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Jeans J.H. — The Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism |
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Resistance-box 303
Resolution of a magnetic particle 361
Retentiveness, magnetic 400 410
Riemann's surface 275
Schwarz's transformation 266
Self-induction 445
Semi-infinite plane (electrostatics) 263
Shell, magnetic 365 369 415
Signals, transmission of, along a cable 321
Sine-galvanometer 424
Soap-bubble, electrification of 19 85
Solenoid, magnetic 421
Solenoidal vector 156 374
Spherical bowl (electrostatics) 245
Spherical condenser 71 99
Spherical harmonics 203
Spheroidal harmonics 250
Stokes' theorem 376
Stress-quadric 147
Stresses in the medium (electrostatic) 140 144 166 173
Stresses in the medium (magnetic) 140 404 531
Submarine cable 79 308 321 340
Superposition of electrostatic fields 90 187
Susceptibility, magnetic 398
Tangent galvanometer 422
Telegraph-wire, capacity of 191
Temperature, variation of magnetic coefficients with 400
Terrestrial magnetism 388
Tesseral harmonics 232
| Theories see also "Electron-theory"
Theories to explain electrical phenomena 3 19 126 138 151
Theories to explain magnetic phenomena 3 406 430 492
Time of relaxation of a dielectric 348
Torsion balance 11
Transformer, theory of 455
Tubes of flow 330
Tubes of force (electrostatic) 44
Tubes of force (magnetic) 360
Tubes of induction 375
Two-fluid theory of electrical phenomena 20
Unicursal curves (conformal representation of) 264
Units of capacity 77
Units of current 295 416
Units of electricity 14
Units, ratio of 506
Vector-potential 381
Volta's law 298
Voltaic cell 297
Water, inductive capacity of 349 514
Water, refractive index of 514
Wave-propagation, equation of 501
Wave-propagation, in crystalline dielectrics 528
Wave-propagation, in isotropic dielectrics 498
Wave-propagation, in metallic media 521
Weber, theory of diamagnetism 493
Weber, theory of magnetism 3 406 492
Wheatstone's bridge 304 305
Zonal harmonics 228
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