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Jablan S., Sazdanovic R. — LinKnot: knot theory by computer |
Предметный указатель |
-tangle 145
-unknotting number 121
2-bridge knot 55
2-pass 47 377
3-Coloring 196
A2 219 341
Achiral 27 28 77 126 130 183 237 312 317 333 376 378 463
Actuality table 224
Adjacency list 2
Adjacent 1
Alexander polynomial 211
Alexander polynomial, trivial 209
AlexanderPolynomialby BurauRep 218
Algebra Conway 213
algebraic 55
Algebraic, BFR 168
AllStatesRational 91
Alternating 25
Ambient isotopy 12 42 202 378
Ambient isotopy for singular KLs 219
AmphiAltKL 183 322 338
Amphicheiral 27
AmphiProjAltKL 183 322 338
Antiprism 169 193 252
Antiprismatic belt 292
Antisymmetric presentation 127
Antisymmetry 63 77 127 237
Antisymmetry, concealed 321
Antisymmetry, discernible 321
Arborescent knot 64
Arborescent knot, non-invertible 140
Arf, equivalent 203
Arf, invariant 203
Associativity 160
Automaton 453
Balanced state 455
Basic polyhedron 55 57 241 245 262 268 428
Basic polyhedron, achiral 326
Basic polyhedron, antiprismatic 345
Basic polyhedron, code 289
Basic polyhedron, code, minimal 289
Basic polyhedron, composite 270
Basic polyhedron, derivation 288
Basic polyhedron, elementary 270
Basic polyhedron, family 292
Basic polyhedron, generating sequence 292
Basic polyhedron, list 246
Basic polyhedron, notation 288
Basic polyhedron, source link 263 264
Bernhard — Jablan Conjecture 83 195
BFR 168
Bigon 5 39 55 64 189 241 263 264 311 428
Bigon, collapse 8 55 59 64
Boolean algebra 446
Boolean logic 446
Borromean links 188
Borromean rings 16 20 28 187
Boundary 122
BR 341
Brahma-mudi 399
Braid 157 163
Braid family representative 166 303
Braid word, extension 166
Braid word, generating 166
Braid, alternating 166
Braid, closure 158
Braid, dosed 159
Braid, elementary 160
Braid, group 160
Braid, index 163
Braid, isotopic 158
Braid, isotopy 160
Braid, minimal 163
Braid, minimal presentation 163
Braid, product 159
Braid, relation 160
Braid, universe 166
Braid, word 160
Brauer semigroup 299
BreakCoAll 192
Bridge 121 122
Bridge number 121 122
Bridge, two-bridge 228
Brunnian links 190
Burau representation 218
Catalan number 284
Catastrophe 219
Catenane 382
Checker-board coloring 24
Chiral 27 28 183 376—378
Chiral, non-detectable 333
Chirality, detection 318
Chord diagram 222 296 418
Chromatic polynomial 218
ChromaticPolynomial 218
circle 12
class 444
Classical definition 82
Classical notation 16 30 52
Classification 59
Closedness 160
Closure 283
Coloring 197
Coloring number 198
Coloring, 3-coloring 196
Coloring, k-coloring 197
Coloring, perfect 197
ColouredJones 219 341
Commutativity distant braids 160
Complement 12
Complexions-Symbol 376
Component 3 10 59 74 384
Component algorithm 15 17
Component number 62 66 74 296
composition 119 229
Composition, tangle 295
conditions 98
Conjugacy class 206
conjugate 206
Conjugation 161 198
Connected sum 119
Consistency 205
Continued fraction 76 195
continuedFraction 182
Contraction 8
Contraction, elementary 8
Conversion 69
Conway algebra 213
Conway notation 51 52 307 381
Conway notation, braid modified 166
Conway polynomial 207
Conway polynomial, trivial 209
Conway symbol 35 50
