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Bueche F. — Physic Properties of Polymers
Bueche F. — Physic Properties of Polymers

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Название: Physic Properties of Polymers

Автор: Bueche F.


The purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to the underlying molecular principles governing the physical behavior of high polymers. It will serve as a text for the novice in the field of the mechanical properties of polymers, and it is expected that after completing a study of THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF POLYMERS the reader will be well prepared for intelligent research in this area. Although a deliberate effort has been made to emphasize the qualitative factors of analysis so necessary to a thorough comprehension of the phenomena of polymer action, the equally important quantitative aspects of molecular behavior have not been neglected. Furthermore, the discussions have been arranged so as to permit those readers who desire only a qualitative understanding of the significant principles of the subject merely to scan the mathematics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1962

Количество страниц: 362

Добавлена в каталог: 10.11.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Tensile strength of plastics, effect of chain orientation      268
Tensile strength of plastics, effect of flaws      269
Tensile strength of plastics, effect of test rate      265—268
Tensile strength of plastics, theory of      263—267
Tensile strength of rubbers      225 ff.
Tensile strength of rubbers, experimental results, action of crystallites      233—235
Tensile strength of rubbers, experimental results, and the WLF relation      235—237
Tensile strength of rubbers, experimental results, effect of degree of crosslinking      227—235
Tensile strength of rubbers, theoretical results, action of fillers and crystallites      240—242
Tensile strength of rubbers, theoretical results, and glass temperature      244
Tensile strength of rubbers, theoretical results, and temperature-time superposition      243
Tensile strength of rubbers, theoretical results, dependence on degree of cross-linking      237—239 240
Tensile strength of rubbers, theoretical results, effect of network defects      239—240
Tensile strength of rubbers, theoretical results, interpretation of rate effects      242—244
Tensile stress in networks      43 60
Tensile viscosity      209
Thermal expansion, factor (table)      110
Thermal expansion, factor (table), and glass temperature      99 103—104
Thermal expansion, factor (table), relation to free volume      87
Trousers’ tear piece      324
van der Waals’ contraction      103
Vibration methods, forced vibration      192—195
Vibration methods, free vibration      187—192
Vibration, sinusoidal, of glasses      256—261
Vibration, sinusoidal, of Maxwell elements      166—168
Vibration, sinusoidal, of Voigt elements      155—160
Viscosity average molecular weight      7
Viscosity of polymer solutions and melts      70 ff.
Viscosity of polymer solutions and melts, at high temperatures      91
Viscosity of polymer solutions and melts, effect of diluent      118—119
Viscosity of polymer solutions and melts, effect of molecular weight distribution      78
Viscosity of polymer solutions and melts, experimental results      74—77
Viscosity of polymer solutions and melts, from creep experiments      203—205
Viscosity of polymer solutions and melts, in terms of free volume      97
Viscosity of polymer solutions and melts, relation to diffusion constant      72
Viscosity of polymer solutions and melts, temperature variation      101
Viscosity of polymer solutions and melts, theory      70—72 81—83
Viscosity, dynamic      167
Viscosity-shear rate relation      218—222
Voigt — Kelvin model      127 ff.
Voigt — Kelvin model, creep response      128
Voigt — Kelvin model, elements in series      137 160
Voigt — Kelvin model, for a polymer network      142
Voigt — Kelvin model, sinusoidal vibration of      155 ff. 160 175
Weight average molecular weight      7
WLF equation      104—107
WLF equation, and $a_{T}$      146
WLF equation, and tensile strength of rubbers      236
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