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Chandler B., Magnus W. — The history of combinatorial group theory: a case study in the history of ideas |
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Mapping class groups 40 81 176
Markoff, A. 177
Maschke, H. 24 60 194 196
Maskit, B. 12
Massey, W.W. 112
Mathematical journals 61 188
Mathematical societies 60
Matiyasevich, Yu.V. 186
MAX 139
Max n 139 140
McCarthy, D. 34
McCool, J. 85 86 120 202 203
Meet 141
Meier-Wunderli, H. 47
Membership problem 116
Mendelsohn, N.S. 119
Mennicke, J. 36 87
Merohedral 72
Meshing 11
Metabelian groups 125
Mihailova, K.A. 116
Miller, G.A. 7 25 27 60 65 67 76 182 194 200
Milnor, J. 36 87
Min-condition 139
Minimal Schreier System 96
Minkowski, H. 32 58 60 61 76 86 196
Mittag-Leffler, G. 62
Modular group 35
Molien, T. 66
Monodromy group 41
Monomial matrix representations 132
Moser, W.O.J. 8 22 175 194 200 204
Most general group 6
Moufang loops 123
Moufang, R. 122 123 136 137
Multiplicator 46
Multiplier 46 47
n-string braids 176
Neumann, B.H. 36 56 85 99 100 107 109 112 115 120 158—161 182 183 184 185 195 197 198 203
Neumann, H. 46 112 159 197 198
Neumann, P.M. 159
Neuwirth, L.P. 179
Newman, B.B. 119 120
Newman, M.F. 154
Nielsen reduced 84
Nielsen transformation 84
Nielsen, J. 32 40 49 57 81—90 116 120 148 175 176 177 178 195 202 203
Nilpotent group 43 139
Nilpotent of class n 144 157
Noether, E. 30 43 75 139 156
normal 141
Normal form 73
Normal subgroup 72
Novikoff — Boone Theorem 182
Novikov (Novikoff), P.S. 47 48 89 98 154 161 182 190
Oates, Sheila 160
Ol'sanskii, A.Ju. 161
One-relator groups 94
Order-ideal 132 134
Ordungsideal 132
p-adic numbers 173
p-groups 141 142
P.I.-rings 161
Papakyriakopoulos, Ch.D. 18
Parafree 121
Partial differential equations 43
Pascal, E. 65
Peiffer identities 117
Peiffer, Renee 92 116 117
Picard group 35
Picard, E. 43
Pick, G. 35
Pickel, P.F. 43
Poincare conjecture 14 178
Poincare — Birkoff — Witt theorem 150 156
Poincare, H. 11 15 41 53 150 167 193
Poincare, spaces 19
Polycyclic 44 139 179
Pontriagin, L. 138 173
Post, E.L. 182 196
Powell, M.B. 161
Presentation 73 98
Pride, S.J. 120
Principal congruence subgroups 35
Principal ideal theorem 124
Pro-p-group 128
Procesi, C. 42
PRODUCT 73 141
Products of groups 107 141
Projective limit 173
Projective special linear group 74
Q-transformations 115
Rado, T. 89
Ramanujan, S. 58
Ramified 124
Rank 73
Rapaport, E.S. 86 115
Razmyslov, Ju.P. 42
Recursively enumerable 98 181
Reduced 73
Reduced, free 158
Ree, R. 119
references 65
Refinement Theorem 105
Reid, Constance 60
Reidemeister — Schreier method 36 98 131
Reidemeister, K. 13 44 91 92 93 95 96 116 122 134 135 144 151 162 179 195
Reiner, I. 30
Relation identity 117
Relatively free 158
Remak, R. 49
Residually finite 32 42 97
Restricted Burnside problem 153
Reviewing journals 63 188
Riemann, B. 51 53 167 168
Rips, I.A. 149
Ritt, J.F. 43
Robinson, Derek, J.S. 45 139
Root 115
Root problem 115
Rota, G.-C. 101
Rothaus, O.S. 115 184
Rotman, J.J. 182 185
