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Zygmund A. — Trigonometric Series. Volume 2 |
Предметный указатель |
, 49
, 50
, 14
, 49
, 50
, 124
, 7
, 49
Approximation, best 115
Arc associated 202 320
Arc opposite 99
Area (of an image) 290
Basis 234
Bound, essential (upper, lower) 18 94
Boundary, extremal (distinguished 315
Boundedness (C, ) 76
Capacity, 195
Capacity, 194
Capacity, logaritlimic 155
Capacity, outer 195
Coefficients of a trigonometric series 1
Coefficients, Fourier (sine, cosine, complex) 5 11 300
Coefficients, Fourier — Lagrange 6
Coefficients, Fourier — Stieiltjes 11
Coefficients, lacunary 181
Condition of regularity (i), (ii), (iii) 74
Condition, A, B, B , C (for kernels) 75 76
Condition, B 199
Condition, Dini 171
Condition, E 98
Condition, Lipschitz 42
Convergence in 20
Convergence, almost 184
Convergence, factors 93
Convergence, of order Convergence, 373
Convergence, restricted 309
Convergence, stable 216
Convergence, uniform at a point 58
Convergence, uniform semi 174
Convolution (composition) 36 38
Cylinder, unit - 315
Derivative, approximate, symmetric approximate 324
Derivative, fractional 134
Derivative, generalized -th (symmetric, de la Vail e — Poussin) 59
Derivative, generalized -th (unsymmetric, Peano) 59
Derivative, Schwarz (Riemann) 23
Derivative, strong 305
Derivative, symmetric (first and second) 22
Derivative, upper and lower 23
Dirichlet problem 97
EDGE 315
Equiconvergence 53
Equiconvergence, in the wider sense 53
Euler’s constant 15
Extension, parabolic (of functions) 73
Factors of type (P; Q) 176
Formula, Fourier’s inversion 247
Formula, Green’s 260
Formula, Jensen’s 272
Formula, Mellin’s inversion 254
Formula, Parseval — Placherel’s 248
Formula, Parseval’s 13 37 157
Formula, Poisson’s summation 68
Functional 164
Functions (classes of), , 73
Functions (classes of), 272
Functions (classes of), 271
Functions (classes of), , , , 16
Functions (classes of), 170
Functions (classes of), 316
Functions (classes of), , , , 42 43
Functions (classes of), , , , 45
Functions (classes of), 29
Functions (classes of), A, B, C 136
Functions (classes of), complementary 157
Functions (classes of), N 71 316
Functions (classes of), N 282
Functions (classes of), R 142
Functions (classes of), V 136
Functions, 210
Functions, , , 222 223
Functions, 219
Functions, associated (with a point, set) 4
Functions, asymptotically equal 14
Functions, asymptotically Gauss distributed 264
Functions, characteristic of a transformation 168
Functions, complementary in the sense of Young 16
Functions, Conjugate 51 243
Functions, conjugate of order 63
Functions, convex (concave) 51
Functions, distribution 29 262
Functions, equidistributed 29
Functions, Gauss distributed 264
Functions, Lebesgue 195
Functions, logarithmically convex 25
Functions, major, minor 327
Functions, of a distribution function 262
Functions, of bounded deviation 229
Functions, of jumps 259
Functions, of monotonic type 64
Functions, of order 1 and 2 87
Functions, of the same order 14
Functions, periodic 8 301
Functions, s 207
Functions, simple 94
Functions, slowly varying 186
Functions, smooth 13
Functions, smooth of order 63
Functions, trapezoidal 10
Functions, triangular (roof) 10
Functions, uniformly absolutely continuous 144
Functions, uniformly integrable R 15
Functions, Weierstrass 47
Gauss distribution 264
Gibbs’s phenomenon 61 110
Inequality, Bessel’s 13
Inequality, H lder’s 17 175
Inequality, Jensen’s 21 94
Inequality, Minkowski’s 18
Inequality, triangle 162
Inequality, Young’s 17
integral 8 232
Integral, 86
Integral, conjugate 282
Integral, Denjoy’s Integral, special (Perron’s) 84
Integral, Fourier’s single 242
Integral, fractional (Riemann — Liouville, Weyl) 133 139
Integral, Laplace 244
Integral, M 84
Integral, normalized second indefinite 87
Integral, Poisson’s 83 303
Integral, repeated 214
Integral, trigonometric 244
Interpolation, abscissa, oxdinate of 2
Interpolation, Hermite 23
Interpolation, Lagrange 23
Kernel, conjugate 49
| Kernel, Dirichlet 49
Kernel, Dirichlet modified 50
Kernel, Fej r 88
Kernel, Fej r, conjugate 93
