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Cvetkovic D., Doob M., Sachs H. — Spectra of graphs. Theory and application |
Предметный указатель |
Hydrocarbon, acyclic, conjugated (aromatic) 229—231 244
Hydrocarbon, acyclic, saturated 270
Hydrocarbon, acyclic, unfuzed 244
Hypergraph 50 110 267
Icosahedron (graph) 125 128 225 269
Incidence graph 50
Incidence matrix (vertex-edge, edge-vertex) 16 114 265
Incidence matrix, modified 110
Indegree 14*
Index, of a graph 18*
Index, of a graph of imprimitivity 18
Index, of a graph of mobility 217
Index, of a graph, topological 270
Interlacing theorem 19
Intersection array 198
Intersection array, matrix 197 198
Irreducible component of a representation 142*
Ising problem 251
Isomorphism 12*
Jordan Matrix 141*
Jordan normal form 141 144.
Kac, M. 254
Karp, R. M. 261
Kasteleyn, P. W. 45 47 240
Keller, J. 146
Kel’mans, A. K. 8 27 38 59 163 222—224
King, C 187
King’s move (chess) 214 215
Kirchhoff, G. 38
Konig, G. 36
Kraus, L. L. 101 102 140 215 269
Kreweras, G. 227
Krishnamoorthy, V. 155
Kronecker product of matrices 67 68 211
Kronecker product, of graphs 66
L(G) 16
Laplacian operator 252
Laskak, R. 180 183
Latin square (graph) 197 227
Lattice, two-dimensional 245 247 248 252 255 256
Lattice, two-dimensional, graph 75 218 252—256 259
Lattice, two-dimensional, graph of characteristic n 178 180
Lattice, two-dimensional, graph, cubic 180 182—184
LCAO-MO method 230
Length of a path, walk, cycle, circuit 15*
Levi graph 50
Lick, D. R. 91
Line graph 16 31 61 106 107 168—178 184 186 197 223 269
Line graph, generalized 178 261
Linear representation of a finite group 134 141—155
Lines, dependent 199—203
Lines, dependent, equiangular 199—203
Lint, J. H. van 131 200 202
Little, H. C. H. 245
LlHTENBAUM, L. M. 13 26 113
Lloyd, S. P. 131
Lloyd’s Theorem 131 190
Local character, problem of 122—124
Loop 11*
Loop, simply counted 12 209
Lorens, C. S. 36
Lovasz, L. 36 78 112 153 154
Loxguet-Higgins, H. C 241 259
Main part of the spectrum 46 107 132
Maksimovic, D. 268
Malbaski, D. T. 114 164
Mallows, C. L. 201
Marix-Tree-Theorem 38—41
Markov chain 266
Maschke, H. 151
Mason, S. J. 36
Matrix, hermitian 19
Matrix, hermitian of permitted pairs 212
Matrix, hermitian of restrictions 212
Matrix, hermitian, non-derogatory 21 144
Matrix, hermitian, primitive (imprimitive) 18*
Matrix, hermitian, reducible (irreducible) 18*
Matrix, hermitian, topological 231
McAsdrew, M. H. 83 186
McClelland, B. J. 128 146 237 238
McKay, B. 264
Membrane, combinatorial 266
Membrane, combinatorial graph 263 255 256
Messner, D. M. 179 198
Milic, M. 32 36
Mobius ladder 76 78 218
Molecular graph 230 231
Molecular orbital theory, simple 231
Moon, J. W. 175
Moore graph 164 165 185 190 191 193
Morley, T. D. 27 266
Mowshowitz, A. 36 135 144 153 155 160 187
Muir, T. 36
Multi-digraph 11*
Multi-digraph, generalized 125*
Multigraph 11*
Multiplication of a graph by an integer 62
Multiplicity (algebraic, geometric) of an eigenvalue 17*
Naphtalene 244
Nash-Williams, C. St. J. A. 7
Nathan, A. 36
Neighbour 16*
Neighbour, front (rear) 16*
NEPS 65 66—72 78 160 203—208 211 212 214 226
Neumann, P. M. 202
Newton’s Formulas 255
Non-complete extended p-sum see “NEPS”
Nosal, E. 112 222 258
Number, chromatic 15 90 91 98 102 103 113 160 221 258
Number, chromatic, cliquomatic 114 115
Number, chromatic, cyclomatic 109
octahedron 225 269
Orbit 119 121 136 139 142 148—152 185 269 270
Orbit, separated form of a representation 142 151
Orbit, valency 139 140
Orbital (atomic, molecular) 229 230 237 238
Oscillations, harmonic 255
Ostrowski, A. M. 261
Outdegree 14*
p-electron, -electron 229 230 238
P-spectrum 23*
p-sum of graphs 65 70 204 205 208 209
p-sum of graphs, incomplete 66
Pairing theorem 87 232
par X 240
Parity of a separation (factor) 240—243
Parthasarathy, K. R. 155
Path 16*
Path, internal 79
Pauli, W. 237
Pauli’s principle 237
Paulus, A. J. H. 140 194
Payne, S. E. 193
Pelikan, J. 36 78 112
per A 34 239 243—246
Perfect e-code 131
Perm-polynomial 34*
Permament 34 239 245
Permutation, incomplete 217
Petersdorf, M. 20 119 123 135 136 140
