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Marsland T.A., Schaeffer J. — Computers, Chess and Cognition |
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A I Chess chess program 34—35 37 41 221—222
ACHILLES project 195
Ackley, D.H. 152—153
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) 4 6—7 11 79 111 124
Addson-Velsky, G.M. 4 37 155—156 163 261
AGT (Alberta Government Telephones) 4 33—34 45
Akl, S.G. 147
Alburt, L. 26—27 57
ALL node 117—118
Alpha-Beta 35 54 82—83 87 99 102—103 136—140 144—145 147—151 170 197 211 260—261 264
Anantharaman, T.S. 10 27—28 34 47 53 55—56 77—78 155 179 218 243—244 260—261
Annotations 51 169—170 174 179—180
Application coefficients 90 98 152
Arbuckle, T. 4
Arlazarov, V.L. 4 37 155—156 163 261
Artificial intelligence (AI) 3—5 7 9 31 35 223 227 259 265 268 277
Atkin, L.R. 11 53 82 111 114 119 126—127 144 151 153 163 197 241 266
Awit chess program 5 218—219 221—222
Babaoglu, O. 60
Baczynskyj, B. 4 20—21 25
Barnard, D.T. 147
Barth, T. 139—140
Bates, M.A. 3 154
Baudet, G.M. 140 148
BCP chess program 218
Beal, D.F. 76 112 156—157 163 260—261
Bebe chess program 5 34—35 37—38 40—41 197—198 201—203 205—207 210—216 233
Bell, A.G. 3
Belle chess program 5 10—11 18—20 36—37 53 55 60 68 71 79 91 99 124 218
Belsky, M.A. 4
Berliner, H.J. 6 13 19 22 34 38 53 79—80 90 98 109 145—146 152—156 161 228 232—233 244 260—261
Bernstein, A.M. 4
Bijl, Chr.M. 195
Bitman, A.R. 4
BKG backgammon program 152
Blemish effect 152
Bowden, B.V. 3 154
BP chess program 34—35 41 221—222
Branching degree 147 157
Brandling factor 147—149 160 164 173 179 277—278
Bratko — Kopec test suite 267
Bratko, I. 7 16 157 217—218 267
Brimmer, H. 32
Browne, M. 34 78
Browne, W.S. 11—12 14—15 29 58 240—241 247
Brudno, A.L. 138
Brute Force chess program 6
Bryant, R. 78
Bursky, P. 135
Butcher, L. 78
Byrne, R. 14 29 59
Campbell, M.S. 5 10 22 27—28 34 47 53 55—56 77—78 109 112 116 143 145 148 155 159 179 181 218 243—244 260—261 268
Capablanca, J.R. 47 235
Carlsson, F.R. 51
Castling handling 67 85 96 100 184
Centaur chess program 34—35 41
Chaos chess program 4—5 218
Chen, K. 271—272 279 282
CHEOPS chess hardware 17
Chess 3.X chess program 10—11
Chess 4.X chess program 4—5 9—12 16—17 19 25 53 72 111 127 241
Chess Challenger chess program 218
Chess Champion Mk V chess program 48—49 218
Chess evaluation knowledge, acquisition 129
Chess evaluation knowledge, bishop scoring 121—122
Chess evaluation knowledge, diminishing returns 72
Chess evaluation knowledge, drawn positions 125
Chess evaluation knowledge, endgame 51—52 93 115 120 125 128 130 162 167 235 237
Chess evaluation knowledge, file structure 57 70 120—122
Chess evaluation knowledge, fragments 50—51
Chess evaluation knowledge, king safety 93—96 98 107 120—121 126 201
Chess evaluation knowledge, king tropism 69 121—122
Chess evaluation knowledge, knight scoring 122
Chess evaluation knowledge, luft 120
Chess evaluation knowledge, material values 119
Chess evaluation knowledge, opening heuristics 122—124
Chess evaluation knowledge, passed pawns 57 70 114—116 120—124
Chess evaluation knowledge, pawn structure 57 70 95 98 120 122—123
Chess evaluation knowledge, planning 72
Chess evaluation knowledge, queen scoring 121
Chess evaluation knowledge, rook scoring 69 121
Chess evaluation knowledge, space and mobility 68 72 90
Chess evaluation knowledge, trade-off with complexity 68 78 91
Chess evaluation knowledge, trade-off with search 54 90—91 153
Chess games, Alburt — Mephisto 26
Chess games, Belle — Radke 18
Chess games, Belle — Storey 20
Chess games, Browne — Chess 4 6 11
Chess games, Browne — KQKR database 14
Chess games, Chess 4 7 — David Levy 17
Chess games, Cray Blitz — Hitech 38
Chess games, Cray Blitz — Levy 22
Chess games, Deep Thought — Browne 29
Chess games, Deep Thought — Byrne 29
Chess games, Deep Thought — Cooke 28
Chess games, Deep Thought — Cray Blitz 39
Chess games, Deep Thought — Levy 31
Chess games, Fidelity — Strauss 25
Chess games, Formanek — Hitech 23
Chess games, Hitech — Deep Thought 40
