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Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman — University physics with modern physics
Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman — University physics with modern physics

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Íàçâàíèå: University physics with modern physics

Àâòîðû: Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman


Refining the most widely adopted and enduring physics text available, University Physics with Modern Physics, Twelfth Edition continues an unmatched history of innovation and careful execution that was established by the best selling Eleventh Edition. Assimilating the best ideas from education research, this new edition provides enhanced problem-solving instruction, pioneering visual and conceptual pedagogy, the first systematically enhanced problems, and the most pedagogically proven and widely used homework and tutorial system available. Mechanics, Waves/Acoustics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, Modern Physics. For all readers interested in university physics.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2008

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1622

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 28.11.2013

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Uncertainty (error)      8—10
Uncertainty principle      1355—1359
Underdamped circuits      1050—1051
Underdamping      441
Uniform circular motion in vertical circle      163—164
Uniform circular motion, dynamics of      158—159
Uniform circular motion, force in      159
Uniform circular motion, nonuniform circular motion vs.      90—91
Uniform circular motion, overview      88—90
Uniform circular motion, projectile motion vs.      89
Uniform circular motion, satellites and      394
Uniform circular motion, simple harmonic motion and      422
Unit vectors      20—21
units of measurement      see also "SI (International System) units"
Units of measurement, British system      6
Units of measurement, cgs metric system      120
Units of measurement, consistency in      6—7
Units of measurement, conversions      7—8
Units of measurement, defined      4
Units of measurement, order-of-magnitude estimates and      10—11
Units of measurement, prefixes for      5—6
Units of measurement, significant figures in      9—10
Units of measurement, types of      4—5
Units of measurement, uncertainty in      8—9
Universal constants      384
Universe, expanding      1532—1538
Unpolarized light (natural light)      1135
Unstable equilibrium      235
Unwinding cables      299—301 321—322
Upsilon      1529
Uranium      264—265 639 1484—1485 1498
Urey, Harold      1326
Vacancies      848 1445
Vacuum ("Thermos") bottles      597
Vacuum tubes      1455
Vacuum, capacitors in      817—818
Vacuum, finding leaks in      931
Vacuum, magnetic energy density in      1040
Vacuum, Maxwell's equations and      1094
Vacuum, speed of light and      1124—1125 1269—1270
Valence bands      1446
valence electrons      1420 1423 1445
Validity range      2
Van Allen radiation belts      927
Van de Graaff electrostatic generator      769
van der Meer, Simon      1521
van der Waals bond      1435
Van der Waals equation      615—616 638
Van der Waals interaction      434—435 616 1445
van der Waals, J.D.      616
vapor pressure      643
Vaporization      587
Variable-mass raindrop      284
Vector (cross) product      21 24—26 318
Vector addition of electric forces on line      720
Vector addition of electric forces on plane      721
Vector addition with components      18—19
Vector addition, overview      13—15
Vector fields      724 919
Vector magnetic field      958 961
Vector magnetic moment      937
Vector quantities, acceleration as      43 75
Vector quantities, average velocity and      37 40
Vector quantities, defined      11
Vector quantities, electromagnetic waves      1107
Vector quantities, force as      108
Vector quantities, impulse as      249
Vector quantities, momentum as      248 254 257 331
Vector quantities, torque as      318
Vector relative-velocity equation      95
Vector subtraction      14
Vector sum (resultant)      13 18
Vectors, acceleration      43 74—79
Vectors, angles of      16
Vectors, angular acceleration as      290
Vectors, angular velocity as      288—289
Vectors, antiparallel      12
Vectors, Commutative law      13
Vectors, component      15—20 109
Vectors, current and      848 933
vectors, defined      36
Vectors, direction of      11 16—17 36
Vectors, magnitude of      11—13 16—17
Vectors, momentum as      251—252
Vectors, Negative of      12
Vectors, overview      11—13
Vectors, parallel      12
Vectors, position      35 72—74
Vectors, Poynting      1106—1108
Vectors, products of      21—26
Vectors, torque      318—319
Vectors, unit      20—21
Vectors, vector relative-velocity equation      95
Vectors, velocity      72—74
Vectors, zero      25
Veil Nebula      1545
Velocity by integration      57—59
Velocity in simple harmonic motion      425—428 430—431
Velocity selector      929
Velocity vectors      72—74
Velocity, acceleration and      43
Velocity, angular      285—290
Velocity, average      37—41 72—74
Velocity, components parallel to      77—78
Velocity, components perpendicular to      77—78
Velocity, constant      111—113
Velocity, defined      11
Velocity, drift      847
Velocity, fluid flow and      466
Velocity, free-fall motion and      56
Velocity, instantaneous      39—43 72—74
Velocity, linear      287
Velocity, Lorentz transformations      1285—1286
Velocity, muzzle      69
Velocity, particle      496—497 537
Velocity, phase      494
Velocity, projectile motion and      79—87
Velocity, relative      91—95 263 1269
Velocity, sector      397—398
Velocity, speed vs.      293
Velocity, typical magnitudes      39
Velocity, vector relative-velocity equation      95
Velocity, wave      537
Velocity, x-t graphs      42—43
Venturi meter      471
Verne, Jules      392
Vertex      1161
Vertical circles      162 163 220—221
Vertical simple harmonic motion      432—433
