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Richards P.I. — Manual of Mathematical Physics |
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Предметный указатель |
Tait equation of state 42
Tangent vector 293
Taylor’s series (multidimensional) 282
Tchebycheff inequality 425
Temperature, concept of 30 39
Temperature, Curie 220
Temperature, Debye 215
Temperature, electron, etc 229
Temperature, fluctuations of 223
Temperature, kinetic 229
Temperature, N el 220
Temperature, thermodynamic 32 34 39
Temperature, thermodynamic, empirical determination of 36 52
Temperature, “negative” 39 221
Temperature-limited electron emission 206
Tensor, analysis 436—446
Tensor, and dyadics 299—300
Tensor, contraction of 440
Tensor, curvature 443
Tensor, densities 444
Tensor, dyadics 299
Tensor, forces 158
Tensor, Gauss’ theorem for 300
Tensor, general definition 439
Tensor, metric 443
Tensor, nature of electromagnetic fields 62 113
Tensor, properties of 440
Tensor, resolution in dyadics 299
Terms and levels (spectroscopy) 160
Th venin’s theorem 96
thermal conductivity 56 57 188
Thermal conductivity, gases, kinetic theory 188
Thermal conductivity, gases, statistical theory 232 233
Thermal conductivity, liquids 250
Thermal conductivity, plasma 235
Thermal conductivity, solids, electronic 244
Thermal conductivity, solids, lattice 248
thermal diffusion 58
Thermal diffusion, statistical theory of 231
Thermal effusion 189
Thermal emission 203 206
Thermal expansion coefficient 37 215
Thermal noise 225
Thermal pressure coefficient 37
Thermal radiation 40 179 202
Thermionic emission 206
Thermodynamic temperature 32 34 39
Thermodynamics 30—59
Thermodynamics, functions of 31—35
Thermodynamics, internal equilibrium 44—53
Thermodynamics, irreversible 53—59
Thermodynamics, irreversible, statistical theory 195—222
Thermodynamics, mass-action laws of 46—50
Thermodynamics, relativistic 119
Thermodynamics, special substances 38—43
Thermoelectricity 55
Theta functions 271
Thick lens equation 79
Third law of thermodynamics 49 198
Thomas precession 127 173
Thomas — Fermi atom 160
Thomas — Kuhn sum rule 141
Thomson cross section 71 180
Thomson heat 55
Time dilation 111
Time-invariant electric circuits 104
Top (quantum), asymmetric 165
Top (quantum), linear 164
Top (quantum), symmetric 164
topology 261 280
torque 6 89
Torsion (of space curves) 293
Total differential equations 352
Total heat (enthalpy) 35
Trace of a dyadic 299
Trace of a matrix 312
Trace of an operator 138 416
Transfer function (of an electric circuit) 104
Transfer-admittance synthesis 99
Transformation of coordinates 4 292 294 396 436—443
Transformation of coordinates, general, in real spaces 436—443
Transformation of coordinates, in unitary spaces 396—398 400
Transformation of coordinates, rotations 292 449
Transformation theory (matrix mechanics) 138
Transformers (electric) 90
Transforms (integral) 322—334
Transforms (integral), approximate inversion of 331—334
Transforms (integral), bilateral Laplace 326—328
Transforms (integral), convolution 332—334
Transforms (integral), Fourier 326—329
Transforms (integral), Hankel 328—330
Transforms (integral), Hilbert 330
Transforms (integral), Laplace 322—328 340 359
Transforms (integral), Mellin 330
Transforms (integral), Stieltjes 328
Transforms (integral), “Z” 353
Transient states 430 431
Transition-probabilities 139 145 431
Transition-probabilities, free-free 182
Transitions of the second-order 52
Transmission (quantum tunnel effect) 149
Transport cross sections 230 375
Transport cross sections, Coulomb 234
Transport equation, Boltzmann 227
Transport equation, for fixed scattering centers 374—377
Transport equation, for fixed scattering centers, approximations for 375—377 431—433
Transport equation, quantum modifications 227
Transport of radiation 189 374—377 431—433
Transport, phenomena 189 225—250
Transpose (of a matrix) 309
Transverse electromagnetic fields 176
Transverse waves 19
Trapezoidal rule 276
Triangular decomposition (of a matrix) 307
Triple point 45
Tristimulus coefficients 82
Trout on’s rule 52
Tunnel effect 149
Turbulence 21
Turbulent flow in pipes 21
Two-component theory 174
Two-quantum process 421
Tyndall effect 71
Umklapp collisions 243
Uncertainty principles 130
Unexpectedness (“information”) 105
Uniaxial crystals 74
Uniform convergence 316
Unit matrix, unit dyadic 303
Unitary matrix 309 399
Unitary matrix, diagonalization of 399