Chess games, Hitech — Kudrin 25
Chess games, Kasparov — Deep Thought 30
Chess games, Larsen — Deep Thought 242
Chess games, Rohde — Hitech 23
Chess games, Stoyko — Belle 19
Chess Informant 73
Chess programs, A l Chess 34—35 37 41 221—222
Chess programs, Awit 5 218—219 221—222
Chess programs, BCP 218
Chess programs, Bebe 5 34—35 37—38 40—41 197—198 201—203 205—207 210—216 221—222 233
Chess programs, Belle 5 10—11 18—20 36—37 53 55 60 68 71 79 91 99 124 218
Chess programs, BP 34—35 41 221—222
Chess programs, Brute Force 6
Chess programs, Centaur 34—35 41
Chess programs, Chaos 4—5 218
Chess programs, Chess 3.X 10—11
Chess programs, Chess 4.X 4—5 9—12 16—17 19 25 53 72 111 127 241
Chess programs, Chess Challenger 218
Chess programs, Chess Champion Mk V 48—49 218
Chess programs, ChipTest 26 40 56—57 78 174 178 181
Chess programs, Constellation 25
Chess programs, Cray Blitz 5 21—22 34—35 37—41 43 53 57—59 91 111—130 221—222
Chess programs, Dappet 34—35 41 221—222
Chess programs, Deep Thought 1 5—6 10 16 26—31 34—35 38—41 43 47 51 53 55—78 217 221—222 240—245 257 260
Chess programs, Duchess 4 12 177 218
Chess programs, Fidelity 25 34—35 38—39 41
Chess programs, Hitech 5 10 22—26 34—35 38—41 53 56 60 71 79—109 121 162—163 166—167 221—222 244—245 260
Chess programs, Kaissa 4 10 12 17 37 42 163 177
Chess programs, Kallisto 34—35 41
Chess programs, L'Excentrique 6
Chess programs, Lachex 127 221—222
Chess programs, Mac Hack Six 4 9 17
Chess programs, Mach 4 221—222
Chess programs, Mephisto 5—6 25—27 34—35 41 220—222
Chess programs, Merlin 34—35 41 148 150 154—155 221—222
Chess programs, Minix 163—164
Chess programs, Moby 34—35 41
Chess programs, Morphy Encore 218
Chess programs, Much 34—35 41 43 221—222
Chess programs, Novag 34—35 38 41
Chess programs, Nuchess 19 91
Chess programs, Ostrich 5 218
Chess programs, Panda 34—35 41 221—222
Chess programs, PARADISE 156
Chess programs, Patsoc 22 109
Chess programs, Phoena 6 34—35 37—38 41—44 72 163 217 221—222
Chess programs, Quest 34—35 41 221—222
Chess programs, Rebel 5—6 34—35 41—42 221—222
Chess programs, Rex 34—35 41
| Chess programs, Ribbit 6 11
Chess programs, Sargon 218
Chess programs, Savant 49
Chess programs, Shess 34—35 41 221—222
Chess programs, Tech 148 217
Chess programs, Waycool 34—35 41 221—222
Chess programs, Wita 5
Chess programs, Y'89 34—35 41 43 221—222
Chess programs, Zarkov 34—35 41 221—222
Chess tournaments, 1978 Twin Cities Open 11
Chess tournaments, 1983 New Jersey Open 19
Chess tournaments, 1983 U.S. Open 18
Chess tournaments, 1986 U.S. Open 25
Chess tournaments, 1986 World Open 23
Chess tournaments, 1987 Pennsylvania State Championship 22 79 105
Chess tournaments, 1988 National Open 25
Chess tournaments, 1988 Pennsylvania State Championship 22—23 79 105
Chess tournaments, 1988 Software Toolworks Open 16 28—29 55 57 240 242—243 245
Chess tournaments, 1988 US Open 57
Chess tournaments, 1989 Pennsylvania State Championship 22 79 105
Chess tournaments, 1989 Software Toolworks Open 28
ChipTest chess program 26 40 56—57 78 174 178 181
CIPS (Canadian Information Processing Society) 4 33 44—45
Communication overhead 118
Computer-chess events, 1966 telegraph match 4 227
Computer-chess events, 1977 Levy — Kaissa match 17
Computer-chess events, 1977 Levy — Mac Hack Six match 17
Computer-chess events, 1978 Levy — Chess 4.X match 16—17
Computer-chess events, 1981 Fredkin Challenge Match 20
Computer-chess events, 1983 Levy — Cray Blitz match 21—22
Computer-chess events, 1988 Fredkm Masters Open 57
Computer-chess events, 1989 Byme — Deep Thought exhibition 29
Computer-chess events, 1989 Harvard Cup 26
Computer-chess events, 1989 Kasparov — Deep Thought exhibition 1 30 58
Computer-chess events, 1989 Levy — Deep Thought match 27 31 58—59
Computer-chess events, 1989 Spraggett — Deep Thought exhibition 43—44
Computer-chess events, 1990 Karpov — Deep Thought exhibition 59
Computer-chess tournaments, 1970—89 North American Championships 4 11 40
Computer-chess tournaments, 1973 North American Championship 4
