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Ore O. — Number theory and its history |
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Abacists 21 185
abacus 14 15 225 227
Abel, N. H. 343
Absolute value 28 348
Absorption law 103
Abu Kamil 139 140
Abu-l-Hasan Thabit ben Korrah 98 99
Abundant numbers 94 95
Ahmes 116—118
Al-Fakhri 185 187 193 208
Al-Jabr wAl-Muqabalah 19 20 187
Al-Kafi fil hisab 185
al-Karkhi 185—187 225
al-Khowarizmi, Mohammed ibn Musa 19 20 187 225
Albert, A. A. 39 164
Alcuin 94 121
Algebra 20 123
Algebra (Euler) 60 126 128 132 138 141 206
Algebra, syncopated 181
Algebraic congruences 234 235 249—258
Algebraic numbers 206 207
Algorism 20 21
Algorismus 21
aliquot parts 86 91 98
Amicable numbers 27 96—100
Amplitude 348 350
Apices 20
Arabic numerals 19 24 117
Archibald, R. C. 141
Archimedes 5 140 209 358
Aristotle 26
Arithmetic 180
Arithmetic (Sun — Tse) 245
Arithmetic mean 90 91
Arithmetic series 79
Arithmetics (Diophantos) 180—185 194 199 270
Aryabhata 122
Associative law 48 103
Astrology 28
Athelard of Bath 20
Attic numerals 11 15
Average 90
Babylonian numerals and system 2 16—18 36 37 172—179 188 312 324
Bachet, Claude, Sieur de M ziriac 125 126 132 133 141 196 198
Barlow 93 131
Base (of number systems) 3
Bede, Venerable 6
Bell, E. T. 39
Bertelsen 69 77
Bhaskara 26 122 123 129 136 138 193 208
billion 5
Binary number systems 2 37
Birkhoff, G. 39 164
Bonconpagni, B. 207
Book of Precious Things in the Art of Reckoning, The 139
Brahma — Sphuta — Siddhanta 122 193
Brahmagupta 26 122 193 208 247 249
Brahmi numerals 19
Brancker 53
Briggs 317
Brun, V. 84
Buddha 4
Bull, L. S. 141
Burckhardt 54
Bureau 15
Cajori, F. 24
calculations 14 15
Calculus 15 55
Canon arithmeticus 285 301
Cardanus 98 195
Carmichael, R. D. 96 207 332 333 339 359
Casting, on the lines 15 225 227
Casting, Out Nines 15 225 227 229—231
Cataldi 73
Cattle problem 140
Chace, A. B. 141
Charlemagne 94 121
Chaucer 20
Checks 15
Checks, numerical 225—233
Chemac 54
Chemick, J. 334 339
Chinese remainder theorem 240 246—248 251 264 265 294 304
Chinese — Japanese numerals 11 12 16 17
Chuquet, Nicolas 98
Cipher 11 20
Ciphered numerals 12—13 19
Closed systems of numbers 158—163
Cogita Physico-mathematica 71
Colebrook, H. T. 141 208
Columna Rostrata 4
Commutative law 103
Complete Introduction to Algebra see Algebra Euler
complex numbers 158—163 347 348
Composite numbers 50 51 331
Comptoir 15
Congruences 210ff.
Congruences, algebraic 234 235 249—258
Congruences, linear 236—240 275 276 298 299
Congruences, root of 234ff.
Congruences, simultaneous 240—250
Congruent 211ff.
Congruum 191 202
Construction by compass and ruler 341—345 349 351 352
Copernicus, Nikolaus 21
Cossica, or Cossick Art 195
Counters 1 15 21 227
Counting process 1 8
Coxeter, H. S. M. 358
Creak, T. G. 310 325
Crelle 54
Cross-cut 105
Cunningham, A. J. C. 85 96 285 310 324 325
Cuttaca 122
Cycle, solar, lunar, planetary 247
Cyclotomic equation 349
Dase 54
De Moivre 348—350
De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium 21
De temponmi ratione 6
De Thiende see Disme La
Decadic number systems 1 3 12 33 34 226 233 279
Decimal expansion 311—325
Decimal expansion, finite 315—317
Decimal expansion, periodic 318—325
Decimal expansion, purely periodic 320 321
Decimal fractions 21 36 311—326
Decimal number systems 1 3 10 34 36
Decimal, circulating 315
Deficient numbers 94 95
Delian problem see Doubling of cube) De Moivre theorem
Demotic numerals 13
Descartes, Ren 55 95 96 99
Determination 212
Dickson, L. E. 199 358 359
Diophantine equations or problems 165 184 193 204 207 208 268
Diophantos 168 179—185 187 193—196 198 199 203—205 208 211 268 270 313
Dirichlet, box principle of 268
Dirichlet, Lejeune 79 80 206 207 268
Dirichlet, theorem of 79 80 338
Disme, La 24 313 314 325
Disquisitiones Arithmeticae 74 209—211 225 233 243 256 263 297 301 315 323 341 358
Distributive laws 106 108
Divisibility 25 226—228
Divisible 29 213
Division 25 30
Division lemma 44
Divisor, common 41 47
Divisor, greatest common (g c.d.) 25 41 47 48 100—107 154
| Divisors of a number 28 29 86
Divisors of a number, arithmetic mean of 90 91
Divisors of a number, average of 90
Divisors of a number, geometric mean of 87 88 91
Divisors of a number, harmonic mean of 90 91
Divisors of a number, maximal 328
