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Jablan S., Sazdanovic R. — LinKnot: knot theory by computer |
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Graph 4-valent 15
Graph k-regular 2
Graph k-valent 2
Graph of link 25
Graph simple 1
Graph, automorphism 4
Graph, bipartite 2
Graph, coloring 218
Graph, complete 2
Graph, complete bipartite 2
Graph, isomorphic 4
Graph, mid-edge 38
Graph, non-planar 4
Graph, oriented 1
Graph, planar 4 8 24
Graph, proper 1
Graph, reduced 1
Graph, vertex-bicolored 77
Graph, weighted 9
Grid, rectangular square 387 390
Group 160 201
Group of link 201
Group, automorphism 5
Group, cyclic 201
Group, dihedral 201
Group, fundamental 378
Group, isomorphic 202
Group, presentation 201 380
Group, presentation isomorphic 201
Group, presentation minimal 201
Group, relation 201
Group, symmetric 205
Hamiltonian circuit 420
Hard diagram 48
Hexastrip 482
Hollow pentagon rule 434
Homeomorphism 12
HOMFLYPT polynomial 212
Homoathomic 426
Idempotency 166 445
Immersion planar 16
incident 1
Infinity change 48
Invariant 182 306 364
Invariant, finite-order 219 221
Invariant, polynomial 207 379
Invariant, quantum 225
Invariant, subfamily-dependent 62 205
Invariant, subfamily-dependent linear 63
Invariant, Vassiliev 220
Inverse 160
Inverter 454
Invertible 80 126
Isolated pentagon rule 434
Isomer chemical 436
Isomorphic 29
Isotopy, elementary 13
JablanPoly 318 432
Jacobstahl sequence 80
Jones polynomial 212
JonesPolynomialbyBraid 218
Jordan curve theorem 7
Kauffman algorithm 451
Kauffman Conjecture 321
Kauffman polynomial 214
Kauffman — Murasugi Theorem 27 87 121
KH 219 341 353
Khovanov detectable 349
Kirkman’s method 243
KL 2
Knot 10
Knot Atlas 304
Knot, 2-bridge 55
Knot, achiral 34 179
Knot, achiral, non-alternating 323
Knot, almost alternating 307
Knot, almost mutant 347
Knot, alternating 305
Knot, arborescent 148
Knot, art 375
Knot, classification 59
Knot, derivation 377
Knot, design 387
Knot, diagram 376
Knot, distance 383
Knot, enumeration 19 377
Knot, equivalent 200
Knot, graph 377
Knot, invariant 379
Knot, Kinoshita — Ternsaka 210
Knot, large algebraic 148
Knot, Lissajous 403
Knot, Listing 376
Knot, mathematical 10
Knot, molekular 382
Knot, Montesinos 228
Knot, Neolithic 375
Knot, non-alternating 25 233 240 305 307 308
Knot, othopedic 376
Knot, Paleolithic 375
Knot, pretzel 148
Knot, prime 119 380
Knot, problem 378
Knot, projection 376
Knot, rational number 71
Knot, real 10 193
Knot, singular 219
Knot, table 19 29 304 305 363 378
Knot, virtual 22
Knot, wild 11 14
Knot2000 34 36 42 57 66 69 163 203 218
KnotbyDowkerThistlethwaite Notation 69
KnotbyDT 69
KnotFromBraid 163
Knotilus 304
KnotLinkBase.m 304
KnotPlot 67 304
Knotscape 32 36 42 127 304 565 381
KnotTheory 218 341 353
Knotwork 410
Kontsevich’s theorem 224
Labelling 198 205
Labelling, theorem 198
Lattice 446
Length, pretzel link 149
LiangPoly 318 432
Line segment arrangement 443
Link 10 379
Link rational 54 64 70 128
Link, achiral 28 179 237 323
Link, algebraic 55 60 64 169
Link, almost alternating 307
Link, alternating 25 305
Link, ambient isotopic 11
Link, Borromean 188
Link, Brunnian 188
Link, chiral 28
Link, classification 59 63
Link, composite 32 119
Link, diagram 25
Link, distance 87
Link, generating 61 366
Link, genus 123
Link, graph signed 47
Link, group 201
Link, Montesinos 228
Link, non-algebraic 55