Computer-chess tournaments, 1974 North American Championship 11
Computer-chess tournaments, 1976 North American Championship 111
Computer-chess tournaments, 1978 North American Championship 11
Computer-chess tournaments, 1981 North American Championship 124
Computer-chess tournaments, 1984 North American Championship 40—41
Computer-chess tournaments, 1985 North American Championship 22 40 79 106
Computer-chess tournaments, 1986 North American Championship 56
Computer-chess tournaments, 1987 North American Championship 57
Computer-chess tournaments, 1989 North American Championship 5 40 79 106
Computer-chess tournaments, 1st World Championship (1974) 4 37
Computer-chess tournaments, 2nd World Championship (1977) 4 12—13 37
Computer-chess tournaments, 2nd World Micro Championship (1981) 48—49
Computer-chess tournaments, 3rd World Championship (1980) 5 18 37 40
Computer-chess tournaments, 4th World Championship (1983) 5 21—22 37 40—41 111
Computer-chess tournaments, 5th World Championship (1986) 5—6 34 37—41 79 106 111 197
Computer-chess tournaments, 6th World Championship (1989) 1 5 28 33—41 43—45 58 121 124 219 229 239
Computer-Go tournaments, 1989 Computer Olympiad 271 282—283
Computer-Go tournaments, 1989 North American Championship 282
Computer-hostile chess 240 243—245
Condensed move tree 230—232
Condon, J.H. 6 18 36 53 55 60 71 99 153
Constellation chess program 25
Contempt factor 199—200 203
Conway, E. 15
Conway, J.H. 276
Cook, C. 16
Cooke, E. 28
Cray Blitz chess program 5 21—22 34—35 37—41 43 53 57—59 91 111—130 221—222
Crocker, S.D. 4 9 151 155
Cullum, R. 34
Cut node 117—8
Cutoff 76 102 112—114 117 137—138 140—141 143—145 147—151 153 160 162—168 170 202 211 261 265
Dailey, D. 34
Dappet chess program 34—35 41 221—222
Darwish, N.M 148
Day, L. 13
De Groot, A.D. 3
Dead entries 215
Deep Thought chess program 1 5—6 10 16 26—31 34—35 38—41 43 47 51 53 55—78 221—222 240—245 257 260
Dekker, S.T. 183—185
Denker, A. 79 105
Depth chart 193 195
Descartes, R. 252
Dixon, J.K. 135 147 150
Dlugy, M. 26
Donskoy, M.V. 4 37 42 112 155—156 163 259 261
Doran, R.J. 147
draft 127
Dreyfus, H.L. 12
Dreyfus, S.E. 12
Drosophila 7 227—228 232—236 259 269 277
Duchess chess program 4 12 177 218
Eastlake, D.E. 4 9 151 155
Ebeling, C. 22 34 53 56 60 71 79 88 109 119 153 260
Edge-branching tree 231
Elo, A.E. 9
En passant handling 57 61 67 85 100 184
Endgame database, 32-men 184
Endgame database, 4-men 13 16
Endgame database, 5-men 15—16 183
Endgame database, KBBKN 15—16 251 253—254
Endgame database, KNKP 184
Endgame database, KNNK 187
Endgame database, KNNKP 254
Endgame database, KNNKP(h) 184—185 193 195
Endgame database, KQKBB 15
Endgame database, KQKNN 15
Endgame database, KQKP(g7) 247 249
Endgame database, KQKR 13—14 225 241 247
Endgame database, KQPKQ 15 225
Endgame database, KRBKR 15—16 51
Endgame database, KRKN 15
Endgame database, KRP(a2)KbBP(a3) 246 252
Evaluation functions 89—90 101 119
Evaluation functions, dynamic 153
Evaluation functions, first-order 91 93—95 101
Evaluation functions, higher-order 91
Evaluation functions, linear 49 72 90 98 152
Evaluation functions, linear polynomial 152
Evaluation functions, non-linear 50 98 152—153
Evaluation functions, root evaluations 153
Evaluation functions, second-order 91—92 94—96 101 107
Evaluation functions, SNAC function 152
Evaluation functions, static 134 151—154
Evaluation functions, tuning 53 72—76 78
FAB (Fail-soft ) 137 139—143 149
Feigenbaum, E. 256
Feldmann, R. 118
Felten.E. 34
FIDE (Federation International des Echecs) 9 16 246
Fidelity chess program 25 34—35 38—39 41
Fidelity International 25
Fine, R. 13 47
Finkel, R.A. 139—140
Fischer, R.J. 30
Fishbein, A. 16 240
Fishbum, J.P. 139—140
Formanek, E. 23—24
Fredkin Prize 6 19 58
Fredkin, E. 6 19
Frey, P.W. 5 11
Fuller, S.H. 148
Futer, A.L. 247 253
Fuzzy matching 51—52
Fuzzy matching, Checkers 152—153 278
Fuzzy matching, Go 236—237 271—300
Fuzzy matching, Kalah 150 153
Fuzzy matching, Nine Men’s Morris 273
Fuzzy matching, Othello 273
Gams, M. 157
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