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Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman — University physics with modern physics
Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman — University physics with modern physics

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Íàçâàíèå: University physics with modern physics

Àâòîðû: Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman


Refining the most widely adopted and enduring physics text available, University Physics with Modern Physics, Twelfth Edition continues an unmatched history of innovation and careful execution that was established by the best selling Eleventh Edition. Assimilating the best ideas from education research, this new edition provides enhanced problem-solving instruction, pioneering visual and conceptual pedagogy, the first systematically enhanced problems, and the most pedagogically proven and widely used homework and tutorial system available. Mechanics, Waves/Acoustics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, Modern Physics. For all readers interested in university physics.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 28.11.2013

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Resolving power      1253—1256
Resonance angular frequency      1078
Resonance curve      547 1079
Resonance frequency      1078
Resonance in alternating-current circuits      1077—1080
Resonance width      1090
Resonance, defined      546 1077—1078
Resonance, forced oscillations and      443—444
Resonance, parallel      1089
Resonance, sound and      546—548
Response curve      1079
Rest energy      1293—1295 1495
Rest frames      1275
Rest mass      1289
Restoring force      420—421
Resultant (vector sum)      13 18
retina      1186
Reverse bias      1457 1458
Reversed images      1160
Reversible processes, adiabatic      693
Reversible processes, defined      674
Reversible processes, entropy in      692—694
Rifle recoil      255 256
Right-hand rule for angular momentum      331 332
Right-hand rule for electromagnetic waves      1099
Right-hand rule for moving charge      958—959
Right-hand rule, angular velocity and      288
Right-hand rule, applying torque      318
Right-hand rule, defined      24
Right-hand rule, gyroscope      339
Right-handed system      25
Rigid bodies, angular acceleration      285—290 319—322
Rigid bodies, angular momentum of      332—333
Rigid bodies, angular velocity      285—290
Rigid bodies, defined      285
Rigid bodies, energy in rotational motion      296—301
Rigid bodies, equilibrium problems      358—363
Rigid bodies, linear and angular kinematics      293—296
Rigid bodies, moment-of-inertia calculations      303—305
Rigid bodies, parallel-axis theorem      301—303
Rigid bodies, rotation about moving axis      323—329
Rigid bodies, rotation with constant angular acceleration      290—292
Rigid bodies, torque for      319—322
Ring of charge, electric charge and      797—798
Ring of charge, electric field of      730
Ring of charge, electric potential and      803
Ring of the Nibelung      1151
rms (root-mean-square) speed      622—624
Rocket propulsion      270—272
Rods      383 304 1185 1186
Roentgen, Wilhelm      1250 1484
Rolling bodies without slipping      324—326
Rolling bodies, acceleration of      327—328
Rolling friction      155 326 328—329
Root-mean-square (rms) current      1063—1064
Root-mean-square (rms) speed      622—624
Root-mean-square (rms) values      1063—1064
Root-mean-square (rms) voltage      900—901
Rossing, Thomas D.      1231
Rotation axis for rigid bodies      323—329
Rotation axis, angular acceleration      290
Rotation axis, center of mass and      302
Rotation axis, changes in direction      288 294
Rotation axis, fixed      290 333
Rotation axis, moment of inertia for      297
Rotation axis, torque and      319—320
Rotation of earth      403—405
Rotation with constant angular acceleration      290—292
Rotation, angular velocity and acceleration      285—290
Rotation, diatomic molecules and      627
Rotation, energy in      296—301
Rotation, equilibrium and      355
Rotation, fixed-axis      285
Rotation, kinetic energy and      627
Rotation, linear and angular kinematics      293—296
Rotation, moment-of-inertia calculations      303—305
Rotation, parallel-axis theorem      301—303
Rotation, translation and      323—329
Rotational energy levels      1436—1440
Rotational inertia      297
Rotational kinetic energy      297—301 627
Rotational motion, angular acceleration for rigid bodies      319—322