Link, non-alternating 25 233 240 305 307 308
Link, oriented 76
Link, polygonal 13 43
| Link, polyhedral 55 60
Link, prime 32 119
Link, projection 25
Link, rational generating 73
Link, rational number 70
Link, real 10 193
Link, shadow basic 60
Link, singular 35 219
Link, source 55 73 228 246
Link, stellar 64
Link, table 363 381
Link, tame 13
Link, virtual 22
Link, wild 13
Linking number 34 62 204 876 383
LinkingNo 35
LinKnot 6 9 15 24 25 35 57 66 67 71 77 80 86 91 107 109 119 122 165 182 186 192 200 212 218 231 235 245 264 304 316 338 381 403 453 456
Links-Gould Explorer 219 341
LinksGould 341
LinksGouldlnv 341
ListOfOneFactors 299
Load 67
Logic 448
Loop 1 19 25
Lunda design 395 400
Lunda-animal 399
Markov’s move 161
Markov’s theorem 380
Mathematica 42 182
Mathematica, string 57 67 305
MaxSymmProjAltKL 185 403
Mid-edge graph 38
Mid-edge-truncation 434
MinDowAltKL 182 305
MinDowProjAltKL 182
Minimality of reduced braids 167
Minimization 48 195
Minimum braid 165
Minimum crossing number 25
Minimum writhe 46 62
minus 57
Mirror curve 216 384 888
Mirror curve, art 401
Mirror curve, number 393
Mirror image 27 67
Module 10
Moebius ladder 382
Monoid 299
Monolinear 409
Montesinos knot 149
Montesinos link 149
MSigRat 77
Multigraph 1
MultTan 299
Mutant 210
Mutation 47
MutationOfTangle 47
n-diagram 296
n-move 110
n-octahedron 420
n-tangle 282 283
n-tangle, elementary 284
Nakanishi — Bleiler example 83 91
NAND 449 456
Nanotube 486
Net 441
Neutral element 160
NMoveRat 112
Non-algebraic tangle 270
Non-alternating 25
Non-invertible 80 126
Non-invertible, achiral 128 140
Non-invertible, arborescent knot 140
Non-invertible, chiral 131
Non-invertible, families 129
Non-invertible, polyhedral knot 143
Non-invertible, pretzel knot 136
NOR 449
Normal form conjunctive 449
Normal form disjunctive 449
Normalization 211
NoSelfCrossNo 109
Notation Alexander — Briggs 16
Notation classical 16 30 52
Number of components 296
NumberOfKL 304
Numerator closure 54
octahedron 187 246
OpenGL 67
Operation 270
Orientation 125
Overlining 445
Overpass 121
P-data 36 66
P-word 37
Pair, ordered 2
Pair, unordered 2
Pair-class 349
Paradox Russel 448
Partition 231 243
Partition, P-partition 231
Partition-method 377
Pass-move 203
Path 3
Pavitram 384
Period 79 183 451
PeriodAltKL 184
Periodic sequence 450
PeriodProjAltKL 183
Perko pair 19 34 378
Permutation 22 205
Permutation, matrix 314
PET 247
Physic 383
Physic, statistical model 215
Plait 375
Planar isotopy 42
Plane 8
Plantri 58
Plate 403
Plate, combine rules 404
Plate, combining 403
PLDataFromSnapPeaData 203
plus 57 235 237
Point group 63
Polya Enumeration Theorem 247 263 333 429
PolyBase.m 58
Polygonal link 42
Polyhedral BFR 168
Polyhedral knot 59
Polyhedral knot, non-invertible 143
Polyhedron basic 55 57 241 245 262 268 428
Polyhedron regular 2
Polynomial Alexander 207 211 226 368 380
Polynomial Alexander, general formula 227
Polynomial Alexander, trivial 209 226
Polynomial, chromatic 218
Polynomial, Conway 208 211 226
Polynomial, Conway trivial 209 226
Polynomial, dichromatic 217
Polynomial, HOMFLYPT 207 211 382
Polynomial, Jones 208 213 232 368 381
Polynomial, Jones, colored 218
Polynomial, Jones, trivial 208
Polynomial, Jones, two-variable 212
Polynomial, Kauffman 208 382
Polynomial, Kauffman, bracket 214 215
Polynomial, Khovanov 218
Polynomial, Laurent 211
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