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Pearl J. — Heuristics |
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Algorithm 62—64 70 72 240 286
algorithm 62—64 71—85
algorithm definition 64
algorithm expected performance 140—150 169—193
algorithm properties 73—85
algorithm, admissibility of 77—78 85 106 111 164
algorithm, optimality of 85 107 111 112 206—207
algorithm, references for 70 110
algorithm, variations to 49 65 70 85—99 111 112 125 145
algorithm 56 63 100 102—110 112 326
algorithm 54—55 63 72 100 102
algorithm, admissibility of 55
algorithm 90—97
algorithm 98
algorithm 240—245 281 287 326
algorithm, branching factor 304—306
algorithm, definition 243
algorithm, description 240—243
algorithm, example 244—245
algorithm, history of 286 325
algorithm, performance analysis 300—310 329—331
algorithm, relation to 3 301 306—310 325
-bound 234 238 239
8-Puzzle 6 18 20 27 31 39 71 79 81 87 113 119 138 164
8-Queens 4 14 17 20 31 38
Accuracy of heuristic estimates 53 79 87 91 145 149 169 170 334 351
Acosta, A. 349
Add list, in STRIPS 119
Admissibility, of search algorithms 75 86 105 162 194 331 see
Admissibility, of search algorithms, -admissibility 88—91 104—106 111 128 164
Admissibility, of search algorithms, of 62
Admissibility, of search algorithms, of 77—78 106 111 164
Admissibility, of search algorithms, of 55 78
Admissibility, of search algorithms, relaxation-based 11
Admissibility, of search algorithms, risk admissibility 94—99 112
Admissibility, of search algorithms, set-splitting proof of 55 62 78
Admissible heuristics 77 113 169—193
Air-distance heuristic 9 114 140 145 163
Alpha bound 233 238
Alpha-Beta procedure, for games 231—239 287
Alpha-Beta procedure, for games, branching factor 269 296—298
Alpha-Beta procedure, for games, definition 234
Alpha-Beta procedure, for games, expected performance 235 293—299 307—310
Alpha-Beta procedure, for games, for computing quantiles 277
Alpha-Beta procedure, for games, for searching flow trees 281 287
Alpha-Beta procedure, for games, history of 273 286 293—294
Alpha-Beta procedure, for games, influence-analysis view of 235—239
Alpha-Beta procedure, for games, pruning power of 235 298—299
Amarel, S. 31 70
Analogical models 117—118
Ancestor nodes 34
AND links 22 26—27 222
AND nodes 25
AND/OR graphs and trees 19 22—32
AND/OR graphs and trees to represent games 26 32 222—223 279
AND/OR graphs and trees, best-first search of (GBF, ) 49—56 53 240—245
AND/OR graphs and trees, cost of solutions 50—54 57—58
AND/OR graphs and trees, cycles in 46
AND/OR graphs and trees, definition 22
AND/OR graphs and trees, examples 23—24 30 47 223 279
AND/OR graphs and trees, labeling procedures for 51 58—60
AND/OR graphs and trees, node selection in 53—54
AND/OR graphs and trees, uninformed search of 44—46
AO Algorithm 62—63
Approximate-optimization 15 90—99 129 154
Arcs 33
Arratia, R. 163
Artificial intelligence (AI) 4 19 137
Assignment problem 11 31 115 176 210
Asymptotic optimality 260 264 270
Attractors 322 325 352
Averbach, B. 56
Backed-up values 58 60 227 332
Backmarking 40
Backtracking 36 40 65 71 121 190 230
Backtracking definition 40
Backtracking illustration 42
Backtracking in AND/OR graphs 45—47
Backtracking, analysis 190—192
Backtracking, informed 40 42 190
Backtracking, references for 69
Backtracking, variations of 40—42 66 69 152 162