Divisors of a number, number of 86
Divisors of a number, product of 87
Divisors of a number, proper 30
Divisors of a number, sum of 88 89 95
Divisors of a number, sum of, trivial 29
Doubling of cube (Delian problem) 340 341
Dual 103 105 106
Duplication 38
Dyadic number systems 2 37—39
Elements (Euclid) 41 52 65 92 166
Eleven 3
Equivalence relation 213
Eratosthenes 64 66 67 75 84 340
Eratosthenes, sieve of 64 66 67 84
Escott, E. B. 100 115
Etienne de la Roche 98
Euclid 41ff. 52 65 79 92 94 174 211 358
Euclid’s algorism 41—45 100 122 142 146 193
Euler, Leonhard 59—64 73 74 78 81 84 93 100 110 126—128 131 132 138 141 198 199 206 208 211 245 249 272 273 277 297
Euler’s congruence or theorem 272—280 290 292 303
Euler’s congruence or theorem, -function 109—115 273 283 350
Euripides 340
Exchequer 8 9 15
Exponent, to which a number belongs 280—284
Exponent, to which a number belongs, 302 303 309
Exponent, to which a number belongs, universal 290 292 293 302 332
F$ numbers see Numbers with
Factor 29
Factor tables 53 54 82 83 85
Factorization method, Euler’s 59—64
Factorization method, Fermat’s 54—58 62
Felkel 54
Ferdinand, Carl Wilhelm, Duke of Brunswick 209 210
Fermat numbers 74 75
Fermat numbers, primes 69 75 205 351—354 358 with
Fermat's theorem 272 273 277—280 326 339
Fermat's theorem, converse of 326 328 331 339
Fermat, Pierre de 54ff. 59 62 63 69 73—75 80 95 96 98 99 166 194 196 198 199 203—209 211 268 270—273 277 280
Fermat, Samuel 196
Fermat’s Last Theorem 203 208
fibonacci see Leonardo
Field 163 164
Field, quadratic 163
Finger numbers 5—7
Finite decimal expansion 315—317
Foil 8
Forms, quadratic 63
Frederic II, Emperor 187 193
Frederic II, King of Prussia 60
Frenicle de Bessy 59 60 74 96 272
Galois, E. 343 344
Ganita — Sara — Sangraha 123 141
Gauss, C. F. 74 75 209—212 225 233 245 247 256 263 266 267 291 297 301 315 317 323 341 346—348 351 352 355 358
Gauss’s generalization of Wilson’s congruence 263 266 267 291 292
Gelon, King 5
Gematry (Gematria) 28
Geometric mean 87 88 91
Geometric progression 89 272
Gerbert, Pope Sylvester II 20
Glaisher, J. W. L. 54 95 113 115
Gobar numerals 20
Goldbach, Christian 60 81 84 85
Goldbach’s conjecture 81 84 85
Goodwin, H. 323 325
Greatest common divisor (g.c.d.) 25 41 47 48 100—107 154
Greatest common divisor (g.c.d.), associative law for 48 103
Greek numerals 11 13 15 28
Ground of Aries, The 21
Hadamard, J. 78
Hardy, G. H. 39 40 199 359
Harmonic mean 90 91
Heaslet, M. A. 39 40 43 359
Heath, T. L. 208
Hebrew numerals 28
Henry, Charles 208
Heraclitus 195
Hermite, C. 345
Herodianic numerals 11 15
Hieratic numerals 13
Hieroglyphic numerals 10 13
Hilbert, D. 199
Hill, G. E. 24
Hindu — Arabic numerals 15 19 21 24 312
Hindu — Brahmi numerals 13
Historical Prolegomenon 97
Holzman 194—196
Hopper, V. F. 40
Horoscope 97
Hundred 3
Iamblichus of Phalcis 97
Ibn Khaldun 97
Ideals 207
Idempotent law 103
Incongruent 211
Indeterminate problems 120 182
Indeterminate problems, linear 120 142 160 184 193 237 276
Indicator 110 294 302 333
indices 294—301 310 322 325
Infinite descent, method of 198 200
Ingham, A. E. 359
Integers 28
Integers, greatest, contained in a number 31
Integers, group of 1 2 10—13
Integral logarithm 77
Intersection 105 108
Jacobi, K. G. J. 285 301 310
Jenkinson 9n.
Jetons 15 20 227
John of Halifax 21
John of Palermo 188 193
Join 104
Jumeau, Andr 96
Karpinski, L. C. 24
Kraitchik, M. 76 85 285 310
kronecker 43
Kulik, J. P. 54
Kummer, E. 206 207
Lagrange, J. L. 199 211 256 259 282
Lam 43 206
Lambert, J. H. 53
Lattice points 151 152
Lattices 105 106
Lawther, H. P., Jr 305 309 310
Least common multiple (l.c.m.) 25 45— 9 100—107
Least common multiple (l.c.m.), associative law for 48 103
legendre 206 211
Lehmer, D. H. 54 75n. 331 339 359
Lehmer, D. N. 54 66 85 96
Leibniz 55 259
Leonardo Fibonacci (Pisano) 20 117 118 122 185 187 188 191—193 196 202 207 228 247 312
Liber Abaci 20 117 122 187 228 247
Liber quadratorum 188 203
Lilavati 26 122 123
Lindemann, F. 345
Linear congruences 236—240 275 276 298 299
Littlewood, J. E. 199
Local value, principle of 16
Logarithms 77 294 297 299 301 314 345
Logistics 181
Lucas, E. 73 96 326—328
Lucas, theorem of 326—328
MacDuffee, C. C. 40 164 358
MacLane, S. 39 164
Mahaviracarya 122 131 141
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