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Morgan D. — Numerical Methods Real-Time and Embedded Systems Programming by Don Morgan Index |
Предметный указатель |
32-bit operands 49
4-bit quantities 46
Accuracy 88 124
add64 36
Addition 21 33 136 164
Additional system 8
Arbitrary numbers 281
ASCII 164 179 182 187 192 200
ASCII Adjust 30
ASCII Adjust After Addition 164
ASCII Adjust After Multiply 164
ASCII Adjust After Subtraction 164
ASCII Adjust before Division 164
ASCII to Single-Precision Float 192
Associative laws 126
ATF 195 193
Auxiliary carry 25 40
Auxiliary carry flag 42 164
Base 10 85 88
bfc_dc 173
Binary arithmetic 12
Binary byte 51
Binary division 63
Binary multiplication 46
Binary-to-decimal 187
Bit pair encoding 56
bit-pair 57 58
bn_dnt 166
Booth 54 55
Branching 26
Bresenham 100
C 200
Carry 24
Carry flag 34 92
Cartesian coordinate system 239
cdiv 67
Ceil 265
Chi-square 288
Chop 90
circle 95
Circle: 98
Circular 239 242
Circular functions 239
cmul 49
cmul2 51
Coefficients 9
Congruence 16
Congruent 284 285
Conversion 163
CoRDIC 237
Core routines 134
Core routines, errors, addition 135
Core routines, errors, division 135
Core routines, errors, multiplication 135
Core routines, errors, subtraction 135
Cosine 16 89 96 125 224 241 274
DAA 164
dcsin 225
decimal 164
Decimal addition and subtraction 40
Decimal adjust 42
Decimal and ASCII instructions 30
Decimal arithmetic 164
Decimal integers 85
Denormal arithmetic 124
Denormals 125
dfc_bn 176
Diminished-radix complement 18
div32 74
div64 78 80
Divide 154
Division 21 63 114 165 175 43 85 147
Division by inversion 105
Division by multiplication 114
Divisor 108
divmul 116 117
divnewt 108 109
dnt_bn 170
Drawing circles 95
Elementary functions 217
Error 88 89 94 178
error checking 63 147
Errors 64
Extended precision 131
External routines 132
Faster shift and add 50
Finite divided difference approximation 218
Fixed point 15 17 33 86 206
FLADD Routine 140
FLADD: The Epilogue 144
FLADD: The Prologue 138
Flceil 265
Floating point 8 15 17 86 206
Floating point divide 79
Floating-point arithmetic 123
Floating-point conversions 192
FLR 263
flsin 274
flsqr 270
Four-bit multiply 47
Fp_add 132
Fractional arithmetic 15 33 87 88
Fractional conversions 165
Fractional multiply 80
frxp 259
FTA 202
ftf 207
ftfx 212
fx_sqr 254
General Purpose Interface Bus 163
Guard bits 92
Guard digits 89 248
Hardware division 69
Hardware multiply 61
HEX 179
hexasc: 180
Hidden bit 124 125
Homers rule 248 259 274
Hyperbolic functions 239
IEEE 854 125
IEEE754 17 19 87 123 127 129 131 137 159 211
Input 163
instructions 26
Instructions, addition 26
Instructions, addition, add 26
Instructions, addition, add-with-carry 27
Instructions, division 28
Instructions, division, divide 28
Instructions, division, modulus 28
Instructions, division, signed divide 28
Instructions, division, signed modulus 28
Instructions, multiplication 27
Instructions, multiplication, multiply 27
Instructions, multiplication, signed multiply 27
Instructions, negation and signs 28
Instructions, negation and signs, one's complement 28
Instructions, negation and signs, sign extension 29
Instructions, negation and signs, two's complement 28
Instructions, shifts, rotates and normalization 29
Instructions, shifts, rotates and normalization, arithmetic shift 29
Instructions, shifts, rotates and normalization, normalization 29
Instructions, shifts, rotates and normalization, rotate 29
| Instructions, shifts, rotates and normalization, rotate-through-carry 29
Instructions, subtraction 27
Instructions, subtraction, compare 27
Instructions, subtraction, subtract 27
Instructions, subtraction, subtract-with-carry 27
Integer conversions 165
Integers 33
ints 206
irand 284
irandom 287
Irrational 12
Jamming 90
k-space 288
Laccum 193
ldxp 261
Least significant bit 12 26
lg10 219
Line 101
Line-Drawing 100
Linear congruential method 16
Linear interpolation 77 217 224
Logarithm 21
Logarithms 219
Long real 17
Longs 206
Look-up tables 217
loop counter 48
Mantissa 129
Memory location 51
Microprocesors 22
Microprocesors, Buswidth 22
Microprocesors, Data type 24
Microprocesors, flags 24
Microprocesors, flags, auxiliary carry 25
Microprocesors, flags, carry 24
Microprocesors, flags, overflow 24
Microprocesors, flags, overflow trap 25
Microprocesors, flags, Parity 25
Microprocesors, flags, sign 24
Microprocesors, flags, sticky bit 25
Microprocesors, flags, zero 24
Middle-square method 282
minimax 274
Minimax polynomial 259
Modular 85
Modular arithmetic 16
Modularity 125
Most significant bit (MSB) 18
mul32 62 63
mul64a 151
Multiplication 21 27 43 61 147 169 172
Multiplication and division 42
Multiprecision arithmetic 35
Multiprecision division 71
Multiprecision subtraction 37
Multiword division 73
Natural numbers 7 8
Negation and signs 28
Newton — Raphson iteration 105
Newton's method 253 270
Normalization 72 147 200
Normalize 114 128
Normalizing 192
Not a Number 129
Number line 7 9 18
Number ray 7
Numeration 70
one's complement 19 20 28
Original dividend 73
Original divisor 72
Output 163
Overflow 24 39 64 65 95
Overflow flag 39
Overflow trap 25
Packed binary 40
Polyeval 251
Polynomial 247
Polynomial interpretation 50
Polynomials 9 46
Positional arithmetic 34
positional notation 50
Positional number theory 47
Positional numbering system 85
Positional representation 8
Potency 283
Power 21
Power series 247 274
Powers 9 12 13 233 239
Proportion 108
Pseudo-random number generator 281
Pwrb 234
quantities 33
Quotient 67
Radix complement 18 19
Radix conversions 165
Radix point 12
Radix point, irrational 12
Random numbers 281
Real number 85
Resolution 179
Restoring division 188
Rinit 284
Root 21 239
Rotation matrix 239
round 160 172
Round to nearest 91 159
Rounding 25 89 90 159
Scaling 93
school_sqr 256
Seed 282
Shift-and-add algorithm 47
Shifts, rotates and normalization 29
Short real 17 86
Shuffling 283
SIGN 18 24
Sign digit 21
Sign-magnitude 18 21 32
signed 20 44
Signed addition and subtraction 38
Signed arithmetic 28 38
Signed magnitude 129
Signed numbers 43
Signed-operation 44
Significant bits 87
Sine 89 241 259
SINEs 16 96 125 224 273
Single-precision 206
Single-precision float to ASCII 200
Skipping ones and zeros 53
Software division 65
Spectral 289
spectral.c 282 288 289
Square root 131 233 253 259 269
Sticky bit 25
sub64 37
Subtraction 21 34 125 136 137 164
Sutherland, Ivan 95
Symbolic fraction 85
Table-driven conversions 179
Tables 179 233
tan 239 240
Taylorsin 249
tb_bndc 188
tb_dcbn 182
The Radix Point 89
The sticky bit 92
Time-critical code 53
Truncation 90
Two's complement 19 27 28
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