Rules 157
S-groups 179
Safarevic, I.R.(Schafarevitsch) 125 127 128 190
Sandling, R. 149
Sanov, I.N. 141
Sansone, G. 37
| Schemata 15
Schemes 15
Schlesinger, L. 40 64 200
Schmid, W. 44
Schmidt, A. 99
Schmidt, O.(= Schmidt, O.J., Schmidt, O.Ju.) 49 102 103 107
Schoenflies, A. 93
Scholz, A. 127
Schreier system 96
Schreier, O. 27 28 36 42 46 49 83 91 92 93 95—98 108 109 113 122 125 164 195
Schumann, H.G. 133
Schupp, P.E. 86 98 109 110 111 112 120 131 162 184 185 186 203 204
Schur multiplicator 46
Schur, I. 45 46 47 76 164 197
Scott, P. 88
Scott, W.R. 115 184
Seifert — Van Kampen theorem 112
Seifert, H. 28 135 168 179
Seki, Takejiro 164
Selberg, A. 42
Self-conjugate 141
Semidirect product 164
Semigroup 9 48
Serre, J.-P. 36 87 112 127 178
Siegel, C.L. 31
Simple commutator 143
simplex 167
Skew field 136
Small cancellation theory 162 202
Smelkin, A.L. 129
Solitar, D. 10 44 47 98 107 118 119 120 142 154 178
Solvability length 138
solvable 138 144
Special linear group 74
Spelling Theorem 118
Sperner, E. 93 108
Splitting extension 133 164
Splitting group 164
SQ-universal 110
Stable letter 111
Stallings, J.R. 28 172
Stammbach, U. 151
Steinberg, A. 115
STEP 138
Stickelberger, L. 55 56 138 144
Stillwell, J. 168 179 182
Storage 201
Stork, D. 101
Stouff, X. 83
streamlining 202
Stufe 138
Subgroup 72
Subgroup topology 173
Suess, W. 189
Surveys 204
Swan, R.G. 37 139
Symmetry 52
Symplectic group 30 31
Symplectic linear group 74
Tartakovskii, V.A. 162 202
Taussky, O. 127
Tessellations 52
Thompson, J.G. 47
Thompson, Richard J. 185
Threlfall, W. 28 168 179
Thue, A. 54 182
Tietze transformations 16
Tietze, H. 15 16 17 19 53 66 76 82 194
Tiling designs 52
Tits, J. 42
Todd, J.A. 99
Toimieri, R. 180
Torsion coefficients 14 15 16
Torsion, free 73
Torus knots 92
TRANSFER 131 132
Transformations 51
Transformationsproblem 17
Tree products 178
Tretkoff, C. 88 100
Trivial action 165 169
Trivial relators 73
Turing, A.M. 164 182
Ullman, J.L. 12
Ulm, H. 138
Universal enveloping algebra 150
Unpermuted braid group 176
Unsolvable decision problems 181
Utz, W.R. 200
Utzkow, A.T. 108
van Dantzig 173
Van der Waerden, B.L. 47
van Kampen, E.R. 96 112 162 194
Variables 158
Variety of groups 158
Vaughan-Lee, M.R. 161
Veblen, O. 189
Verbal subgroups 158
Verlagerung 131
Vessiot, E. 43
Vogt, H. 41 83 194
Vollinvariant 142
von Dyck, W. 3 5 11 12 15 35 53 63 66 76 113 146 182 183
Wagner, W. 161
Waldhausen, W. 179
Waldinger, H. 37
Wassiliev 63
Weber, H. 63 204
Wehrfritz, B.A.F. 42 174
Weight 143
Weisner, L. 101
Wever, F. 148 159
Weyl, H. 31 196 197
Whitehead, J.H.C. 86 195 197
Whitney — Graustein theorem 67
Wilson, J.S. 36
Wiman, A. 64
Wirtinger, W. 15 18 19 91 92
Witt, E. 133 144 145 150
Word 73
Word problem 17 20 55 89 97 116 162 182
Word subgroup 158
Wreath product 46 160
Wussing, H. 3 5 10 76
Zahlbericht 66 92 128
Zahlsystem 136
Zariski topology 42 174
Zassenhaus, H. 10 93 132 152 163 164
Zeeman, E.C. 188 189
Zerfaellungsgruppe 164
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