Bagchi, A. Ill 194
Bahl, L.R. 71
Ball, M. 163
Banerji, R.B. 31 131
Barr, A. 86 111 227 286
Baudet, G.M. 269 294 296 325
Beal, D. 333 349
Bellman, R. 69
Bellmore, M. 81
Berlekamp, E.R. 31
Berliner, H.J. 285 359
Bernoulli theorem 126—127
Best-first strategies 46—56 63 65 111 112 240 326
Best-first strategies for AND/OR graphs 49 240
Best-first strategies for OR graphs 48—49 72
Best-first strategies, generalized 50—51 99—110
Best-first strategies, provisions for optimality 54—55
Best-first strategies, specialized 61—65
BF algorithm 74 87
BF algorithm, definition 48
BF algorithm, relation to GBF 55 63
Bidirectional search 70
Blind (uninformed) search 34 36—46
Bounding functions 10 31 70
Bramson, M.D. 163 167
Branch-and-bound 19 31 55 70 131 286
Branching degree 33 318 324
Branching factor 259
Branching processes, applications 155—161 284
Branching processes, definition and properties 154—155 165—167
Branching processes, nonhomogeneous 173
Bratko, I. 349
Breadth-first strategies 42—44 65 69 141
Brudno, A.L. 286
Bursky, P. 70
C-bounded paths 112
Campbell, M.S. 310
Capacity (in flow trees) 280—285 326
Carbonell, J.G. 118
Chang, C.L. 70
Characteristic distribution, for games 289 297 304 325 328
Cheapest-first 44 see
Chein, O. 31
CLOSED list 34 37
Closed nodes 34
Closed nodes, reopening of 49 72 76 82 111 194
Clusters of strategies 240
codes see also Representations
Codes for solutions 15 23 26 29
Codes for subsets 16 18—21 49 240
Combining rules (or functions) 13 57 58 227 359—360
Commutativity 35 123
Completeness 16 19 75—77 99 103
Connectors, in hypergraphs 25
Consistent (monotone) heuristics 82—85 111 148
Consistent (monotone) heuristics and reopening closed nodes 83
Consistent (monotone) heuristics and the optimality of 85 107 111 112
Consistent (monotone) heuristics produced by relaxed models 115 131 140
Consistent (monotone) heuristics relation to admissibility 83 111
Constraint-satisfaction problems 4 14 21 31 69
control strategies 13 16 20 34
Conway, J. 31
Cost labeling 58—60 99 102
Cost measures, of paths, max-cost 34 58 62 99 101 281
Cost measures, of paths, median 57 76
Cost measures, of paths, mode 99
Cost measures, of paths, multiplicative 99
| Cost measures, of paths, nonadditive 57 61 99 102
Cost measures, of paths, range 72 99 101
Cost measures, of paths, recursive 100
Cost measures, of paths, sum-cost 34 58 61 62 74 151
Cost, of arcs 34
Counterfeit coin problem 12 19 22 26 31 32 38 59 72 133
Cutoffs, in game searching, conditions for 238 295
Cutoffs, in game searching, deep and shallow 233 294
Darling, D.A. 168
Database 16 20
De Champeaux, B. 70
Deadends 6 18 31 37
Debiasing heuristics 106 203 205 213
Debiasing heuristics, optimal way of 205 210
Dechter, R. 85 107 110 111 171 175 176 177 180 181
Decomposability 121—124
Degree of a node 33
DeGroot, M.H. 325
Delayed termination 54—56 62 63
Delete list, in STRIPS 119
Deo, N. 69
Depth of anode 37 39 88 164
Depth of search 188 227 333
Depth-bound 37
Depth-first search 36—42 65 151 160 230 260 266
Depth-first search in graphs 39 44
Depth-first search, definition 37
Depth-first search, examples 38 230
Depth-first search, informed version of 38 67 190
descendant nodes 34
DeWitt, H.K. 163
Dijkstra, E.W. 69
Directed search see Informed search
Directional search algorithms 260 265
Dixon, J.K. 269 286 294
Dominance between algorithms 75 81 85 112 199—202 209 249 301