Rotational motion, angular momentum      331—337
Rotational motion, defined      627
Rotational motion, gyroscopes      337—340
Rotational motion, precession      337—340
Rotational motion, rigid-body rotation about moving axis      323—329
Rotational motion, torque      316—319
Rotational motion, torque for rigid bodies      319—322
Rotational motion, work and power in      329—331
Rothschild, M.      174
rotors      941
Rounding      9
Rounding a curve      160—162
Rubbia, Carlo      1521
Rule of Drepez and Trouton      704
Rule of Dulong and Petit      585 628—629
Rulings (lines)      1246
Rutherford scattering experiments      1320—1322
Rutherford, Emest      1320 1468 1484 1510
Rydberg atom      1431
Rydberg constant      1315 1325
s-waves      62
Sagittarius Dwarf      1533
Salam, Abdus      1530
Salt, table      713
Sandia National Laboratories      825
Santa Claus      1166
Satellites, Doppler effect and      557
Satellites, energy for orbiting      1404
Satellites, gravitation and      383
Satellites, holding in orbit      163
Satellites, moment of inertia and      303
Satellites, motion of      393—396
Satellites, uniform circular motion      88
Saturation      1476
Saturation current      1456
saturation magnetization      980
Saturn      383 1202
Scalar (dot) product      21—24
Scalar quantities, defined      11
Scalar quantities, overview      11—14
Scalar quantities, power and      199
Scalar quantities, pressure as      364
Scalar quantities, products of vectors      21—22
Scalar quantities, tensile stress as      364
Scalar quantities, work as      183 185
Scanning electron microscopes      1361
Scanning tunneling microscopes      1383 1386
Scattering of alpha particles      1320
Scattering of light      1142—1144
Scattering of waves      1251
Scattering of X-rays      1330—1334
Scattering, Compton      1332—1334
Scattering, Rutherford experiments      1320—1322
Schrieffer, Robert      1460
Schroedinger equation for hydrogen atom      1402—1303
Schroedinger equation, atomic structure and      1510
Schroedinger equation, boundary conditions and      1351
Schroedinger equation, central-field approximation and      1418
Schroedinger equation, defined      1363—1364
Schroedinger equation, exclusion principle and      1418
Schroedinger equation, harmonic oscillators      1392
Schroedinger equation, hydrogenlike atoms      1408—1409
Schroedinger equation, particle in a box      1376—1377
Schroedinger equation, potential wells      1381
Schroedinger equation, wave functions and      1361—1367
Schroedinger equation, Zeeman effect and      1410
Schroedinger, Erwin      1350 1364
Schwarzschild radius      406—407
Schwarzschild, Karl      406
Scientific (powers-of-10) notation      9—10
Scintigram      1491
Scintillation      1320
Scissors      363
screening      1421—1423
Screwdrivers      320
Scuba tanks      614
Search coils      1000
Sears Tower building (Chicago)      200
Seashells      547
Seawater as conductor      806
Seawater, as conductor      806
Seawater, density of      457 464 641
Seawater, saltiness of      1420
second      5—6 29
Second condition for equilibrium      355
Second law of thermodynamics, Carnot cycle      684—690
Second law of thermodynamics, directions of thermodynamic processes      673—675
Second law of thermodynamics, entropy      690—697
Second law of thermodynamics, heat engines      675—678
Second law of thermodynamics, internal-combustion engines      678—680
Second law of thermodynamics, overview      682—683 684
Second law of thermodynamics, refrigerators      680—682
Second postulate on relativity      1269—1270
Second-order lines      1246
secondary      1080—1081
Secondary rainbows      1156
Sector velocity      397—398
Segre charts      1478 1484
Segre, Emilio      1478
Seismic waves      487
Selection      1531
Selection rules      1412—1413 1439
Self-excited oscillation      444
Self-induced emf, calculating      1038
Self-induced emf, changes be current and      1036
Self-induced emf, defined      1034
Self-inductance      1034—1038
Semi-major axis      397
Semiconductor devices      1455—1460
Semiconductor lasers      1330
Semiconductors for electronic devices      619
Semiconductors, compensated      1454
Semiconductors, defined      714
Semiconductors, energy band      1446—1447
Semiconductors, Hall effect and      943
Semiconductors, intrinsic      1453
semiconductors, N-type      1454—1455
Semiconductors, overview      1452—1455
semiconductors, P-type      1454—1455
Semiempirical mass formula      1477
Separation of variables method      1402
