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Mendelsohn K. — Cryophysics |
Предметный указатель |
Abraham, B.M. 155
Abrikosov, A.A. 158
Absolute zero 1
Allen, J.F. 134 137 158
Ambler, E. 22 64 69
Amontons, G. 1
Andronikashvili, E.L. 136 152 158
Anomalous skin effect 79
Antiferromagnetism 40 55 58—62
Atkins, K.R. 158
Azbel, M.Ya. 69
Babiskin, J. 68
Bagguley, D.M.S. 69
Barber, C.R. 32 33
Bardeen, J. 123 126
Barford, N.C. 170
Baum, J.L. 155
Berman, R. 82—84 90
Bethe, H. 77
Biondi, M.A. 126
Bizette, B. 60
Blackman, M. 35 36
Bleaney, B. 58 63 69
Bloch — Grueneisen formula 72—75
Bloch, F. 71 72 123
Bohr magneton 51
Boks, J.D.A. 130
Bose — Einstein statistics 44 123 127 149—151
Boundary scattering 81 120 148
Bowers, K.D. 69
Brewer, D.P. 142 153 155
Bridgman, P. 160
Brittle fracture 164
Brute force method 63
Btenakker, J.J.M. 158
Bubble chamber 9 167 168
Cailletet, G. 4
Cannaday, R.L. 23
Cascade cooling 6
Casimir, H.B.G. 69 81 112 122
Chambers, R.G. 67
Characteristic temperature 36-38 74 178
Charles' law 24
Clement, J.R. 30
Clusius, K. 130
Co-operative effects 39—43 54—62 103 130
Collins, S.C. 10 23
Compressibility 49 80 162 163
Cooke, A.H. 28 69
Cooper, L.N. 123
creep 164
Cryotron 124—126
Curie — Weiss law 52 53 55
Curie's law 17 24 26—28 51 52
Cyclotron resonance 69
Daane, A.H. 70
Dabbs, J.W.T. 68
Daniels, J.M. 68
Darby, J. 20
Daunt, J.G. 20 28 49 106 137 146 153 155 158
Davies, M. 23
De Boer, J. 153 158
De Haas — Van Alphen effect 65—68
De Haas, W.J. 65 92
de Klerk, D. 23
de Launay, J. 49
Debye function 36—38 72 176 177
Debye, P. 16 35 36 80
Degeneracy parameter 44
Desirant, M. 110
Desorption cooling 7 11
Dewar vessel 14 15
Dingle, R.B. 158
Dipole interaction 54
Dislocations 120 164
Dobbs, E.R. 170
Domb, C. 158
Drude, P. 43 71
Dugdale, J.S. 158
Dulong and Petit's law 34 37 43
Durieux, M. 33
Edwards, D.O. 142 155
effective mass 45 46 69 150 158
Einstein function 85
Einstein, A. 2 35 36 149
Eisenstein, J. 126
Electrical conductivity 68 71—79
Electron specific heat 43—46 102 178
Equation of state 26
Equipartition of energy 34
Eucken, A. 80
exchange interaction 54 62
Expansion engine 4 9 10
Expansion, single stroke 4 11—18
Faber, T.E. 126
Fairbank, W.M. 157
Faraday method 51 52
Fatigue 164
Fermi surface 45 66 67 77 79 106 120 157
Fermi — Dirac statistics 44 127 157
Ferrimagnetism 62
Ferroelectricity 41
ferromagnetism 45 62 95
Feynman, R.P. 148 151 158
Figgins, B.F. 162
Fluorine, liquid 10
Forrester, A.T. 126
Free radicals 165—167
Froehlich, H. 122 123
Garfunkel, M.P. 126
Garrett, C.G.B. 23
Gas degeneracy 2 43
Gas thermometer 24—26
Giauque, W.P. 16
Ginsburg, V.L. 122
Gorter, C.J. 21 63 64 69 70 112 122 126 132 141 148
Gouy method 51 52
Grace, M.A. 68
Grimes, L.G. 158
Grueneisen, E. 72 162
Hall effect 68 77
Hall, H.E. 148
Hallett, A.C. Hollis 158
Hammel, E.F. 158
Hatton, J. 20
Heat conductivity 12 13 68 79—90 119—120 140—143 153
Heat exchanger 4 7 8 47
Heat flush separator 154 155
Heat influx 14 19 46 146
Heer, C.V. 20
Heisenberg, W. 121
Helium 3, cryogenics 14 16
Helium 3, entropy 156 157
Helium 3, melting curve 155 156
Helium 3, specific heat 158
Helium 3, vapour pressure 153 174 175
Helium 3, viscosity 153 158
Helium 4, critical velocity 136 142 146 148
Helium 4, entropy 131 152
Helium 4, film 19 134 145—147
Helium 4, gap model 150
Helium 4, heat of transport 138 139 141
Helium 4, melting curve 128 132
Helium 4, phase diagram 128—130 132
Helium 4, rotation of 148
Helium 4, solid 81 128 129 131
Helium 4, vapour pressure 30 129 172 173
Helium 4, viscosity 133
Helium 4, vorticity 135 148 149
Helium liquefaction 9—13
| Helium mixtures 154 155