Kernel, mortified conjugate 50
kernel, Poisson 96
Kernel, Poisson, conjugate 96
Kernel, positive 86
Kernel, quasi-positive 86
Lebesgue constants 67
Lemmas, Fatou’s 26
Lemmas, Rajchman’s 353
Lemmas, van der Corput’s 197
Limit, approximate 323
localization 52
Localization, for cross-neighbourhoods 305
Localization, for interpolation 17
Localization, Riemann principle of 330 367
Localization, Riemann — Lebesgue principle of 53
Mass distribution 11
Matrix, positive 75
Matrix, regular, triangular 74
Maximum (minimum) of a function at a point 88
Means, arithmetic (C, ) 76
Means, delayed (C, 1) 80
Means, integral arithmetic 83 69
Means, linear 74
Modulus of continuity 42
Modulus of continuity, integral 46
Neighbourhoods, cross 306
Neighbourhoods, symmetric 199
Neighbourhoods, symmetric and similar 318
Neighbourhoods, triangular 199 318
Non-tangential paths 81
Norm 163
Norm, weak, strong 111
Normal system 6
Number of roots of a polynomial 2
Numbers, Ces ro ( ) 76
Numbers, S 148
Operation (Transformation), linear, continuous, bounded 164
Operation (Transformation), multilinear 106
Operation (Transformation), of strong, weak type ( , ) 111
Order of a polynomial 1
Partial sums, modified 60
Partial sums, rectangular, spherical 302
Partial sums, symmetric 2
Points, fundamental (nodal) 1
Points, of strong density 307
Points, opposite 99
Polynomials, adjusted 26
Polynomials, Bernoulli’s 42
Polynomials, fundamental 1
Polynomials, interpolating 1
Polynomials, interpolating of the second kind 23
Polynomials, Jackson’s 22
Polynomials, power 1
Polynomials, trigonometric 1
Portion 28
Principal value 61
Products, formal, Blaschke 274
Products, formal, of integrals 282
Products, formal, of series 330
Products, formal, Riesz 208
Property 73
Property , D 44
Restricted behaviour of a function 321
Restricted convergence, summability 309
Riemann theory of trigonometric series 316
Sequence, convex 93
Sequence, of bounded variation 4
Series, conjugate 1
Series, Fourier 6 300
Series, Fourier trigonometric (sine, cosine, complex) 7
Series, Fourier — Stieltjes 11
Series, generalized Fourier sine series 48
Series, lacunary 202
Series, of class S; trigonometric 1
Series, of Hardy and Littlewood 197
Series, of power series type 3
Series, of Salem 225
Series, orthogonal 6
Series, power series of bounded variation 286
Series, Rademacher 212
Series, randomly continuous 219
Series, with ‘small’ gape 222
Sets, Cantor 196
Sets, classes of, 346
Sets, classes of, 152
Sets, classes of, 318
Sets, classes of, 348
Sets, classes of, , , 295
Sets, classes of, 360
Sets, classes of, , , 295
Sets, classes of, , 296
Sets, classes of, H 317
Sets, classes of, M 344
Sets, classes of, N, 236
Sets, classes of, U 344
Sets, classes of, U( ) 351
Sets, dense, non-dense, everywhere dense 28 162
Sets, denumerable 9
Sets, in the restricted sense 348
Sets, in the wide sense 160
Sets, Lebesgue (for functions) 66
Sets, of circular structure 178
Sets, of constant ratio of dissection 196
Sets, of first and second categories 28 162
Sets, of multiplicity 344
Sets, of type N, 236
Sets, of uniqueness 344
Sets, simply connected 290
Spaces, , 163
Spaces, Banach 163
Spaces, complete 162
Spaces, linear 162
Spaces, measure 94
Spaces, metric 162
Spaces, normed 163
Spaces, Orlicz 170
Spaces, separable 162
Sum, Ces ro 76
Summability, 303
Summability, 181
Summability, 321
Summability, 69
Summability, (C, ) 76
Summability, (C, 1) 302
Summability, A (Abel or Poisson) 80 302
Summability, absolute 83
Summability, by the logarithmic mean 106
Summability, C 66
Summability, of type U 333
Summability, R 319
Summability, restricted 309
Summability, strong (C, 1) 181
Summation by parts 3
Systems, closed 127
Systems, closed, complete 5
Systems, closed, orthogonal, Systems, closed, orthonormal 6
Systems, closed, trigonometric (complex) 7
Systems, closed, with respect to 6
Test, Dini 62
Test, Dini — Lipechitz 63
Test, Dirichlet — Jordan 67
Test, Lebesgue 66
Theorems, Banach — Steinhaus 166
Theorems, Bary 349
Theorems, Bernstein 240 11 276
Theorems, Cantor — Lebesgue 316
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