Action at a distance 138 430 432
Action at a distance, mechanical see also "Mechanical force"
Action at a distance, mechanical, in propagation of light 530
Action at a distance, principle of least 477 499
Alternating currents, induction of 446 453 488
Alternating currents, induction of in continuous media 467
Amber, electrification of 1
Ampere, theory of magnetism 3 492 493
Angle of conductor, lines of force near 61
Anisotropic dielectrics 133 150 528
Anisotropic dielectrics, propagation of light in 528
Argand diagram 258
Argument of a complex quantity 258
Attracted disc electrometer 105
Ballistic galvanometer 426
Biaxal harmonics 237
Boscovitch 139
Bound charge 126 350
Boundary-conditions, in conducting media 335
Boundary-conditions, in dielectrics (electrostatic) 121
Boundary-conditions, in magnetic media 401 402
Boundary-conditions, in propagation of light 516
Bowl, spherical, distribution of electricity on 245
Bridge, Wheatstone's 304 305
Cable, submarine 79 308 321 340
Capacity of conductor or condenser 67
Capacity, coefficients of 93 97
Capacity, inductive, of dielectrics 74 115
Cavendish, experiments on dielectrics 115
Cavendish, proof of law of inverse square 13 37
Circular disc, distribution of electricity on 244
Coefficients of potential, capacity and induction 93 96
Collinear charges, field from 57
Complex quantities 258
Condenser 66 67
Condenser, compound 75
Condenser, cylindrical 73 262
Condenser, discharge of a 321 349 447 486
Condenser, parallel plate 74 269
Condenser, practical 77
Condenser, spherical 71 99
Conditions at boundary between two media see "Boundary-conditions"
Conductor 5 66
Conductor, cylindrical 67 262
Conductor, ellipsoidal 241 248
Conductor, energy of discharge of 83
Conductor, lightning 61
Conductor, mechanical action on surface of 79
Conductor, nearly spherical 227
Conductor, plane 69 182 202
Conductor, spherical 66 185 192 202
Confocal coordinates 239
Confocal cylinders 265
Conformal representation 259 275
Conjugate functions 256
Conservation of energy in electromagnetic field 441
Conservation of energy in electrostatic field 28 32
Contact, difference of potential 297
Contact, two conductors in 101
Continuity, equation of 333 466
Coordinates, curvilinear 238
Coordinates, generalised 478
Coulomb 11 13
Coulomb, laws in electrostatics 45 121
Crystalline dielectrics 133 150 528
Crystalline dielectrics, propagation of light in 528
Current-sheets 469
Currents, displacement 495 509
Currents, electric conduction 295 495
Currents, in continuous conductors 330 462
Currents, in linear conductors 295 441
Currents, magnetic field produced by 414
Curvilinear coordinates 238
Cylindrical conductors and condensers 67 73 262
d'Arsonval galvanometer 425
Declination, magnetic 389
Diamagnetism 398 493
Dielectric crystalline 133 150 528
Dielectric media 74 115
Dielectric, images in 196
Dielectric, mechanical force on 169
Dielectric, passage of electricity through a 347
Dielectric, stresses in 173
Dielectric, time of relaxation of 348
Dip, magnetic 389
Discharge of a condenser 321 349 447 486
Discharge of an electric system, energy of 83 94
Displacement, currents of Maxwell 495 509
Displacement, in a dielectric 117
Displacement, theory of Maxwell 151
Dissipation of magnetic field in a conductor 467
Doublet, electric 50 212
Dynamical theory of electric currents 474
Dynamo, action of 447 453
Earnshaw's theorem 165
Electrical charges, attraction and repulsion of 10
Electrical doublet 50 212
Electrical measurements see "Measurements"
Electrical screening 97
Electricity, generation of 9
Electricity, theories to explain 19
Electrification by friction 1 5
Electrification by induction 16
Electrification, line of no 88 190
Electrokinetic momentum 486
Electromagnetic mass 509 526
Electromagnetic theory of light 3 507 513
Electromagnetic units 416 517
Electromagnetic waves, velocity of propagation of 506
Electrometers 105
Electromotive force 298 442
Electron, energy of motion of 510 526
Electron, mass and size of 20 510
Electron, theory of electrical phenomena 20 139 310 332 493 510 526 528
Electrophorus 17
Electroscope, gold-leaf 7 17
Electrostriction 179
Ellipsoid, distribution of electricity on 241 248
Ellipsoidal harmonics 246
Elliptic cylinders, distribution of electricity on 265
Elliptic disc, distribution of electricity on 244
Energy in the medium (electrostatic) 149 160 164
Energy in the medium (magnetic) 387 403 432 483
Energy of a magnetic field 384 403 483 491
Energy of a magnetic particle in a field of force 366
Energy of a magnetic shell in a field of force 369
Energy of a system of currents 432 483 491 526
Energy of any magnetised body 370
Energy of conductors and condensers 83 94
Energy of light-waves 530
Equilibrium, points of 59
Equipotential surfaces 29 56 59 359
Equivalent stratum (Green's) 179 350 364
Expansions in harmonics 207
Expansions in Legendre's coefficients 220
Expansions in sines and cosines 255
Faraday 2 115
Faraday, theory of dielectric action 126
Fields of force, examples of 47 182 187 189 225
Finite current-sheets 471
Force, lines of 25 56 359
Force, magnetic, inside a magnetised body 370
Fourier's theorem 255
galvanometers 422
Gases, inductive capacity of 132
Gases, velocity of light in 514
Gauss' theorem 33 118 359
Generalised coordinates 478
Generation of electricity 9
Generation of heat in conductors 309 337
