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Kolmogorov A.N., Fomin S.V. — Measure, Lebesgue Integrals, and Hilbert Space |
Предметный указатель |
-ring 24
-additivity 15 35
-ring 19
Additive measure 2
Additivity- 15 35
Algebra of sets 20
Algebra, Borel 25
Basis, countable 101
Bessel’s inequality 111
Bilinear functional 128
Bilinear functional, (symmetric) 128
Borel algebra (B-algebra) 25
Borel closure of a system of sets 25
Borel measurable functions 48
Borel set 24
Cauchy — Bunjakovskii (Schwarz) inequality 95
Closed system 112
Closure, linear 104
Complete system of functions 105
Completely continuous operator 130
Completeness of the space 95
Continuation of a measure 28
Continuation of a measure, (Jordan) 29
Continuation of a measure, (Lebesgue) 43
Continuity of measure 15
Convergence of a sequence of functions in the mean (square) 97 98 100
Convergence, almost everywhere 54 100
Convergence, uniform with the exception of a set of small measure 55
Countable additivity of measure 15 35 43 101
Countable basis 101
Countable dimension 100
Dependence, linear 104
Dimension, countable 100
Dirichlet function 77
Eigenfunctions 132 133
Eigenvectors 132 133
Equivalent 52 94
Fatou’s theorem 73
Fourier coefficients 110
Fourier series 111
Fubini’s Theorem 87
Functional, bilinear 128
Functional, quadratic 129
Functions, complete system of 105
Functions, simple 50
General form of a linear functional 126
Geometric definition of a Lebesgue integral 82
Heisenberg’s matrix mechanics 117
Hilbert space, 92
Hilbert space, abstract 118
Independence, linear 104
Inner measure 6 31 40
Integrable 61 63
Integral equation with symmetric kernel 135
Integral operator 123
Integral, as a set function 90
Isomorphic spaces 115
Isomorphism of and spaces 115
Lebesgue integral 63 76 106
Lebesgue measurable set 7 40 45
Lebesgue non-measurable set 18
Lebesgue — Stieltjes measure 17
Limiting process under Lebesgue integral sign 69
| Linear closure 105
Linear manifold 121
Linear self-adjoint operator 129
Linearly independent closed system of functions 112
Linearly independent complete system of functions 105
Linearly independent normalised system of functions 106
Linearly independent orthogonal system of functions 106 107
Linearly independent system of functions 104
Luzin’s theorem 53
Manifold, linear 121
Measurable function 48 49
Measure of a set 26
Measure, absolutely convergent 26
Measure, complete 46
Measure, continuity of 15
Measure, discrete 18
Measure, inner 6 31 40
Measure, Jordan 30
Measure, Lebesgue 7 40
Measure, Lebesgue — Stieltjes 17
Measure, singular 17
Measure, with countable basis 101
Minimal ring 21
Mutually orthogonal 106
Nonseparable Hilbert space 119
Normalised system 106
Orthogonal complement to subspace 123
Orthogonal, mutually 106
Orthogonalisation of a system of vectors (functions) 109
Orthonormal system 106
Outer measure 6 31 40
Parseval’s equation 112
Plane measure and linear measure 82
Power, nth of a set 78
Product of measures 82
Product, vector 94
Quadratic functional 129
Radon’s theorem 90
Riemann integral (comparison) 75
Riesz — Fischer theorem 113
Ring of sets 19
Ring, its unit 19
Ring, minimal 21 24
Scalar product 94
Schr dinger’s wave mechanics 117
Schwarz inequality 95
Self-adjoint linear operator 129
Semiring 21
Set, algebra of 20
Set, B-closure 25
Set, function 90
Set, measurable 40
Set, of unique measure 44
Simple functions 50
Square integrable 93
Subspace of Hilbert space 121
Summable 93
Tchebishev’s inequality 68
Uniqueness, set of 38
Unit of system of sets 19 39
Unit sphere, weak compactness 127
Vector product 94
Weak compactness of unit sphere 127
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