Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Wedderburn J.H.M. — Lectures on Matrices |
Предметный указатель |
Subalgebra, invariant 152 161
Subalgebra, matric 156 ff.
Subalgebra, semi-invariant 163 ff.
subspace 2
Subspace, complementary 3
Sum of complexes 150
Sum of matrices 4
Supplementary compound 65 126
Sylvester 69 80 111 113 169 170 17l
Sylvester's identities 111
Symmetric matrices 8 93 95 96 99 142
Symmetric matrices, real 88 90 95
Taber 135 170 171
Tait 170
Tensor 73
Tensor, absolute value 127
Tensor, product 72
Tensor, scalar product 81
Trace 26 125 135 136 150 155
transform 11
Transformable linear sets 80 85
Transformable systems 79
Transformation, automorphic 140 ff. 171
Transformation, cogredient 98
| Transformation, elementary 33 ff. 47 169
Transformation, product 75
Transverse 8 9 11 141
Turnbull, H.W. 135
Unit matrices 5 11 108 169
Unit principal 147 155 156 161
Unit tensor 73
Unit vector 3
Unitary basis 13
Unitary matrix 13 90 91 92
Vector 1 74
Vector, complement 64
Vector, contravariant 132
Vector, convariant 132
Vector, function of 130 132
Vector, grade 16 74
Vector, invariant 43 90 169 170
Vector, polynomials 47 ff.
Vector, product 72
Vector, pure 16 74
Vector, scalar product 9
Vector, unit 3
Voss 171
Weierstrass 170
Weyl, H. 86 170
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