Unitary matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of 399
Unitary matrix, expansion in projection operators 399
Unitary matrix, functions of 400
Unitary operator 415
Unitary representation (of a group) 452
Unitary spaces 393—406
| Unitary transformation 397
Units, electromagnetic 60
Unwarped surfaces 372
V-centers 192
Vacancies (number of) 218
Vacancy-diffusion 240
Vacuum polarization 185
Vacuum tube, admittance matrix of 95
Valence, band 152
Valence, physical interpretation 161
van der Waals, forces 170
van der Waals, forces, London’s approximation 210
van der Waals, gas (equation of state) 41
van’t Hoff equation (osmotic pressure) 53
Vapor pressure, Clausius — Clapeyron equation for 52
Vapor pressure, of electrons in solids 205
Vapor pressure, of van der Waals gas 41
Vaporization, heat of, Trouton’s rule 52
Vaporization, thermodynamics of 51
Variance (of a random variable) 424
Variational derivative 389
Variational methods 388—391 410 414
Variational methods, for second-order differential eigenvalue problems 410—411
Variational methods, for symmetric operators 414
Variational Principle 136 161 414
Variational principle, electromagnetic 67
Variational principle, Lagrange (mechanics) 10 389
Variational principle, quantum mechanical 136 161 414
Variational principle, Rayleigh 136 410
Variational principle, relativistic 117
Vector analysis 290—300
Vector, axial 291 300
Vector, biorthogonal 298 401
Vector, covariant and contravariant 438 443
Vector, Curl of 295 297 300 442
Vector, density 445
Vector, differential equations 344
Vector, differentiation of 292
Vector, differentiation of, in moving coordinates 4 294
Vector, differentiation of, partial 295
Vector, divergence of 295 442
Vector, eigen 398 405
Vector, equations, solutions 292
Vector, function spaces 402
Vector, gradient 295 438
Vector, integrals, integral theorems 296—298
Vector, model (quantum angular momentum) 134
Vector, N-dimensional 300 393
Vector, physical component of 436
Vector, potential 66
Vector, product 290 291 300
Vector, Pseudo 445
Vector, reciprocal 151 298 401
Vector, representation (of a group) 167
Vector, resolution into curl-free and divergence-free parts 297
Vector, six-vector 445
Vector, space-curves and 293
Vector, unitary spaces 393—406
Velocity 3
Velocity, addition, relativistic 111
Velocity, angular 7 293
Velocity, diffusion 228
Velocity, group 153
Velocity, operator (quantum mechanics) 125 126
Velocity, “peculiar” 228
Velocity-potential 22 27
Vibration spectra 155 165—170
Vibrations, normal 11 166
Virial coefficients (expansion) 213
Virial theorem 7 119 214
Virial theorem in quantum mechanics 135
Virtual emission (creation) 185
Virtual states, transitions 145
Visco-elastic media 19
viscosity 20 188
Viscosity, bulk 20 232 233
Viscosity, gases, kinetic theory of 188
Viscosity, gases, statistical theory of 231 233
Viscosity, kinematic 24
Viscosity, liquids 250
Voigt material 20
Volterra integral equation 381
Volume of a figure of revolution 267
Volume, diffusion 240
Volume, force 13
Von Mises’ transformation 25 372
Vorticity 24
Wave, compressional 19
Wave, cylindrical 70
Wave, dilational 19
Wave, electromagnetic 70
Wave, equation (classical) 365—367
Wave, equation (classical), number of resonances of 367
Wave, equation (quantum) 126
Wave, expansion 19 27
Wave, function (quantum) 125
Wave, guided 70
Wave, longitudinal 19
Wave, number 69 149
Wave, partial, method of 146
Wave, plane 70 149
Wave, plasma 236
Wave, rarefaction 27
Wave, shear 19
Wave, shock 16 25
Wave, shock, weak 28
Wave, simple 27 373
Wave, spherical 70
Wave, spin 220
Wave, transverse 19
Wave-diffusion equation 359—368
Weierstrass’ theorem 318
Weight, statistical 197
Wenzel — Kramers — Brillouin — Jordan method 351
White noise 108
Whittaker differential equation (functions) 349
Wiedemann — Franz law 244
Wiener — Hopf integral equation 380
Wiener — Kolmogoroff filtering theorem 105
Wigner, quantum mechanical distribution function 200
WKB method 351
Work 4
Work-hardening 194
wronskian 339
Yield stress, of real solids 194
Young’s modulus 18
Z-transforms 353
Zeeman effect 157
Zero-sum game 433
Zeroth law of thermodynamics 30
Zeroth law of thermodynamics, in statistical mechanics 198
Zitterbewegung 172
“Belong to” a group-representation 452 456 458
“Del” operator 295—296
“Del” operator in curvelinear coordinates 296 438
“Golden rule” (quantum perturbations) 145
“True” charge and current densities 60
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