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Koepf W. — Hypergeometric summation. An algorithmic approach to summation and special function identities
Koepf W. — Hypergeometric summation. An algorithmic approach to summation and special function identities

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Название: Hypergeometric summation. An algorithmic approach to summation and special function identities

Автор: Koepf W.


In this book, modern algorithmic techniques for summation — most of which have been introduced within the last decade — are developed and carefully implemented via computer algebra system software (which can be downloaded from the Web; URL is given in the text).

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 120

Добавлена в каталог: 24.11.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
intdiffrule(F,t,S(n,x))      204
Integer-linear      12
Integral formula of Cauchy      207
Integral representation, Bateman      202
Integral representation, Bateman functions      205
Integral representation, Bessel functions      205
Integral representation, Beta function      6 199
Integral representation, Euler      201
Integral representation, Gamma function      4 196
Integral representation, generating function      210
Integral representation, Kummer hypergeometric function      203
Integral representation, Legendre polynomials      207
Integral representation, Rodrigues formula      207
Integral sum identity      203
Integration rule      175
Integration rule, Bessel polynomials      181
Integration rule, Jacobi polynomials      176 181
Integration rule, Legendre polynomials      176
Integration, contour      207
Integration, definite      183 194
Integration, indefinite      183
INTERFACE      215
intrecursion(F,t,S(n))      197
isolve      64 78
Jackson identity      92 122
Jacobi polynomials      120 181
Jacobi polynomials, integration rule      176 181
Jacobi polynomials, parameter derivative      121
Jacobi polynomials, Rodrigues formula      212
k-balanced hypergeometric series      43
k-free recurrence equation      45
kfreereec(f,k,n,kmax,mnax)      49
Krawtchouk polynomials      115
Kummer hypergeometric function      14 30
Kummer hypergeometric function, integral representation      203
Kummer identity      32 84
Kummer identity, q-analogue      92 122
Kummer transformation      42 171
Laguerre polynomials      51
Laguerre polynomials, differential equation      181
Laguerre polynomials, generalized      56 58 179 180
Laguerre polynomials, generalized, derivative rule      180
Laguerre polynomials, generalized, generating function      211
Laguerre polynomials, generalized, parameter derivative      120
Laguerre polynomials, generalized, Rodrigues formula      209
Laguerre polynomials, q-analogue      56 122
Legendre functions, associated      180
Legendre polynomials      1 22 42 101 178
Legendre polynomials, derivative rule      174 178
Legendre polynomials, differential equation      2 168
Legendre polynomials, exponential generating function      213
Legendre polynomials, generating function      2 212
Legendre polynomials, integration rule      176
Legendre polynomials, q-analogues      60
Legendre polynomials, recurrence equation      2 46 57
Legendre polynomials, Rodrigues formula      1 207
Legendre polynomials, Schlaefli's integral      205 207
Little q-Legendre polynomials      55 122
Little q-Legendre polynomials, recurrence equation      60
Lower parameters of hypergeometric series      13
m-fold antidifference      124
m-fold hypergeometric term      124
Macsyma      VI
MAP      49
Maple share library      24 180
Mathematica      VII
Meixner polynomials      115
Mgfun package      VII
Monic polynomial      141
Natural bounds of definite sum      13 23
Nearly-poised hypergeometric series      43
Non-natural bounds      104
Noncommutative factorization      144 152
normal      14 49 109 192
Number of derangements      159
Operator, differential      199
Operator, holonomic      111
Operator, shift      110
Option remember      139
Optional argument of a Maple procedure      49
Ordinary differential equation      164
Orthogonal polynomials, classical      181
Orthogonal polynomials, classical discrete      115
Parameter derivative, Jacobi polynomials      121
Parameter derivative, Laguerre polynomials      120
Pascal triangle      51
Petkovsek algorithm      140
Petkovsek algorithm, q-analogue      158
Pfaff transformation      39 171
Pfaff — Saalschuetz identity      32 84
Pochhammer symbol      5
pochhanmer(a,k)      98
Polynomial part      53 62 110
Polynomial resultant      64 184 189
Polynomial solutions of recurrence equations      140
Polynomials, Bateman      59
Polynomials, Bessel      181
Polynomials, big q-Legendre      56 122
Polynomials, Charlier      115
Polynomials, continuous q-Legendre      56 122
Polynomials, Fasenmyer      58
Polynomials, Gegenbauer      179 212
Polynomials, Hahn      115
Polynomials, Hermite      59 180 181 211
Polynomials, Jacobi      120 176 181 212
Polynomials, Krawtchouk      115
Polynomials, Laguerre      51 56 58 120 179—181 209 211 213
Polynomials, Legendre      1 22 42 46 57 101 168 174 176 178 205 207
Polynomials, little q-Legendre      55 60 122
Polynomials, Meixner      115
Polynomials, monic      141
Polynomials, orthogonal      181
Polynomials, orthogonal, discrete      115
Polynomials, q-Laguerre      56 122
Polynomials, Wilson      116
Power series      13
primedispersion(q,r,k)      66
print      215
Probability integral      9
Proper hypergeometric term      53 110
Proving identities      82 99 127 173 203
q-analogue      26
