elliptic integrals |
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, Serret's curve 95
as identically equal to 5
-function, Dedekind's 160
, Dedekind's -function 160
the length of 55
, the Weierstrass function 32
Abel 26 68 140
Abel's theorem 140
Algebraic addition theorem 49
am u, the amplitude 47
Amplitude 47
Automorphisms, trivial 101
Axes, principal 58
Basis of transcendentality 78
bernoulli 68
Bernoulli's lemniscate 25 68
Bernoulli, Nicholas 40
Birch 125
Blow-up 93
Bring 147
Cassini 67
Cassini's ovals 68
Chain 76
cn u 47
Complex multiplication 101
conic 1
Conjugate (diameters) 58
Cubic 1 131
Cubic, nonsingular 16
Curve, algebraic 1
Curve, elliptic associated with Serret's curve 97
Curve, Serret 95
Dedekind function 160
Descartes 103
Diagram, Newton 99
Diameters, conjugate 58
Diophantine equation 103
Diophantus 103
Division of arcs 55
Division of the arc "by half" 56
dn u 47
Domain, fundamental 173
Doubly periodic function 29
Duality, projective 18
Duplication of the arc 56
E( ), the set of rational points on the curve E 115
E( ) 43
Eisenstein 68 84
Eisenstein's theorem 85
Element, primitive 139
ellipse 25
Elliptic integral 43 54
Elliptic Jacobi functions 46 47
Equation, cubic 131
Equation, general 140
Equation, modular 166
Equation, quartic 131
Equation, resolving 136
Equation, solvable in radicals 140
Euclid 103
Euler 25 64 68
Euler formula 12
Exponential 50
F( ) 43
f( ) 155
Fagnano 25 60 68
Fagnano's theorem 56
Fermat 104 118
Fermat primes 68
Field, normal or Galois 140
Form, Legendre 42
Form, Weierstrass 16 42
Formula, Euler 12
Fueter 118
Function, doubly periodic 29
Function, elliptic 29
Function, elliptic Jacobi 31 47
Function, meromorphic 29
Function, Weierstrass 31 32
Fundamental domain 173
Fundamental parallelogram 29
Galois field 140
Gauss 26 68
Generic lines 18
Generic points 18
Genus of the curve 98
Group of substitutions 140
Group, torsion of the elliptic curve 124
Hasse, H. 126
hermite 131
Hesse curve 13
hessian 13
Holzer 109
Inflection point 13
Integral, elliptic 43 54
Involution 89
j( ) 169
J-invariant 101
jacobi 26
Jacobi elliptic function 31
| L-function of a rational elliptic curve 126
Lagrange's resolvent 135
legendre 26 60 107
Legendre form 42
Legendre's Theorem 41
Leibniz 40 145
Lemniscate 67
Lemniscate, Bernoulli 25 68
Lexicographically ordered monomials 133
Lines, generic 18
Main theorem on symmetric polynomials 133
Mazur 128
Mazur's theorem 128
Meromorphic function 29
Mesiriac 104 118
Mestre 125
Method of secants 104
Modular equation 166
Moebius transformation 159
Mordell 118 119
Mordell's Theorem 119
Multiplicity 93
Newton diagram 99
Normal field 140
Normal form, Weierstrass' 16
Normal forms of a nonsingular cubic 16
Number, congruent 111
Numbers, complex, odd 81
Odd complex numbers 81
Order of a point 114
Order of the elliptic function 31
Ovals, Cassini 68
Pappus's Theorem 5
Parallelogram, fundamental 29
Pascal's theorem 1 4
Picard's big theorem 51
Pluecker, J. 7
Poincare, A. 119
Point, fixed 89
Point, inflection 13
Point, nonsingular of the curve 12
Point, simple 93
Point, singular 93
Point, the order of 114
Points, generic 18
Primitive element 139
Primitive root 137
Principal axes 58
Projective duality 18
Projective plane 9
Quartic 131
Rank of the elliptic curve 124
Rationality field 140
Reduction of the curve modulo p 125
Regiomontanus 103
Resolvents, Lagrange's 135
Resolving equation 136
Resultant 14
Rosen 68 86
Ruffini, Paulo 140
Serret 64
Serret's curve 95
Serret's Theorem 62
Serret, Joseph-Alfred 61
Set, Zorn closed 76
sn u 47
Solution, integer 103
Solution, Rational 103
Steiner, J. 7
Sum of points 1
Swinnerton-Dyer 125
symmetric 133
Symmetric polynomials, elementary 133
Tangent to the curve 12
Theorem, Abel 140
Theorem, algebraic addition 49
Theorem, Eisenstein 85
Theorem, Fagnano 56
Theorem, Legendre 41
Theorem, Mazur 128
Theorem, Mordell 119
Theorem, on symmetric polynomials, main 133
Theorem, Pappus 5
Theorem, Pascal 1 4
Theorem, Picard's big 51
Theorem, Serret 62
Theorem, Vieta 166
Theorem, Weierstrass 50
Theta constants 151
Theta functions 150
Tors E( ) 124
Trace 123
Transcendentality, basis of 78
Transformation, fractional linear 159
Transformation, Moebius 159
Transformation, Tschirnhaus 146
Tschirnhaus's transformation 146
Vieta theorem 166
von Tschirnhaus, E.W. 145
Weber 131
Weierstrass form 16 42
Weierstrass function 31 32
Weierstrass' theorem 50
Wiles, A. 126
Zagier 89
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