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Van der Put M., Singer M.F. — Galois Theory of Linear Differential Equations |
Предметный указатель |
Linear algebraic group, character 374
Linear algebraic group, faithful representation 376
Linear algebraic group, G-module 376
Linear algebraic group, morphism 372
Linear algebraic group, reductive 59
Linear algebraic group, representation 376
Linear algebraic group, unipotent radical 59
Linear differential equation eigenvalue 81
Linear differential operators, eigenvalue 80
Linear differential operators, Fuchsian 174
Linear differential operators, greatest common left divisor 40
Linear differential operators, greatest common right divisor 40
Linear differential operators, least common left multiple 40
Linear differential operators, least common right multiple 40
Linear differential operators, of the same type 46
Linear differential operators, order of an operator 39
Linear differential operators, reducible 47 58
Linear differential operators, ring of 39
Liouvillian extension 33
Local exponents 106 108 187
Local ring 368
Local ring, of a point 368
Local system 168
localization 5
LocalSystems(X) 168
M(D) 170
M(s) 173
M(–s) 173
Matrix differential equation 7
Max(A) 353
Moderate growth 153
Moderate growth on S 153
Moduli functor 307
Moduli functor, data 307
Moduli functor, objects 307
Monodromy, group 150
Monodromy, local 150
Monodromy, map 150
Morphism 357
Morphism, defined over k 365
Multiplicative group 371
Multisummable 225
Multisummation Theorem 226
N(L) 91
Newton polygon 91
Newton polygon, slopes 91
Newton polygon, slopes, length 91
Noether Normalization Theorem 366
Noetherian 354
Nonsingular 369
O(N) 171
O(X) 357
Open sector 153 194
Order at infinity 107
Order of f at q 107
p(H) 281
Paracompact 419
Partial differential operators 423
Picard — Vessiot field 16 430
Picard — Vessiot ring 12 430
Platonov's Theorem 288
Plucker relations 118
Presheaf 404
primitive 135
Principal homogeneous space 380
Pro-Lie algebra 274
Pro-Lie algebra, representation 274
Product of affine varieties 363
Profinite group 386
Projective limit 385
Projective space 170
q-adic expansion 107
Qt(A) 359
R(L) 91
R-points 360
Radical ideal 353
Rank 424
Rational functions 359
Reduced 353
Reg(X) 169
RegSing(C(z),S) 172
Regular functions 357
Regular singular, differential module 68
Regular singular, operator 69
Representable functor 394
Riccati equation 28 74 110
Riemann surface 407
| Ringed space 407
Scalar differential equation 8
Semi-simple 59
Sheaf 403
Sheaf, associated to a presheaf 408
Sheaf, cokernel of a morphism 409
Sheaf, constant sheaf 404
Sheaf, direct image 409
Sheaf, direct sum 405
Sheaf, exact sequences of sheaves 413
Sheaf, extension 410
Sheaf, image of a morphism 409
Sheaf, inverse image 410
Sheaf, kernel of a morphism 409
Sheaf, long exact sequence 415
Sheaf, morphism 407
Sheaf, of -1-forms 414
Sheaf, of -functions 405
Sheaf, of groups, rings 406
Sheaf, of holomorphic functions 404 405
Sheaf, of meromorphic functions 404
Sheaf, quotient 408
Sheaf, restriction 410
Sheaf, skyscraper 406
Short exact sequence 411
Simple differential ring 12
Simply connected 150
Singular direction 215
Singular point 369
Singular point, apparent 187
Singular point, weight 188
Smooth 369
Solution space 7 9
Solution space of a differential module 13
Solution space, contravariant 48
Solution space, covariant 48
Spec(A) 390
Special affine subset 368
Special differential 426
Special polygon 91
Spectrum 390
Stalk 405
Stokes direction 206
Stokes map 246
Stokes map, associated to a module 247
Stokes matrix 246
Stokes multiplier 246
Stokes pair 206
Stokes pair, negative 206
Stokes pair, positive 206
Stokes phenomenon 238
Stokes phenomenon, additive 240
Stokes sheaf 254 259
STS 254
Subvariety 358
Symmetric power 52 126
Symmetric power, of a vector space 126
t 371
Tangent space 369
Tannakian category 399
Tannakian category, neutral 398
Tensor product 51 361
Topological monodromy 248
Torsor 380
Torsor, isomorphic 381
Torsor, Trivial 381
Torus 371
Trip 81
Tup 247
Universal differential Galois group 270
Universal Picard — Vessiot field 270
Universal Picard — Vessiot ring 75
UnivF 270
UnivG 270
V(G) 284
Vector bundle 166
Vector bundle, defect 183
Vector bundle, free 166
Vector bundle, geometric 167
Vector bundle, line bundle 166
Vector bundle, type 169
Watson's lemma 213
Watson's Lemma, relative form 226
wronskian 9
Wronskian matrix 9
X(R) 360
Yoneda Lemma 394
Zariski topology 354 390
Zero-dimensional left ideal 424
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