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Farmer D.W. — Groups and symmetry: A guide to discovering mathematics |
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, alternating group 90
, cyclic group 61
, symmetry type 36
, dihedral group 61
, symmetry type 37
-gon 30
, smallest rotation symmetry 32
, symmetric group 68
1 stands for do-nothing 32
15-puzzle 90
2-cycle 71
Addition mod 63
Alternating group 90
Associative operation 53
Basic unit 8 49
Bilateral symmetry 38
Cayley diagram 73
Cayley, Arthur 67
Closed path 93
Conway, John H 42
Crystallographic restriction 52
Cyclic group, 61
Dihedral group, 61
Do-nothing, denoted by one 32
Do-nothing, is a rotation and a translation 25
Do-nothing, is always a symmetry 27
Dual 95
Equivalent mirror lines 47
Equivalent rotocenter 44
Escher, M.C. 48
Even permutation 90
Exponents, rules of 32
Fedorov, E.S. 48
Finite figure 28
Fixed point 23
footprints 42
Fundamental domain 11
Generator 73 92
Glide line 22
Glide reflection 22
Glide reflection, phantom figure 22
Group 51 53
Group, , alternating group 90
Group, , cyclic group 61
Group, , dihedral group 61
Group, , symmetric group 68
Group, generators 73
Group, presentation 92
Group, relation 92
Identity matrix 92
Inverse 35 38
Isomorphism 71
Kali 53 98
Lloyd, Sam 91
Magic square 96
Matrix 91
| Mirror 19
Mirror line 19
MOD 63
Modular addition 63
Modular arithmetic 91
Modular multiplication 65
Modulo, see mod multiplication mod 65
Multiplication table of a triangle 35
Odd permutation 90
Order of a rotation 46
P lya, George 48
Penrose tiles 53
Pentagon, easy way to make one 31
Pentagon, regular 29
Permutation 67
Permutation, even or odd 90
Phantom figure 22
Polygon, symmetries of 33
Presentation 92
QuasiTiler 53 19
Reflection 19
Regular polygon 29
Regular polygon, symmetries of 30
Regular solid 95
Relation 92
Rigid motion of the plane 15
Rigid motion, glide reflection 22
Rigid motion, reflection 19
Rigid motion, rotation 16
Rigid motion, rotation, measured counterclockwise 28
Rigid motion, translation 15
Rotation 16
Rotation, measured counterclockwise 28
Rotation, rotocenter 16
Rotocenter 16
Rotocenter, equivalent 44
Rules of exponents 32
Silly walks 42
Spokes of a wheel 17
Square, symmetries of 29 33
Strip pattern 39
Subgroup 61
Symmetric group 68
Symmetries of a polygon 33
Symmetries of a square 29 33
Symmetry 27
Symmetry type 36 71
Symmetry type, , cyclic 36
Symmetry type, , dihedral 37
Timbanidis, Nicolas 34
Translation 15
Transposition 71 90
Triangle, multiplication table 35
Trivial symmetry 27
Wallpaper pattern see “Wallpattern”
Wallpattern 43 19
Я 19
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