Henry, W. 53
Hill, R.W. 49 178
Hudson, R.P. 23 64
Hydrogen liquefaction 8
Hydrogen, ortho and para 8 30
Hydrogen, vapour pressure 80 171
Hyperfine structure 55 59
Ideal resistance 73 76 86
Internal rotation 42
Inversion curve 5 6
Ion paramagnetism 16—21 27—29 50—59
Isotope scattering 88
Jackson, L.C. 147 158
Jennings, L.D. 70
Jones, G.O. 162 170
Jones, H. 137
Jonkers, C.D. 8
Joule — Thomson effect 5 6 9 10
Kaner, E.A. 69
Kapitza, P.L. 10 77 78 134 141
Keesom, P.H. 49
Keesom, W.H. 128 130 158
Khalatnikov, I.M. 126 152 158
Kittel, C. 22 65 84
Klemens, P.G. 90 91
Koehler, J.W.L. 8
Koppe, H. 121
Kramers, H.C. 132 158
Kubo, R. 69
Kuper, C.G. 126
Kurti, N. 21 22 27 28 56 58 69
Lambda point 130
Landau, L.D. 59 65 136 137 144 145 150—152 157
Lande factor 51 100
Lane, C.T. 148
Langevin, P. 51
Lasarev, B.G. 62
Law of corresponding states 1 129 158
Legvold, S. 70
Lidiard, A.B. 69
Lifshits, E.M. 158
Lindemann, F.A. 35 36
London, F. 111—114 118 122 126 149—151 154 158
London, H. 111—114 117 118 122 138
Long, E. 158
Lorentz, H.A. 48 54 71 77
Lorenz number 87
MacDonald, D.K.C. 49 73 74 76 91
Magnetic cooling 16—22 54—56
Magnetic refrigerator 20
Magnetic specific heat 40 55 56 59 61
Magnetic thermometer 18 26—29
Magneto-resistance 77—79 89
Makinson, R.E.B. 86 88
Maser 168 169
Matthias, B.T. 95 126
Matthiesen's rule 75 76 86
Mechano-caloric effect 137—139
Meissner effect 98—100 111 116 123
Meissner, W. 72 99
Melting curve 128 132 155 156 160 161
Mendelssohn, J. 41
Mendelssohn, K. 28 73 106 126 137 149 153
Meyer, L. 158
Minkoff, G.J. 170
Misener, A.D. 134
Morse, R.W. 126
Mott, N.P. 45
Nagamiya, T. 69
Neel, L. 59 60 69
Negative temperature 169 170
Nernst's theorem see "Third law of thermodynamics"
Nernst, W. 1—8 34 35 36 46 46 68
Nuclear cooling 21 22
Nuclear orientation 22 48 60—65 156 157
Nuclear paramagnetism 21 62
Nuclear polarization 68
Olsen, J.L. 77 79 91
Onnes, H. Kamerlingh 92 96 119 128 130
Onsager, L. 54 65 148
Order-disorder transformation 39 40
Osborne, D.W. 155
Oscillatory effects 65—69
Owen, J. 69
Palevsky, H. 151
Paramagnetic relaxation 56 57 59
Paramagnetic resonance 57 58 69
Paramagnetic saturation 52 58
Parity, non-conservation of 64
Parker, G.W. 64
Parkinson, D.H. 33 42 49
Peierls, R.E. 77 80
Pellam, J.R. 159
Persistent currents 98 113 114 149
Peshkov, V.P. 14 16 144 159
Phonons 80 120 121 132 138 136 150 151
Pickard, G.L. 12
Pippard, A.B. 118 119 122 126
Planck, M. 2
Pomeranchuk, I. 83 156
Poulis, N.J. 70
Pound, R.V. 63
Prigogine, I. 159
Quasi-free electrons 45 74 75
Rare earths 42 43 54 62
Regenerator 7 8
Residual resistance 73 76 86
Resistance minima 76 77
Resistance thermometer 31 32
Richards, P.L. 118
Riley, D.P. 162
Rinderer, L. 79
Roberts, L.D. 64
Robinson, F.N.H. 21 22 68
Rollin, B.V. 20
Rose, M.E. 63 64
Rosenberg, H.M. 87 89 91 164 170
Rotons 150—152
Rowell, P.M. 121
Ruhemann, B. 6
Ruhemann, M. 6 23
Satterthwaite, C.B. 126
Schottky, W. 39 55
Schrieffer, J.R. 123
Schulz-Dubois, E.O. 170
Scott, R.B. 23
Second sound 143—145 152
Semiconductors 84 85
Serin, B. 126
Shoenberg, D. 65 67 70 110 111 126
Shubnikov, L.V. 59 62
Silsbee's hypothesis 96
Simon, F.E. 10 12 21 22 28 42 128 160
Small scale technique 10—18
Smith, R.S. 158
Sommerfeld, A. 44 45
Sondheimer, E.H. 91
Specific heat 34—36 55—57 72 80 84 102—105 130 153
Specific heat anomalies 38—43 56 61 103 130
Spedding, F.H. 42 70
Spohr, D.A. 21 22
Squire, C.P. 60 126
Sreedhar, A.K. 153
Stark effect 54 55 59
Steele, M.C. 68
Steele, W.A. 149
Steenland, M.J. 23 70
Stevens, K.W.H. 69
Superconductive cooling 22 23 102
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