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Kollar J., Mori S. — Birational geometry of algebraic varieties |
Предметный указатель |
Hodge index theorem 11 21
Hodge theory 63
Horizontal 208
Hurwitz formula 210
Implicit function theorem 148
In codimension 159
Indeterminacy 8 11
Index 1 cover 159
Index of a divisor 159
Index of a variety 159
Intersection, number 29
Inversion of adjunction 173 174
Kahler manifold 13
Kawamata log terminal, kit 56
Kit, Kawamata log terminal 56
Kleiman’s criterion 19 33 35
Kodaira dimension 237
Kodaira vanishing theorem 62 70
Kodaira vanishing, general 73
Kodaira’s canonical bundle formula 49
Lattice bundle 10 /
Lc, log canonical 56
Lc, log canonical morphism 208
Lemma, Chow’s 32
Lemma, Hensel’s 125
Lemma, rigidity 9
Leray spectral sequence 3 71 73 156 162 185
Linear equivalence 4
Linear f-equivalence 5
Locally analytically -factorial 47
Log canonical, lc 56
Log canonical, lc, morphism 208
Log canonical, lc, numerically 112
Log canonical, lc, semi, sic 209
Log resolution 3 5 58
Log terminal, It 57
Log variety 48
Lt, log terminal 57
Luroth’s theorem 8
Manifold, compact complex 13
Manifold, Kahler 13
Map, bimeromorphic 6
Map, birational 6
Map, meromorphic 6
Map, rational 5
Meromorphic map 6
Minimal embedding 150
Minimal f- 106
Minimal model vii 27 43 44 46 107
Minimal model, G- 48
Minimal model, program vii 43 98
Minimal relatively 106
Minimal variety 43
Miniversal deformation 145
MMP 43 98
MMP, over S 98
MMP, semi-stable 208
Model, canonical 107
Model, G-minimal 48
Model, minimal 27 43 44 107
Model, weak canonical 107
Mori’s program, vii 43
Morphism 4
Morphism, contraction 27
Morphism, divisorial log terminal, dlt 208
Morphism, Frobenius 13 14 16
Morphism, log canonical, lc 208
Multiple curve 11
Multiple curve, , the group of r-th-roots of 1 171
Multiple curve, , the group of roots of 1 217
Nakai — Moishezon criterion 31 34
NE(X), the cone of curves 19
NE(X/Y) 45 95
Nef 4 35
Nef, divisors, example of /- 35
Nef, f- 35
Neron — Severi 11 19
Neron — Severi group 11 19
Neron — Severi theorem of the base of 19
Non-vanishing theorem 75 91
Norm 154
NS(X), the Neron — Severi group of X 19
Number, intersection 29
Numerical equivalence 4 18
Numerical f-equivalence 5
Numerically dlt 112
Numerically log canonical 112
Numerically trivial 4
Of pure codimension 8 70
One-parameter family 13
Open condition 122
Open variety 49
Picard number 19
Picard number, relative 45
Pit, purely log terminal 56
Prime divisor 4
Principle, GAGA 62
Pull back of a Weil divisor 160
Purely log terminal, pit 56
Quasi-finite 149 150
Quotient singularity 158
Ramified cyclic cover 64
Rational map 5
Rational resolution 155
Rational singularity 155
Rationality theorem 75 86
Ray, extremal 18
redX, the maximal reduced closed subscheme of X 5
Regular function 148
Regular sequence 153
Relative, 1-cycle 45
Relative, basepoint-free theorem 94
Relative, cone theorem 95
Relative, minimal model program 98
Relative, Picard number 45
| Relative, trace map 185
Relatively minimal 106
Relativization 45
Resolution 3 5
Resolution for a divisor 61
Resolution for kit pair 58
Resolution with smooth 55
Resolution, log 3 5 58
Resolution, rational 155
Resolution, semi-stable 235
Resolution, simultaneous 128 234
Riemann — Roch theorem 20 30
Rigidity lemma 9
Ring, canonical 80 237
Round down, 5
Round up, 5
Ruled surface 21
Semi log canonical, sic 209
Semi-stable flip viii
Semi-stable MMP 208
Semi-stable reduction theorem 214 215 228 232
Semi-stable resolution 235
Sequence of flips 193
Sequence of flops 194
Sequence, Leray spectral 3 71 73 156 162 185
Sequence, regular 153
Serre duality 72 163 182
Serre vanishing theorem 66
Sic, semi log canonical 209
Simple elliptic 116
Simple normal crossing divisor, snc 5
Simple singularity 122
Simultaneous Resolution 128 234
Singularity, analytic type 193
Singularity, canonical 42
Singularity, Du Val 143 165
Singularity, quotient 158
Singularity, simple 122
Singularity, surface quotient viii
Singularity, terminal 42 46 199
Small contraction 38
Snc, simple normal crossing 5
Space, deformation 12 232
Space, Fano fiber 44
Spectral sequence, Leray 3 71 73 156 162 185
Stable curve 230
Standard terminalization 195 215
Stein factorization 150
Subcone, extremal 18
SuppD, support of divisor D 4
Surface, abelian 22
Surface, analytic 25
Surface, cubic 22
Surface, Del Pezzo 22 39
Surface, quotient singularity viii
Surface, ruled 21
Symbolic blow up 199
Symbolic power algebra 189
Terminal 42 56
Terminal, flop 191 192
Terminal, singularity 42 46 199
Terminalization 195
Terminalization, standard 195 215
Termination of flips 193 210 211
Termination of flops 194 203 205
Theorem of the base of Neron — Severi 19
Theorem, basepoint-free 75 78
Theorem, Castelnuovo’s 8
Theorem, cone 22 27 38 43 76 81
Theorem, contraction 76
Theorem, easy termination 203
Theorem, Hironaka 3 4
Theorem, Hodge index 11 21
Theorem, implicit function 148
Theorem, Kodaira vanishing 62 70
Theorem, Luroth’s 8
Theorem, non-vanishing 75 91
Theorem, rationality 75 86
Theorem, relative basepoint-free 94
Theorem, relative cone 95
Theorem, Riemann — Roch 20
Theorem, semi-stable reduction 214 215 228 232
Theorem, weak Hironaka 3 4
Theorem, Weierstrass preparation 125
Theory, deformation 12
Theory, elimination 15
Theory, Hodge 63
Total discrepancy 52
totaldiscrep(X, ) 52
Trace 154
Trace, relative 185
Transform, birational 5
TREE 114
Trivial 4
Trivial, numerically 4
Tyurina number, 129
Unbranched cover 13
Unramifled cyclic cover 63
Valuation, algebraic 50
Vanishing theorem, general Kodaira 73
Vanishing theorem, Kodaira 62 70
Vanishing theorem, Serre 66
Variety, log 48
Variety, minimal 43
Variety, open 49
Variety, Pano 28
Versal deformation 145
Weak canonical model 107
Weak Hironaka theorem 3 4
Weierstrass preparation theorem 125
Weight 142 143 168
Weight at least 169
Weighted blow up 142 143 167 170
wt, a weight 168
y 154
{D}, the fractional part of divisor D 5
{d}, the fractional part of d\in\mathbb{R}$ 5
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