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Kelley J., Namioka I. — Linear Topological Spaces |
Предметный указатель |
-space 81
Absolute value 230
Absolute, 96
Absorb 90
Absorption Theorem 90
Adjoint transformation 204
Adjoint, of a linear topological space 119
Adjoint, of a pseudo-normed space 51
Admissible family 167
Admissible family, generated by 168
Algebra (of sets) 157
Algebraic, closure 42
Algebraic, dual 8
Annihilator 119
Approximation theorem 144
Ascoli theorem 81
atom 56
Baire, condition of 92
Baire, theorem 86
Banach — Alaoglu theorem 155
Banach — Steinhaus theorem 104
Banach, space 58
Banach, subgroup theorem 93
Barrel 104
Barrel, theorem 104
Base, for a family of pseudo-norms 232
Base, for a neighborhood system 27
Base, local 31
Base, local, theorem 34
Bilinear mapping 106
Bilinear, functional 106 137
Borel set 126
Bornivore see "Bound absorbing"
Bound absorbing 182
Bounded 44
Bounded, elementary facts on boundedness 45
Bounded, linear function 45
Bounded, pointwise 103
Bounded, uniformly 102
Canonical, isomorphism 120
Canonical, map 137
Categorical imperative 1—247
Category, first 84
Category, first, at a point 85
Category, second 84
Category, second, at a point 85
Category, theorems 83
Circled 14
Circled extension 14
Closable map 208
Closed map 208
Closed set 27
Closed sphere 29
Closed, graph theorem 97 106 116
Closed, relation theorem 101
Closure 27
Cluster point 28
Co-base 113
Co-dimension 5
Complementary 5
complete 56
Complete metric space 32
Complete, relative to a pseudo-metric 85
Complete, sequentially 58
Complete, topologically 96
Completely continuous map 79 206
Completion 62
Condensation theorem 85
Cone 16
Cone, dual 225
Cone, generated by a set 17
Cone, generating 225
Cone, normal 227
Cone, positive 16
Cone, proper 19
Cone, reproducing 225
Conical extension 17
conjugate see "Adjoint"
Contain small sets 59
Contraction 33
Converge 28
Convergence in mean of order p 54
Convex 13
Convex body 110
Convex cover see "Convex extension"
Convex envelope see "Convex extension"
Convex extension 13
Convex hull see "Convex extension"
Coset space see "Quotient space"
Deficiency see "Co-dimension"
Dense 27
Difference, space see "Quotient space"
Difference, theorem 92
Direct (verb) 28
Direct, sum 8
Direct, system see "Inductive system"
Disjoint elements (in a lattice) 230
Disk see "Barrel"
Distinguish points 109 138
distribution 197
Dual, (of a linear topological space) see "Adjoint"
Dual, base see "Co-base"
Dual, ordering 225
Dual, transformation 199
Ecart see "Pseudo-metric"
Elementary facts on totally bounded sets 65
Embedding 47
Equicontinuous 73
Equicontinuous, at a point 73
Euclidean, complex 3
Euclidean, real 3
Eventually 28
Exhaustible see "Of the first category" "Category"
Extension theorem 21 117
Extreme, half-line 133
Extreme, point 130
Factor space see "Quotient space"
Finite intersection property 59
Flat see "Linear manifold"
Frechet space 58
Frequently 28
Function bounded on a set 69
Function, absolutely homogeneous 15
Function, additive 157
Function, analytic 162
Function, completely continuous 79 206
Function, continuous 28
Function, continuous, at a point 28
Function, continuous, on a subset 28 73
Function, interior see "Open function"
Function, locally measurable 129
Function, lower semi-continuous 94
Function, non-negatively homogeneous 15
Function, open 28
Function, relatively open 28
Function, subadditive 15
Function, topological see "Homeomorphism"
Function, totally bounded on a subset 70
Function, uniformly continuous 38
Function, upper semi-continuous 94
Function, vanishing at infinity 81
Function, weakly analytic 162
Generated by subspace 4
Graph 38
Grothendieck's Completeness Theorem 145
Hahn — Banach theorem 21
Half-space 19
Half-space, complementary 19
Hamel base 3
| Hausdorff uniformity 116
Hausdorff's theorem on total boundedness 61
Helly's, condition 151
Helly's, theorem 18
Hilbert space 65
Hilbert space, orthogonal 66
Hilbert space, orthogonal complement 66
Hilbert space, orthonormal, basis 67
Hilbert space, orthonormal, subset 67
