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Moh T.T. — Algebra
Moh T.T. — Algebra

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Название: Algebra

Автор: Moh T.T.


This present book comes from the first part of the lecture notes the author used for first-year graduate algebra course at the University of Minnesota, Purdue University and Peking University. The aim of this book is not only to give the student quick access to the basic knowledge of algebra, either for future advancement in the field of algebra, or for general background information, but also to show that algebra is truly a master key or "skeleton key" to many mathematical problems. The author wishes to present this book as an attempt to re-establish the contacts between algebra and other branches of mathematics and sciences. Many examples and exercises are included to illustrate the power of intuitive approaches to algebra.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 362

Добавлена в каталог: 24.11.2013

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Предметный указатель
Mathematical induction      4
Matrix      52
Matrix form      235
Maximal element      5
Maximal ideal      149
Maximal linearly independent set      166
Maximal principle      153
Maximal subgroup      81
Maxwell equations      51
Mean value theorem      169
Measure theory      256
Metric space      33
Minimal generating set      165
Minimal modular principle      255
Minimal polynomial      229 259
Minkowski metric      235
Minkowski space      235
Module      196
Monic      129 215
Monic polynomial      129
Monk I — Hsing      20
Multiple      9 26 117
Multiple root      130 141
Multiplication table      54
Multiplicative inverse      18
Multiplicative set      113
Mumford      329
Newton      45 132
Newton’s formula      134
Newton’s theorem      132
Nilpotent      129 196 231
Nilpotent group      86
Nine Chapters on Mathematical Arts      38
Noetherian ring      153
Non-Abelian group      74
Non-commutative group      74
Non-degenerate      232
Non-trivial relation      166
Norm      23 322
normal      250
Normal extension      292
Normal series      91
Normal subgroup      74
normalizer      81
Null ring      106
Null space      181
Nullity      181
Odd permutation      97
Onto      1
Orbit      55
Orbit classes      60
Orbit equation      85 86
Orbit form      75
Order      48 110 276
Order ideal      207
Ordering      4
Ordinary differential equation      163
Orientation      230
Orientation of the space      52
Orthogonal      241
Orthogonal matrix      241
Orthonormal      241
Orthonormal basis      237
p-adic numbers      38
p-valuation      34
P.I.D.      118 151 158
Pairwise coprime      20
Partial continuous fractions      8
Partial fractions      301
Partial ordering      4
Partial sum      46
Partition function      213
Pascal      45
Peano      160
Peano’s axioms      6
Perfect field      284
Periodic      46
Permutation group      49
Pigeon Hole Principle      2
Pole      66
Polynomial function      110
Polynomial ring      108
Positive definite      232 242 251
Pre-image      77
Prime complex number      27
Prime decomposition      10 27
Prime element      119
Prime field      275
Prime ideal      149
Prime number      10
primitive      122
Primitive $n$-th root of unity      263
Primitive element      277 289
Primitive n-th root of unity      125
Primitive polynomial      262 277
Principal ideal      150
Principal ideal domain      118 151
Principal ideal ring      118 151
Principal residue      13
Projection      139 182 201 238
Proper subgroup      62
Proper value      224
Proper vector      224
Pure transcendental extension      327
Purely inseparable algebraic element      285
Purely inseparable algebraic extension      286
Quadrature of a circle      267
quantum mechanics      243
Quartic equation      307
Quasi-inner product space      233
Quaternion      53
Quintic equation      307
Quotient      3
Quotient field      111
Quotient group      79
Quotient module      199 200
Quotient ring      147
Quotient set      3 4
Quotient space      164
Radical extension      307
Ramified      30
RANGE      181
Rank      181 202
Rational curve      329
Rational form      217
Rational function field      112
Real numbers      38
Reduced form      254
Reduced residue classes      16
refinement      91
Reflection axis      49
Reflection group      49
Regular polygon      280 300
Representatives      13
Residue classes      13
Resultant      135 141
Right-coset      65
Rigid motion      49
Rigid motion group      49
Ring      10 105
Ring of algebraic integers      23
Ring of polynomials      148
Ring with unit      105
Ring without unit      105
Root      130
Rotation group      50
Row rank      187
Row vector      186
Ruffini      307
Scalar field      160
Scalar multiplication      160
Schreier’s theorem      93
Second isomorphism theorem      90
Seki K$\bar{o}$wa      223
Self-adjoint      235 244
Self-adjoint linear transformation      243
Self-correcting message      103
Semi-group      107
Semi-group ring      107
Separable algebraic closure      288
Separable algebraic element      283
Separable algebraic extension      286
Separable polynomial      283
Sheaf theory      112
Siddh$\bar{a}$nta      157
Signature      242
Similar      192
Simple extension      289
Simple group      94
Simple root      130
Simultaneously diagonalizable      231
Skew symmetric form      232
solvable      95
Solvable Extension      295
Solvable group      91
span      164
Special linear group      53
Spectral theorem of hermitian matrix      246
Spectral theorem of unitary matrix      249
Spectrum set      243
Splitting field      292
Ssu Yuan Yu Chien      116
Stablizer      64
Stifel      45
Subfield      103
Subgroup      62
Submodule      199
Submodules      199
Subring      106
subspace      164
Sun Tzu Suan Ching      20
Surjective      1
Sylow      86
Sylow p-subgroup      87
Sylow theorems      86
Sylvester      135
Symmetric form      232
Symplectic group      54
System of linear equations      109
Tartaglia      307
Tchebycheff      189
Tchebycheff sequence      189
The great remainders      20
Theorem of Jordan canonical forms      196
Third isomorphism theorem      90
topology      149
Torsion decomposition      206
Torsion divisor      206
Torsion element      208
Torsion free module      208
Torsion number      206
Torsion subgroup      208
Torsion submodule      208
Total ordering      4 5
Trace      225 322
Transcendence degree      331
Transcendental basis      327
Transcendental extension      327
Transcendental number      256
Transformation group      82
Translation      49
Translation group      49
TRANSPOSE      54 185
Triangle counting      2
Triangle inequality      33
Triangular      231
Triangularable      231
Trigonometry      156
Trivial relation      166
Tsu Chhung — Chih      9
U.F.D.      120 158
Uncountable      1
Unimodulo      196
union      1
Unique factorization domain      120
Unique factorization theorem      10
UNIT      119
Unit group      49
Unitary      160
Unitary linear transformation      243
Unitary matrix      241
Universal side divisor      152
Upper bound      5
Upper triangular      231
Value      130
Vector      160
Vector space      160
Vieta      9
Wang Hsiao — Tbung      307
Weight      132
Well Ordering Principle      4
Well-defined      13
Weyl      66
Williams      152
Wilson      18
Wilson’s Theorem      18
wronskian      169
Yang Hui      22
Zariski      329
Zero point      130
Zero-divisors      106
Zero-vector      160
Zorn’s Lemma      4 174
1 2
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