q-binomial coefficient      26
q-binomial theorem      26 92 122
q-brackets      26
q-Chu — Vandermonde identity      43 60 90 91 113 122 158
q-cosine function      177
q-derivative operator      176
q-Dixon identity      92 122
q-Dougall identity      92 122
q-exponential function      177
q-factorial      26
q-gamma function      26
q-Gauss identity      40 43
q-Gosper algorithm      75
q-hypergeometric database      40
q-hypergeometric function      25
Q-hypergeometric series      25
q-hypergeometric term      25
q-hypergeometric transformation      122
q-Kummer identity      92 122
q-Laguerre polynomials      56 122
q-Legendre polynomials, big      56 122
q-Legendre polynomials, continuous      56 122
q-Legendre polynomials, little      55 60 122
q-Petkovsek algorithm      158
q-Pfaff — Saalschuetz identity      40 60 92 113 122
q-Pochhammer symbol      25
q-sine function      177
q-Vandermonde identity      60 90 91 113 122 158
q-WZ method      90
q-Zeilberger algorithm      113
qbinomial(n,k,q)      40
qbrackets(k,q)      40
qfactorial(k,q)      40
qfasenmyer(term,q,k,S(n),kmax,nmax)      56
qGAMMA(k,q)      40
qgosper(term,q,k)      75
qphihyperterm(upper,lower,q,x,k)      40
qpochhammer(a,q,k)      40
qratio(expr,k)      40
qrecsolve(rec,q,S(n))      158
qsimpcomb(expr)      40
qsum package      VII 40 56 75 113 158 177 214
qsum.mpl      VII 40 214
qsumdiffeq(F,q,k,S(x))      177
qsumrecursion(F,q,k,S(n))      113
Quadratic transformation      180
Quoting in Maple to release assignments      89
Quoting in Maple, dummy variables      96
qWZcertificate(F,k,n)      90
radnormal      192
ratio(a,k)      24 37
Rational certificate of Almkvist — Zeilberger algorithm      195
Rational certificate of continuous Gosper algorithm      193
Rational certificate of extended Gosper algorithm      138
Rational certificate of extended WZ method      129
Rational certificate of hypergeometric term      72
Rational certificate of q-WZ method      90
Rational certificate of WZ method      85
Rational certificate of Zeilberger algorithm      103
Rational factorization      21 64 157
Rational-linear arguments      12 134
rec2hyper(rec,s(n))      154
rec2poly(rec,s(n))      146
rechyper(rec,s(n))      161
recpoly(rec,s(n))      160
Recurrence equation of discrete orthogonal polynomials      115
Recurrence equation, Apery numbers      101 146 155
Recurrence equation, holonomic      2 46
Recurrence equation, hypergeometric function      27
Recurrence equation, inhomogeneous      105 195
Recurrence equation, k-free      45
Recurrence equation, Laguerre polynomials      52
Recurrence equation, Legendre polynomials      2 46 57
Recurrence equation, little q-Legendre polynomials      60
Reduce      VII 145 200
Reflection formula of F function      6
remember option      139
Resultant of polynomials      64 184 189
resultant(q,r,k)      64
Risch algorithm      61 192
Risch — Bronstein algorithm      183 193
Rodrigues formula      207
Rodrigues formula, generalized Laguerre polynomials      209
Rodrigues formula, Hermite polynomials      211
Rodrigues formula, Jacobi polynomials      212
Rodrigues formula, Legendre polynomials      1 207
rodriguesdiffeq(g,h,n,s(n))      208
rodriguesrecursion(g,h,x,s(n))      208
Saalschuetz identity      32 84
Saalschuetzian hypergeometric series      43
Schlaefli's integral      205 207
seq(f,j=list)      38
share library in Maple      24 180
Shift operator      110
Shift structure      64
Shifted factorial      5
simpcomb algorithm      15
simpcomb(expr)      24
SIMPLIFY      7 14
simplify_gamma algorithm      15
simplify_power algorithm      15
Sine function, q-analogue      177
Solve      45
Stanley identity      41
Stanton conjecture      122
Stirling formula      77
Strehl identity      55
Strictly hyperexponential term      165
subs(a=b,c)      50
sum(a,k)      73
sum(a,k=m..n)      23 37
sum2qhyper(expr,q,k)      40
sumdeltanabla(F,k,s(z))      116
sumdiffeq(F,k,S(x))      168
sumdiffrule(F,k,S(n,x))      174
sumintrule(F,k,S(n,x))      175
Summable, Gosper-      62
Summation by parts      76
Summation, definite      12 80 93
Summation, definite, natural bounds      13 23
Summation, definite, non-natural bounds      23 104
Summation, indefinite      61
sumrecursion(F,k,s(n))      100 119 137
sumrecursion(F,k=a..b,s(n))      105
Sumtohyper(f,k)      38
sumtools package      24 38 74 88 126 137
Support, finite      12 80
Symmetrizing      162
Szekely identity      35
theorem, Favard      59
time()      67
Transformation, Bailey      123
Transformation, Euler      42 171
Transformation, hypergeometric      171
Transformation, hypergeometric, q-analogue      122
Transformation, Kummer      42 171
Transformation, Pfaff      39 171
Transformation, quadratic      180
Transformation, Watson      122
Transformation, Whipple      116 180
traperror      88
update(p,q,r,k)      76
Upper parameters of hypergeometric series      13
Vandermonde identity      3 32 84
varboseproc      215
Watson identity      32 84 131
Watson transformation      122
Weinstein proof of Bieberbach conjecture      108
Well-poised hypergeometric series      43
Whipple identity      32 84 131
Whipple transformation      116 180
Wilf — Zeilberger method      82
Wilson polynomials      116
WZ certificate      85
WZ certificate, extended      129
WZ certificate, q-analogue      90
WZ method      82
WZ method, q-analogue      90
WZcertificate(F,k,n)      88
WZcertificate(F,k,n,m,l)      132
Zeilberger algorithm      93 103
Zeilberger algorithm, q-analogue      113
zeilberger(F,k,s(n))      96
1 2
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