Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Schouten J.A. — Tensor Analysis for Physicists |
Предметный указатель |
Physical object 126
Physical quantity 127
Piezo-electric constants, adiabatic 148
Piezo-electric constants, isothermal 158
Piezo-electric effect 160 165ff
Piozo-magnetic effect 158 160 168ff
Plane 6
Point 59
Point transformation 2
Point-interval function 252
Poisson bracket 206
Polar bivector 52 54
Polar vector 52ff
Post, E.J. 187 188
POT 105 124
Potential function 105 124
Prange, G. 190 194
Principal axes, theorem of 43 115
Principal blades, theorem of 43 115
Principle of least action 210
Probability amplitudes 264
Projection 7 112
Proper mass 223
Pseudo-parallel displacement 84 97 121
Pseudo-vector 31
Quantities of second kind 240
Quartz resonator 179ff
Radius vector 9
Raising of indices 38
Rank of a matrix 4
Rank with respect to indices 21
Reciprocal directions 175 178
Reciprocal vector systems 14
Reduction 7 112
Reflection 3
Reflexotation 154
Region, positive, negative 37
Relative dimension 128
Relativistic dynamics 220ff
Relativistic hydrodynamics 230ff
Representations 259ff
Rest mass 223
Rheonomic anholonomic system 196
Rheonomic holonomic system 190
Ricci tensor 100 230
ROT 67 118
Rot, rotation 65 118
Rotation, principal theorem of 73
Running indices 2 110 139
Saturated indices 19
scalar 9
Scalar curvature 100
Scalar product 57 243 251
Schouten, J.A. 6 9 29 34 45 58 59 67 70 71 74 75 78 81 82 83 84 89 90 91 102 127 131 158 192 194 207 239 240 242
Scleronomic anholonomic system 196
Scleronomic holonomic system 190
Screw-sense 3
Section 5 7 112
Self-reciprocal directions 175
Semi-symmetric displacement 87
Sense of rotation 3
Septor 156
Signature 35 114 242
Simple multivector 23 113
Simultaneous eigenkets (bras) 247
| Slebodzinski, W. 74
Spanned domain 12 112
Spanned support 12 112
Special -vector 51
Special affine 3
Special bivector 51
Stable trajectory 191
Standard ket 266
States 255
Stokes, theorem of 67ff 119
Straight line 6
Strain tensor 140
Strangling of indices 15 20 113
Stress tensor, density 142
Struik, D.J. 59 74 75 81 82 84 89 90 91 102 192 194 239 242 246
Support of domain 12 112 114
Symmetrical displacement 87 121
Tedone, O. 139 142 152 176
Temperature vector 237
Tensor 22 113
Tensor-tensor 145
Thomas, T.Y. 9
Translation 5
Transvection 14 19
Trivector 55 56
Unit hypersphere 37 117
Unit ket (bra) 243
Unit matrix 202
Unit vector 37
Unitary group 244
Unitary orthogonal 42 243
Unitary transformations 42
Unity affinor 18 61 115
v. d. Kulk, W. 6 58 59 67 74 78 82 83 217
v. Dantzig, D. 45 70 71 197 199 213 214 230 232 239 251 252 258
v. Dijl, B. 185
v. Kampen, E.A. 74 75
v. Laue, M. 214
v. Weber, E. 34
Valence 17 112
Veblen, O. 1 9 59 90
Vector 9 10 54 56
Vector algebra in 57
Vector product 57
Vector-like sets 248ff
Voigt, W. 139 142 147 152 164 169 180 185
Vranceanu, G. 194
W-affinor 32 113
W-p-vector 32
W-scalar 31
Wave function 266
Wave surface 178f
Wave velocity surface 178f
Waves in anisotropic medium 169
Weight 29 113
Weissenhoff, J.V. 70 71
Weitzenbock, R. 24
Weyl, H. 24
Whitehead, J.H.C. 1 59
Whittaker, E.T. 9 194 201 202 207
Willard, G.W. 164 185 187
Wilson, E.B. 105
World line 6 193
Wundheiler, A. 193
x-cut 180
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