Hilbert space, projection 66
Hilbert space, summable 66
Homeomorphism 28
Hurewicz, W. 88
Hypercomplete 116
Hyperplane 19
Idempotent operator 40
Induced map theorem 6 40
Inductive limit 10
Inductive limit, strict 164
Inductive system 10
Inexhaustible see "Of the second category" "Category"
Injection (into a direct sum) 9
Inner product 54
Interior 27
Inverse, limit see "Projective limit"
Inverse, system see "Projective system"
James, R.C. 198
Join (in a lattice) 229
Join (of two sets) 14
Kakutani's lemma 17
Kernel see "Null space"
Kernel (of an inductive system) 10
Kothe space 220
Krein — Milman theorem 131
Krein — Smulian Theorem 177 212
L space 238
L space, characterization 243
Lattice, Archimedean 229
Lattice, Banach 236
Lattice, homomorphism 237
Lattice, homomorphism, real 237
Lattice, isomorphism 237
Lattice, normed 236
Lattice, normed, type L 238
Lattice, type L, representation 243
Lattice, type M 238
Lattice, type M, representation 240
Lattice, vector 229
LF space 218
LF space, generalized 218
Line segment 13
Linear topological space 34
Linear topological space, barrelled 104 171
Linear topological space, bornivore see "Bound linear topological space"
Linear topological space, bound 183
Linear topological space, disk see "Barrelled linear topological space"
Linear topological space, evaluable 192
Linear topological space, fully complete 178
Linear topological space, infra-tonnele see "Evaluable linear topological space"
Linear topological space, locally bounded 55
Linear topological space, locally convex 45
Linear topological space, Mackey 173
Linear topological space, Montel 196
Linear topological space, normable 43
Linear topological space, pseudo-normable 44
Linear topological space, quasi-barrelled see "Evaluable linear topological space"
Linear topological space, quasi-tonnele see "Evaluable linear topological space"
Linear topological space, quotient 39
Linear topological space, reflexive 191
Linear topological space, semi-reflexive 189
Linear topological space, symmetric see "Evaluable linear topological space"
Linear topological space, tonnele see "Barrelled linear topological space"
Linear topological subspace 39
Linear, extension 5
Linear, function 5 see mapping transformation"
Linear, functional 6
Linear, hull see "Linear extension"
Linear, invariant 6
Linear, isomorphism see "A one-to-one linear function not 6
Linear, manifold 5
Linear, relation 101
Linear, space 1
Linear, span see "Linear extension"
Linear, variety 5
Localizable measure space 129
Locally convex set 42
Locally convex topology 45
Locally convex topology, derived from 109
Locally convex topology, strongest 53
M space 238
M space, characterization 242
MAP see "Function"
Mapping see "Map"
Maximal linear subspace 7
Meager see "Of the first category" "Category"
Measure 126
Measure, Borel 126
Measure, complex 126
Measure, regular 126
Measure, simple 186
Measure, Ulam 186
Meet 229
Metric 29
Metric, associated with a norm 43
Metric, Hausdorff 33
Metric, space 29
Metric, space, complete 32
Metric, topology see "Topology"
Metrization theorem 48
Midpoint convex 17
Minkowski functional 15
Negative part 230
Net 28
Net, Cauchy 56
Net, Cauchy, relative to a pseudo-metric 57
Net, equicontinuous 73
Net, scalar 178
Net, universal see "Kelley [5] p.
Norm 16
Norm, conjugate 117
Norm, equivalent 43
Norm, of a linear functional 117
Normed space see "A linear space with a norm"
Nowhere dense 84
Null space 6
Open, (set) 27
Open, (set), -open 27
Open, (set), mapping theorem 99
Open, (set), sphere 29
Order, bounded set 228
Order, dual 225
Ordered linear space 225
Orthogonal 119
Osgood theorem 86
Paired spaces 137
Pairing 137
Pairing, induced 146
Pairing, natural 138
Pairing, separated 138
Partial ordering 16
Partial ordering, translation invariant 16
Partially ordered linear space see "Ordered linear space"
polar 141
Polar, computation rule 141
Positive, cone 16 225
Positive, element 225
Positive, part 230
Precompact see "Totally bounded"
Projection 8 40
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