Crazy Spider Algorithm 288
Crossing 384
Crossing number 25 121
Crossing problem 376
Crossing virtual 23
Curve monolinear 393 408
Curve self-avoiding 397 416
Cutting number 187
CuttNo 192 193
de Morgan law 447
Denominator, closure 54
Derivation 234 264 306 364
Diagram 25
Diagram, alternating 25
Diagram, crossing number 37
Diagram, generator 299
| Diagram, hard 48
Diagram, isomorphic 315
Diagram, minimal 26 147
Diagram, proper 25
Diagram, reduced 25
Diagram, Schlegel 262
Diagram, vertex-bicolored 311
Diagram, virtual 23 50
Dichromatic polynomial 217 219
Diffeomorphism 11
Digital circuit model 454
Digraph 1
DNA 383
Dot 58
DOW 36 68
DowfromPD 67
Dowker algorithm 365 381
Dowker code 19 32 37 364 368
Dowker code from P-data 67
Dowker code minimal 37 182 212 381
Dowker code realizable 22
Dowker code with signs 32
Dowker notation 305
Dragon curve 397
DrawPlanarEmbGraph 7
DrawPlanarEmbKL 7
DT-code 32 69
Dual 5
duplicates 239
Edge coloring 9
Edge connectivity 4
Edge, connected 32
Edmonds algorithm 9
Elementary isotopy 42
Embedding 4 12
Embedding, adjacency matrix 5
Equilibrium global 395
Equilibrium local 395
Euler’s characteristic 7
Euler’s circuit 3
Euler’s formula 7
Experimental mathematics 366 381
Experimenting 225
Extending operation 173
Face 5
Factor link 119
fAdd Dig 39
fAlexPoly 218
fAllClosures 284
Families undetectable 342
Family 59 61 62 83 87 109 231 305 366 381
Family of basic polyhedra 291
Family of braid words 166
Family, Alexander-undetectable 342
Family, Conway-undetectable 342
Family, P-undetectable 342
fAutoKL 457
fAutoSiglnp 456 457
fBalanced 453
fBasicPoly 192 193
fBasicPolyTan 291
fBasicTan 291
fBoolean 453
fBraidW 341
fBreakComp 192
fClassicToCon 52
fColTest 201
fComponentNo 15 74
fCompositePoly 275
fConwayToPD 219 341
fCreateGraphics 67
fCreatePData 57 66 69 164
fCuttRealKL 194
fDiffProjectionsAltKL 182 183 316
fDiffSeq 453
fDifFViae 426
fDowCodes 24
fDowkerToPD 219 341
fDToDDirect 122
fEdmonds 9
fFindCon 193
fForSourceLinks 264
fGap 92
fGapRat 92
fGaussExtSigns 35
fGenerators 200
fGenKL 267
fGenSet 299
fGenSign 35
fGenSignDirProd 122
fGraphKL 25 218
fGraphlnc 38
Fibonacci form 443
Fibonacci number 445
Fibonacci sequence 72
fKaufFAlg 453
fKLfromGraph 38 430
fKLinGraph 39
fKnotscapeDow 36 69
fKnotscapeDowToPD 219 341
Flip 211
Flype 43 44 182 271 377
Flype diagram 311
Flyping Conjecture 377
fMakeType 133
fMidEdgeGraph 38
fOrientedLink 76
fPDataFromDow 69 430
fPdataToPD 219 341
fPlanarEmb 38
fPlanarEmbGraph 7
fProdTangles 274
fProjections 182
FromContinued Fraction 182
fSeifert 165
fSignat 125 165
fSignsKL 35 38
fSourceDow 264
fStellar 231
fStellarBasic 231
fStellarNalt 235
fStellarPlus 231
fStPlusNol 150
fStUnNol 150
fSumTangles 274
fTangleType 133
fTorusKL 193
Fullerene 427
Fullerene 5/6 480
Fullerene, biconical 440
Fullerene, general 427
Fullerene, perfect 434
Function continuous 12
fViaToKL 426
Gap 93
Gap conditions 98
Gauss code 16 27 32
Gauss code with signs 32
Gauss diagram 222 296
General formula 366
Generating link 250
Generation 205
Generator 196 200
Genus 123
GetBraidRep 163
GetKnotLink 304
GetMirrorlmageKnot 67
GetPdatabyTracking 57 66 192
Graph 1 2 217
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