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Mendelsohn K. — Cryophysics
Mendelsohn K. — Cryophysics

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Название: Cryophysics

Автор: Mendelsohn K.


The aim of this book is to provide a reasonably short but comprehensive account of low temperature physics. While it is hoped that this survey is free from serious omissions, detailed treatment has been avoided throughout- Reference is made to specialized books and articles but not to individual papers. Developments up to the middle of 1959, so far as they appear significant, have been included but a conscious effort has been made to curb unbalanced enthusiasm for current research.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1960

Количество страниц: 192

Добавлена в каталог: 13.05.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Superconductive cooling, "sponge"      117
Superconductive cooling, electrodynamics      111—114
Superconductive cooling, gap model      106 117 120 124
Superconductive cooling, intermediate state      106—111
Superconductive cooling, isotope effect      122
Superconductive cooling, metals      93—96
Superconductive cooling, penetration depth      114—118
Superconductive cooling, surface energy      100 109 110 116
Superconductive cooling, thermodynamics      100—106
Superconductive cooling, threshold value      96—98 116 117
Superconductive cooling, time effects      100 111
Superconductive cooling, transition      92 93 96—98 107
Superfluidity      134
Superleak      134 154
Susceptibility measurement      27 51 52
Taconis, K.W.      130 158
Tammann, G.      160
Temperature control      13 14
Temperature wave method      48
tensile strength      164
Thermal diffusivity      48
Thermal equilibrium      19 21 47 48
Thermal expansion      49 161—168
Thermal switch      20 48
Thermo-electric power      33 68 105
Thermo-mechanical effect      137—140
Thermo-molecular pressure      25 29 81
Thermodynamic temperature scale      24 28 29
Third law of thermodynamics      1—3 42 43 101 106 161 163
Tinkham, M.      118
Tisza, L.      136 144 150
Tolhoek, H.A.      70
Transition metals      45
Trapeznikova, O.      59
Trouton's rule      129
Tsai, B.      60
Turbine      4
Turbulence      135 147—149
Two-fluid model      112 135
Two-stage cooling      19 20
Umklapp processes      80
Vacuum calorimeter      46 47
Van Alphen, P.M.      65
van Den Handel, J.      60 69
van Dijk, H.      30 33
van Lammeren, J.A.      23
Van Vleck, G.H.      54
Vapour pressure thermometer      29 30 171—175
Vinen, W.F.      148 149
Virial coefficients      26
von Laue, M.      126
Voogd, J.      92
Wansink, D.H.N.      159
Wasscher, J.D.      132
Weil, L.      70
Weinstock, B.      155
Weiss, P.      53
White, G.K.      28 90
Wiedemann — Franz law      86 88 90
Wilkinson, K.R.      81
Wilks, J.      81 159
Winkel, P.      159
Woods, S.B.      90
Yaqub, M.      28
Yosida, K.      69
Young, D.R.      126
Zavaritsky, N.V.      49
Zavoisky, E.      58
Zeeman effect      51 57 58
zero point energy      1 3 37 38 106 127 129 164
Zinovieva, K.N.      153 159
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