Petersen graph 165 170 173 177 185 197 203 225 265 269
Phenanthrene 244
Ping 24 166 160 164 268—270
Planck’s constant 228
Plane, affine 176
Plane, affine, projective 176 193
Platonic solids 225 269
Point arboricity 90
Point arboricity, partition number 90
| Polyene, conjugated 231
Polygon, generalized 193
Polynomial, characteristic 12*
Polynomial, characteristic, cyclotomic 168
Polynomial, characteristic, minimal 20 83 88 95 144 162 179
Ponstein, J. 36 47
Power of a graph 62
Prism, n-sided 218 224 266
Product, lexicographic 71 72 187
Product, lexicographic of graphs 52 203—206 223
Pyramid, re-sided 220
q(G) 63
Q-spectrum 26 109 110
Q-spectrum of a hypergraph 110
Quadrangle 15
R(G) 63
R(p) 141
Random walks 259
Rank three graph 185
Ray-Chaudhuri, D. K. 157 170. 173 176 186 188
Read, R. C. 187
Regular solids, graphs of 117
Rempel, J. 126 133
rk X 17
ROLLAND, P. T. 183
Rook’s move (chess) 214 215
Root system 176 177 178
Round-robin tournament 226
Ruedenberg, K. 259
Runge, P. 31 38 40—42 49 50 110
Rushbrooke, G. S. 78 232
S(G) 16
s-factor 15 86 107 185 239
s-graph 125 128
Sachs, H. 8 20 32 36 56 61 81 82 87 88 95 97 98 105 107 109 114 117—119 123 133 135—138 140 190—192 226
Samuel, I. 36
Schlafli graph 170 184 185
Schrodinger’s equation 228 229
Schulz, M. 140
Schur’s lemma 143
Schwenk, A. J. 44 46 78 112 153 159 160 266
Schwolow, K.-H. 126 133
Secular equation 230 231
Sedlacek, J. 39 55 81 224
Seidel (adjacency) matrix 26 50 115 183 187 196 199 202 203
Seidel spectrum 27 28 30 114
Seidel switching 184 186 270
Seidel, J. J. 8 26 50 115 132 165 177 178 183—185 188 196 197 199—202 226 227 268 269
Seiden, E. 174
Semi -product 66
Semi -product 66
Separation (red, blue) 239—241
Serre, J.-P. 144
Shannon, C. E. 36
Shimamoto, T. 178
Shrikhandr, S. S. 103 174
Shult, E. E. 177 178
Simic, S. K. 269
Similarity of matrices 20
Simple molecular orbital theory 231
Sims, C. C 19
Singleton, R. R. 165 192
Sinogowitz, U. 13 36 84 128 156 160 232 256
Skala, H. L. 193
Sloane, N. J. 201
Smith, C. A. B. 38
Smith, D. H. 196
Smith, J. H. 78 79 138 163 258
Sp(G) 12
Spectrum of a graph 12*
Spectrum of a graph, reduced 99
Spialter, L. 32 36
Square lattice on a torus 74 224
Square of a graph 208 233
Stability number, interior 88 258
Stability, chemical 232 244
Stable set, internal 115
Star 16 72 112
Steincr triple system 197 227
Steiner graph 227
Stiebitz, M. 137
Stone, A. H. 38
Street, A. P. 175
Strong product of graphs 66 70 214
Styrene 244
Subdivision graph 16 63 133
Subgraph 14*
Subgraph, forbidden 269
Subgraph, induced 14*
Subgraph, linear (undirected) 37 241
Subgraph, linear directed 33—35
Subgraph, spanned by its edges 14*
Subgraph, spanned by its edges by its vertices 14*
Subgraph, spanning 14*
Subgraph, spanning, linear 15 47 239 240 246
sum M 45
Sum of graphs 65 70 74 160 205 214
Suprunenko, D. A. 145
Switching equivalence (classes) 187 188 197—203 227 270
Symmetry group 231
t(G) 38
T(n) 174
T-cover 130
tetrahedron 225 269
Total -electron energy 236—238 251 270
Total graph 64 65 223
Totally reduced form of a representation 142 145 147
Tournament 226 266
Transfer graph 251
Transfer matrix 247 248 249 251
Transposition 128
TREE 16 59 112 129 130 169 190 232 233 238 242 258 264—268
Tree, spanning 38 39 43 50 217—220 222 224 267
Tree, symmetric 130 131
Trees, cospectral 159 160 187
Trent, H. M. 38
triangle 15*
Trinajstic, N 235 236 238 241 258 259
Tuero, M. 215
Turan, P. 221
Turner, J. 36 153 167 168 224
Tutte, W. T. 38 138 266
Two-graph 199 200—202
Two-graph, regular 201 203 226 227
TyshkevicH, R. I. 145
Ulam, S. 267
Ulam’s conjecture 267
Union of graphs 51
Unit cube graph 75
VaHovskij, E. V. 26 258
Valency 14*
Valency front (rear) 14*
Valency matrix 16*
Vector, characteristic 107 111
Vertex 11*
Vertex, peripheral 242
Walk 15*
Walks, cyclieally equivalent 112
Waller, D. A. 39
Wallis, J. S. 175
Wallis, W. D. 175
Wave equation 254 257
Wave function 228 229
Wei, T. H. 104 226
Weichsel, P. M. 203
Weight of an arc (edge, subgraph) 35 47 125 259 265
Weight vector on 155
Wild, U. 146
Wilf, H. S. 90 193
Zivkovic, T. 241
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