Series connections, capacitors in      820—821
Series connections, direct-current motor      942
Series connections, resistors in      882—886
Series L-R-C circuit, alternating-current circuits and      1070—1074
Series L-R-C circuit, inductance and      1049—1051
Series L-R-C circuit, power in      1077
Series L-R-C circuit, resonance in      1077—1078
Sharks      456
shear modulus      365 368
Shear strain      367—368
Shear stress      363 367—368
Shell model      1476—1478
shells      1405 1419—1421 1478
Sherrer, Paul      1354
Shin bone stress      381
SHM (simple harmonic motion)      see "Simple harmonic motion"
Shock absorbers      441
Shock hazards      901 1088
Shock waves      557—560
Short circuits, overview      901—902
Short circuits, power in      867
Short circuits, source with      861—862
Short-range order      618 1441
Shotguns      181
Shunt resistors      892
Shutter      1183
SI (International System) units for acceleration      120
SI (International System) units for activity      1487
SI (International System) units for amperes      966
SI (International System) units for amplitude      420
SI (International System) units for density      457
SI (International System) units for electric constants      717
SI (International System) units for entropy      691
SI (International System) units for force      6 108 120
SI (International System) units for frequency      420 1094
SI (International System) units for gravitational forces      385
SI (International System) units for impulse      249
SI (International System) units for intensity      1107
SI (International System) units for Kelvin scale      575
SI (International System) units for kinetic energy      188
SI (International System) units for mass      116 120
SI (International System) units for moment of inertia      297
SI (International System) units for momentum      248
SI (International System) units for mutual inductance      1032
SI (International System) units for period      420
SI (International System) units for power      199
SI (International System) units for pressure      458
SI (International System) units for resistance      854
SI (International System) units for stress      364
SI (International System) units for torque      317
SI (International System) units for volts      787
SI (International System) units for work      182 188
SI (International System) units of electric constants      717
SI (International System) units of Planck's constant      1323
SI (International System) units, British system of units      6
SI (International System) units, current flow      848
SI (International System) units, defined      4
SI (International System) units, sievert as      1489
SI (International System) units, unit prefixes      5
Sievert      1489
Sign rules      1159
Significant figures      9—10
Silence, sound of      543
Silicon      618 629 1452
Simple cubic lattice      1441
Simple harmonic motion (SHM), acceleration in      425—428 430—431
Simple harmonic motion (SHM), amplitude in      424
Simple harmonic motion (SHM), angular      433—434
Simple harmonic motion (SHM), angular frequency and      423—425
Simple harmonic motion (SHM), applications of      432—436
Simple harmonic motion (SHM), circular motion and      422—424
Simple harmonic motion (SHM), defined      421
Simple harmonic motion (SHM), displacement in      425—428
Simple harmonic motion (SHM), energy in      428—432
Simple harmonic motion (SHM), frequency and      424—425
Simple harmonic motion (SHM), momentum in      431—432
Simple harmonic motion (SHM), overview      421—428
Simple harmonic motion (SHM), period in      424—425
Simple harmonic motion (SHM), sinusoidal waves and      489 496
Simple harmonic motion (SHM), velocity in      425—428 430—431
Simple harmonic motion (SHM), vertical      432—433
Simple machines      208
Simple magnifier      1190
simple pendulum      436—439
Simultaneity, relativity of      1272—1273
Sine function      487
Single-loop circuits      888—889
Single-slit diffraction      1236—1243 1355—1357
Sinusoidal current      1062—1064
Sinusoidal waves      1361
Sinusoidal waves, acceleration in      496—497
Sinusoidal waves, defined      487 489
Sinusoidal waves, electromagnetic      1101—1106
Sinusoidal waves, energy in      1109
Sinusoidal waves, fields of      1102—1103
Sinusoidal waves, longitudinal waves      491 528
Sinusoidal waves, monochromatic light and      1208
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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