Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Stallings J.R. — Group theory and three-dimensional manifolds |
Предметный указатель |
, free product with amalgamation 29—30
, cohomology based on cochains modulo finite cochains 22
, cohomology based on finite cochains 22
, normal subgroup 29—30
, coboundary 37 49
19 23
null set, 36
, homotopy group, 48
, homotopy group, A(G) 36
Adjoint functor theorem 27
Bicollared 5
Bipolar structure 7 30
Boolean algebra, ring in which all elements are idempotent chain condition 50 52 53
Dehn's Lemma-Loop Theorem 2 5 11
Distributive lattice 52
Eilenberg — Ganea Conjecture 58
End of a graph 8
End of a group 9 36
Free product 6
Free product with amalgamation 6 28
G*H, free product 29—30
Graph 8 48
Graph of a group with respect to a set 48
| Grushko's theorem 5 6
Indecomposable 8
Interleaving 19
Interleaving, 48
Interleaving, 38
Interleaving, 52
Interleaving, 38
Interleaving, E(G) 37
Interleaving, F(G) 37
Interleaving, Q(G) 37
Irreducible = indecomposable 30 31
Isotropy group 44
Jordan — Hoelder theorem 53
Kneser's conjecture 5 16
Kneser's Lemma 14
Lefschetz fixed-point theorem 61
Narrow cochain 9 50
Pregroup 6 18
Reduced word 19
Reduction (of 2-manifold in 3-manifold) 14
Serre conjecture 58
Sphere theorem 2 4 59
Three-mapifold 4
Torsion-free 58
Tree of groups 28
Two-sided = bicollared universal group 20 27
Width of graph 49
Word 19
X*A, interleaving 19
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