Dominance, pruning by 21
Dominance, stochastic 176—179
Doran, J. 31 70 120
Dreyfus, S.E. 61 69 102
Durrett, R. 177
Dynamic ordering 286
Dynamic programming 60 69 76 102
Dynamic weighting 88 105 213
Eastman, W.L. 31
Edges, in graphs 33 52
Edmonds, J. 31
Edwards, D.J. 286
Elliot, G.L. 31 69
Ernst, G.W. 122 123 131
Error propagation, in minimaxing 333—346
Errors, -normalized 184
Errors, effects on search complexity 145 169—217
Errors, order of 184 189 205 213
Errors, overestimation 195 199—202
Errors, proportional 179—183 205 210 211
Errors, subproportional 186—189 193 205 207
Euclidean distance 9 114
Evaluation functions 35 48 50 56 60 70 102 226
Evaluation functions, additive 99 101
Evaluation functions, examples of 6—13
Evaluation functions, nonadditive 99—110
Evaluation functions, optimistic 11 55 62 70 72
Evaluation functions, order-preserving 100—102
Evaluation functions, path-dependent 100 102 112
Evaluation functions, recursive 56—65
Evaluation functions, static 227 334
Evaluation functions, weighted 87 106 145 202 210 213
Exhaustive search 7 229
Expanding nodes 34 36
Expanding nodes by 244
Explicated graphs 49 75 101
Exploring nodes 34
Extinct family, size 154 164 166—167 183
Extinction probability 165
Face-value principle 53 60 86 227 332
Fallible opponent 357—358
Feigenbaum, E.R. 86 111 227 286
Feller, W. 125 175
FIFO search strategies 42
Fikes, R.E. 29 31 119
Filtering argument, in games 332
Fisher, M.L. 131
Flow trees 281 326
Floyd, R.W. 31
Forney, G.D. 71
Forward checking 31 286
Fuller, S.H. 239 294 298
Funt, B.V. 118
Galileo, G. 138
Game trees 222
Game trees, nonuniform 318—322 351
Game-playing strategies 222—226
Game-playing strategies, quality of 58 240
Games as problem-solving laboratory 4 221
Games, books about 31
Games, decision quality in 227 332—361
Games, duality with mazes 277—285
Games, evaluating 268
Games, examples of 32 270 273
Games, mathematical models of 251—259 270—273 318—322
Games, perfect information 222 225
Games, searching of 231—250 271—272
Games, size considerations 226 293 299
Games, solving 224 230 259
Games, value of 60 226—227 255 322
Gams, M. 349
Gardner, M. 31 254
Garey, M.R. 10
Gaschnig, J. 31 40 69 87 120 131 137 163 170 171 179 183 239 294 298
GBF algorithm 50—51 63
GBF algorithm, example of applying 52—54
GBF algorithm, relations to BF 55 63
Gelperin, D. 111
Generate-and-test paradigm 19 31
Generating nodes 34 40
Geoffrion, A.M. 131
Ghallab, M. Ill
Gillogly, J.J. 239 294 298
Goal nodes 6 74
Golden ratio 254
Golden, B. 163
Goldstein, M.M. 123 131
GPS 29 122 124
Graph notation 33 73
Greedy algorithms 36 120—121 123
Guida, G. 131
Guided search see Informed search
Guy, R.K. 31
Haralick, R.M. 31 69
Harris, L.R. 90 111
Harris, T. 154 155 165
Hart, P.E. 63 70 110 111
Hart, T.P. 286
Hays, W.L. 126
Held, M. 11 31 131
Heuristics as sources of noisy signals 47 169—171
Heuristics definition 3 53
Heuristics in constraint-satisfaction problems 5
Heuristics in game playing 227
Heuristics in path-seeking problems 6—12 48 64
Heuristics in strategy-seeking problems 12—13 50 63
Heuristics, admissible 77
Heuristics, consistent (monotone) 82—85
Heuristics, mechanical generation of 118—124
Heuristics, origin 113—115
Heuristics, power of 73 79 139—140 144
Heuristics, probability-based 117 124—131
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