Very Large Array (VLA)      1255
Very Large Baseline Array (VLBA)      1265
Very-large-scale integration (VLSI)      1460
Vibration in sodium crystal      1389—1390
Vibration of molecules      434—436 618 621
Vibration, bridges and      443
Vibration, mechanical waves and      512—513
Vibration, periodic motion and      420—422
Vibration, sound waves and      536 542—545 547
Vibration, thermal expansion and      577
Vibrational energy levels      1438—1440
Vibrational motion      627 628
Viola      514
Violin      512 514
Virtual focal point      1166—1167
Virtual images      1158 1164
Virtual objects      1180 1202
Virtual photons      1513
viscosity      466 472—475
Visible light      1095
Vision, defects of      1186—1189
Vitreous humor      1186
VLA (Very Large Array)      1255
VLBA (Very Large Baseline Array)      1265
VLSI (Very-large-scale integration)      1460
Volcanic eruption      81—82 479
Volta, Alessandro      788
Voltage, capacitors and      1068
Voltage, defined      788
Voltage, Hall      943
Voltage, Ohm's law and      855
Voltage, root-mean-square      900—901
Voltage, terminal      859
Voltage, transformers and      1081
Voltage, voltage amplitude      1062 1065
Voltage, voltmeter and      893
Voltmeters, ammeters and      893—894
Voltmeters, defined      860
Voltmeters, example      861
Voltmeters, overview      893
Volts      787 790—791
Volume charge density      727
Volume expansion coefficient      578 579—580 611
Volume flow rate      467
Volume of gas      613
Volume strain (bulk strain)      366—367
Volume stress (bulk stress)      363 366—367
Volume, constant      see "Constant-volume processes"
Volume, converting units      8
Volume, phase change and      580
Volume, work done during changes in      647—649
von Laue, Max      1423
Walking, natural pace for      439
Walking, Newton's third law and      127
Walking, typical speed for      8
Walking, walking the plank      358
Waste heat      675
Water molecules      266—267 735 938
Water pressure in homes      470
Water strider      465 675
Water, boiling      656
Water, Evaporating      589
Water, Kelvin scale and      575
Water, mixing ink and      696
Water, phase changes      586
Water, specific heat of      583 585
Water, supercooled      588
Water, thermal expansion of      580
Watt      199 717
Watt, James      199
Wave crests      1123 1208 1286
Wave equation for free particles      1364—1365
Wave equation, defined      497 1100
Wave equation, derivation of      1099—1101
Wave equation, Maxwell's equations and      1096
Wave equation, wave interference and      505—507
Wave equation, wave motion and      500
Wave fronts      1096 1122—1123
Wave functions for longitudinal waves      497
Wave functions for particle in a box      1376—1377
Wave functions for potential wells      1383
Wave functions for sinusoidal waves      491—496
Wave functions, additive property of      506
Wave functions, defined      491 1350
Wave functions, graphing      493—494
Wave functions, harmonic oscillators      1388—1389 1390
Wave functions, hybrid      1435
Wave functions, hydrogen      1408
Wave functions, interpretation of      1362
Wave functions, Schroedinger equation and      1361—1367
Wave intensity      504—505 537
Wave motion      488—492 500—502 533
wave number      493 1364
Wave packets      1366—1367
Wave propagation      491—492 496 503
Wave pulse      489—490 505—507
Wave speed on a string      498—502
Wave speed, calculating      501—502
Wave speed, defined      489
Wave speed, index of refraction and      1125
Wave-particle duality of light      1338—1339
Wavelength of hydrogen spectrum      1315
Wavelength of sonar waves      534—535
Wavelength of sound waves      1242
Wavelength of tight      1242
Wavelength, continuous spectra      1334—1338
Wavelength, de Broglie      1350—1352
Wavelength, defined      490
Wavelength, Doppler effect and      555
Wavelength, electron microscope      1360
Wavelength, interference and      1208
Wavelength, line spectrum and      1308
Wavelength, x-ray spectra and      1423
Waves on clothesline      495—496
Waves, "doing the wave"      489
Waves, coherent      1208—1211
Waves, energy in motion of      502—505
Waves, graphing      493—494 529
Waves, infrasonic      528
Waves, interference of      505—507 548—550
Waves, light as      1122 1127
Waves, mathematical description of      492 493—497
Waves, normal modes of a string      511—515
Waves, P-waves      62
Waves, particles as      1349—1374
Waves, periodic      489—491
Waves, power in      503—504
Waves, propagation of      1122—1123
Waves, radio      487 556—557 1213—1214
Waves, reflected      505
Waves, S-waves      62
Waves, scattering of      1251
Waves, seismic      487
Waves, shock      558—560
Waves, sonar      534—535
Waves, standing, on a string      487 507—511
Waves, superposition principle and      1208
Waves, transverse      488—490 498—502 1097 1133
Waves, traveling      508 548—549 1106
Waves, two-dimensional      523
Waves, ultrasonic      528
WCCO radio station      1117
Weak interaction      164 1520
Weakly Interacting Massive particles (WIMPS)      1537
Weber      924
Weber, William      924
Weight of roomful of air      457—458
Weight, defined      108
Weight, gravitation and      163 388—390 403—405
Weight, measuring      122—123
Weight, molecular      584
Weight, Newton's laws of motion      120—123
Weight, true      403 404
Weightlessness, apparent      145—149 394 405
Weightlessness, true      394
Weightlifter      184—185
Weinberg, Steven      1530
Wentzel, Gregor      1399
Westinghouse, George      1061
Wheatstone bridge      913
Whips, cracking      559
White dwarf stars      1467
White noise      532
Wide-angle lens      1183
Wien displacement law      1335—1336
Wilson, Robert      1545
WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles)      1537
Wind instruments      487 514 543—546
Wind turbines      330
Wind-chill factor      596
Wire chambers      1519
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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