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Dwork B. — Lectures on P-Adic Differential Equations |
Предметный указатель |
Abelian differential 175
Adolphson, A. 6 34 251 287
Analytic element 122
Analytic factor 232
Analytic, continuation 123
Artin — Hasse series 242
Baldassarri, F. 3 87
Barsky, D. 247
beta function 250
Bounded analytic function 121
Bounded solutions 116 126
Boyarsky function 246
Boyarsky, M. 242 247
Canonical lifting 6 168 178 188—190 217
Cartier operator 43 97 99 197
Clark, D. 243
Connection, , 8 27
Contiguity relation 175
Contractive 123
Critical annulus 188 220
Deformation 64
Deligne, P. 4 6
Diamond, J. 7 264 284 285
Dieudonne 159
Differential of first kind 175
Differential of second kind 177
Divisor 176
Dwork, B. 7 240 247 293
Euler, constant 284
Euler, integral 175 297
Exponents 12 137
Frobenius structure 2 57 106 284
Fuchs, L. 137
Gamma function 242 246
Gauss 175
Gauss, multiplication formula 249
Gauss, norm 73
Gauss, sums 247
General residue class 117 122
Generic residue class 4
Goursat, E. 13
Gross, B. 247
Growth of solutions 2 4 116 124 147 190 192
Hasse invariant 108 294
Heiligman, M. 7
Honda, T. 7
Hypergeometric function 1 30
Indicial polynomial 137
Inner disk 211
Inverlible solution matrix mod p 130
Irreducibility 11
Kaiz, N. 242
| Koblitz, N. 7 247 264
Kummer, E. 243
L-function 287
Lang, S. 242
Lazard, M. 240
Logarithmic derivative, 122
Logarithmic growth 5 147
Logarithmic singularity 268 280
Lubin.J. 6
Lutz, E. 1
Mittag-Leffler, G. 50
Monsky, P. 293
Morita, Y. 246
Newton polygon 173 179 189 233
Nilpotent differential equation 137
Nonsplit 113
Normalization solution matrix 117 187
Ordinary residue class 5 174
Pairing 16 17 50
Phi operator 41
Polarized pair 188
Principal part 15
Projection 15
Psi operator 39 73
Radius of convergence 4 68 108
Ratio of solutions, 121 122 127 195 200
Reducibility 11
Reduction theory 8
Regular singularity 12
Reich, D. 289 291—293 299
Representative 246
Robba, P. 7 146 158
Semilinear transformation 159
Semisimple 220
Singular disk 264 272
Singularity 137
Solution matrix 108
Solution mod p 130
Solution mod p power 145
Split 113
Stickelbcrger, L. 247
Superadmissible, lifting 168
Superadmissible, set 168
Supersingular 1 2 5 174 185
Symplectic structure 31 70
Tate, J. 1
Teichmiiller character 289
TYPE 113
Unspilt 113
Watson, G. 243
Weil, A. 294
wronskian 137
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