| Green, analytical theorem of 154 158
Green, equivalent stratum of 179 350 364
Green, reciprocation theorem of 92 161
Guard-ring 78
Hamilton's Principle in dynamics 476
Harmonics, biaxal 237
Harmonics, spherical 203
Harmonics, zonal 228
Heat, generation of in conductors 309 337
Holtz, influence machine of 18
Hyperbolic cylinder (electrostatics) 261 266
Hysteresis, magnetic 400
Images in electrostatics 182 253 276
Induction of electric currents 441 462 484
Induction, coefficients of 93 97
Induction, electrification by 16
Induction, explanation of, on electron theory 22
Induction, magnetic 373
Infinity, equipotentials and lines of force at 56
Influence machines (electrostatic) 18
Insulators and conductors 5 522
Intensity (electrostatic) 24 32 33
Intensity (electrostatic), in wave of light 531
Intensity of magnetisation 357
Introduction of a new conductor into electrostatic field 104
Inverse square, Law of 13 31 37 354
inversion 198 253
Joule effect in conductors 309
Kirchhoff's laws 300
Kirchhoff's solution of equation of wave propagation 504
Lagrange's equations 478
Lamp's functions 247
Laplace's equation 40 120 238 241
Laplace's equation, solution of 161 203 254
Law of force (electrostatic) 13 31 37
Law of force (magnetic) 354
Law of force between current-elements 430
Least action, principle of 477 499
Legendre's coefficients 213
Lenz's law of induction of currents 442
Leyden jar 77 272
Light, electromagnetic theory of 3 507 513
Light, velocity of 506 513
Lightning conductor 61
Lines of flow 330
Lines of force (electrostatic) 25 44 56
Lines of force (magnetic) 359
Lines of induction 375
Liouville, solution of equation of wave-propagation 502
Magnetic field 358
Magnetic field, energy of 384 403 483 491
Magnetic field, produced by electric currents 414
Magnetic matter, Poisson's imaginary 364
Magnetic particle 355
Magnetic particle, potential energy of 366
Magnetic particle, potential of 360
Magnetic particle, resolution of 361
Magnetic particle, vector-potential of 381
Magnetic shell 365 415
Magnetic shell, potential energy of 369
Magnetic shell, potential of 365
Magnetic shell, vector-potential of 383
Magnetised body 356
Magnetised body, measurement of force inside a 370
Magnetised body, potential energy of a 370
Magnetised body, potential of a 361
Magnetism, molecular theories of 3 406 491
Magnetism, terrestrial 388
Magnetostriction 405
Mass, electromagnetic 509 526
Matter, imaginary magnetic 364
Maxwell 2 3
Maxwell, displacement currents 495
Maxwell, displacement theory in electrostatics 151
Maxwell, electromagnetic theory of light 506 513
Measurements, practical, charge of electricity 109 426
Measurements, practical, current of electricity 303 422
Measurements, practical, inductive capacity of a conductor 349
Measurements, practical, potential difference 107
Measurements, practical, resistance 303
Measurements, theoretical, force inside a magnetised body 370
Measurements, theoretical, quantity of electricity 7
Mechanical force at boundary of dielectric 175
Mechanical force in magnetic field 404 426
Mechanical force in propagation of light 530
Mechanical force on a circuit conveying a current 428 490
Mechanical force on conductor 102
Mechanical force on dielectric 169
Mechanical force on the surface of a conductor 19 79 175
Metallic media, decay of light-waves in 521 525
Metallic media, reflecting powers of 524
Metallic media, reflection of light from 523 528
Mirror galvanometer 425
Molecular theory of a dielectric 126 319
Molecular theory of magnetism 3 406 491
Moment of a magnet 355
Momentum, electrokinetic 486
Momentum, generalised 482
Mossotti's theory of dielectric action 127
Multiple-valued potentials 274 418
Network of conductors, oscillations in a 486
Network of conductors, steady currents in a 313
Neumann's law of current-induction 442
Oersted 415
Ohm's law 296 331
One-fluid theory of electrical phenomena 19
Oscillations in a network of conductors 486
Oscillatory discharge of a condenser 449
Parabolic cylinders (electrostatics) 262
Parallel-plate condenser 74 269
Paramagnetism 398
Periodic changes in terrestrial magnetism 390
Permeability, magnetic 398
Plane current-sheets 469 472
Plane semi-infinite (electrostatics) 263
Plane waves of light 514
Points of equilibrium (electrostatic) 59
Poisson, equation of 40
Poisson, equation of, for dielectrics 120
Poisson, imaginary magnetic matter 364
Poisson, theory of induced magnetism 406
Polarisation of light 516
Polarisation, in a dielectric 117
Polarising angle 521
Positive and negative electricity 8 21
Potential (electrostatic) 26 31 33 43 464
Potential (magnetic) 359 365
Potential in a Riemann's space 278
Potential inside a magnetised body 373
Potential of the Earth's magnetic field 389
Potential, coefficients of 93 97
Practical units 509
Pressure of radiation 531
Quadrant electrometer 107
Quantity of electricity, measurement of 7 109 426
Radiation, pressure of 531
Rapidly-alternating currents 467 489
Recalescence, temperature of 400
Reciprocation-theorem (Green's) 92 161
Reflection of light 518 519 520
Reflection of light, metallic 523 528
Refraction of light 516 520
Refraction of lines of flow 335
Refraction of lines of force 123 402
Refractive index 513
Relaxation, time of (for a dielectric) 348
Representation, conformal 259 275
Residual discharge 350
Resistance, of a conductor 296 303 523
Resistance, specific 331