Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Schinzel A. — Polynomials with special regard to reducibility |
Предметный указатель |
1-form 205
1-form, closed 205
Affine coordinate ring 518
Algebraic point 522
Basis of a lattice 502
Block of a permutation group 495
Block of imprimitivity 495
Blocks conjugate 495
Class 316
Codimension of a variety 518
Coefficient vector of a form 492
Conjecture 1 298
Conjecture 2 443
Content of a polynomial 9
Convex hull of a set 512
Convex set 512
Convex span of points 512
Curve 518
Decompositions equivalent 21
Definition 1 20
Definition 10 88
Definition 11 88
Definition 12 212
Definition 13 223
Definition 14 224
Definition 15 253
Definition 16 260
Definition 17 263
Definition 18 263
Definition 19 271
Definition 2 21
Definition 20 278
Definition 21 298
Definition 22 316
Definition 23 316
Definition 24 316
Definition 25 316
Definition 26 316
Definition 27 390
Definition 28 391
Definition 29 391
Definition 3 24
Definition 30 420
Definition 4 52
Definition 5 58
Definition 6 59
Definition 7 65
Definition 8 88
Definition 9 88
Degree of a permutation group 495
Degree of a variety 519
Denominator of an element of a function field 485
Determinant of a lattice 502
Dickson’s polynomials 24
Dickson’s polynomials of the second kind 162
Differential 205
Differential, closed 205
Dimension of a convex set 512
Dimension of a variety 518
Divisor of a function field 485
Edges of a polytrope 513
Extension, Bauerian 368
Extension, primitive 20
Extreme points 513
Face of a convex set 512
Face of a convex set, exposed 513
Field of rational functions on X 518
Field, arithmetically semi-finite 314
Field, Hilbertian 298 312
Field, Kroneckerian 5 390
Field, separably Hilbertian 314
Form, non-singular 10
Form, singular 10
Frobenius substitution 16
Fundamental domain of a lattice 520
Generalized Bezout theorem 519
Genus of a curve 488
Genus of a function field 485
Height of a polynomial 212
Hensel’s Lemma 484
Hilbert’s irreducibility theorem 4 298 312
Hypersurface 518
Irreducible component of a variety 518
Kernel of a polynomial 278
Kronecker’s substitution 58
Lattice in 502
Lattice in , full 502
Lattice in , orthogonal to a given one 521
Lattice in , primitive 520
Laurent polynomial 88
Laurent polynomial, extreme-monic 253
Leading coefficient of a polynomial 9
Length of a polynomial 212
Local parameter of a prime ideal 481
Mahler’s measure of a polynomial 224
Matrix associated with a polynomial 88
Newton polytope of a polynomial 88
Numerator of an element of a function field 485
Orbit of a permutation group 495
Permutation group, doubly transitive 495
Permutation group, intransitive 495
Permutation group, irnprimitive 495
Permutation group, primitive 495
Permutation group, regular 496
Permutation group, transitive 495
Polynomial, additive 65
Polynomial, bireciprocal 419
Polynomial, complete 59 196
Polynomial, complete indeterminate 201
Polynomial, cyclotomic 263
Polynomial, cyclotomic over a given field 263
Polynomial, extended cyclotomic over a field 263
Polynomial, indecomposable 2 20
Polynomial, integral 59
Polynomial, isobaric 188
Polynomial, monic 9
Polynomial, primary 112
Polynomial, prime 2
Polynomial, primitive 9
Polynomial, reciprocal 391
Polynomial, self-inversive 5 391
Polynomial, tame 52
Polynomial, uniform over an interval 236
Polynomials equivalent 112
Polytope in 513
Prime divisor 481
Prime divisor, totally ramified 482
Prime divisor, unramified 482
Product formula 522
Projective closure of an affine variety 519
| Ramification index of a prime divisor 482
Rank of a lattice 502
Residue class in 316
Residue field degree of a prime divisor 482
Resultant of a system of forms 493
Set arithmetically dense in a residue class 316
Stability subgroup of a permutation group (stabilizer of a letter) 495
Subtorus 520
Supporting hyperplane of a convex set 512
Term extreme 88
Terms opposite 88
Theorem 1 12
Theorem 10 52
Theorem 11 59
Theorem 12 62
Theorem 13 63
Theorem 13' 69
Theorem 14 66
Theorem 14' 70
Theorem 15 71
Theorem 16 72
Theorem 17 75
Theorem 18 89
Theorem 19 92
Theorem 2 13
Theorem 20 92
Theorem 21 96
Theorem 22 101
Theorem 23 104
Theorem 24 110
Theorem 25 122
Theorem 26 160
Theorem 27 161
Theorem 28 165
Theorem 29 168
Theorem 3 15
Theorem 30 187
Theorem 31 196
Theorem 32 201
Theorem 32a 204
Theorem 33 203
Theorem 34 204
Theorem 35 213
Theorem 36 215
Theorem 37 217
Theorem 38 227
Theorem 39 237
Theorem 4 16
Theorem 40 244
Theorem 41 247
Theorem 42 253
Theorem 43 263
Theorem 44 271
Theorem 45 279
Theorem 46 298
Theorem 47 301
Theorem 48 304
Theorem 49 308
Theorem 5 18
Theorem 50 319
Theorem 51 321
Theorem 52 322
Theorem 53 325
Theorem 54 331
Theorem 55 334
Theorem 56 339
Theorem 57 339
Theorem 58 341
Theorem 59 352
Theorem 6 20
Theorem 60 355
Theorem 61 366
Theorem 62 369
Theorem 63 371
Theorem 64 372
Theorem 65 375
Theorem 66 378
Theorem 67 380
Theorem 68 380
Theorem 69 382
Theorem 7 21
Theorem 70 391
Theorem 71 408
Theorem 72 411
Theorem 73 415
Theorem 74 421
Theorem 75 435
Theorem 76 438
Theorem 77 441
Theorem 78 443
Theorem 79 458
Theorem 8 24
Theorem 80 463
Theorem 81 466
Theorem 82 474
Theorem 9 50
Theorem, Bertini 217
Theorem, Bezout (generalized) 519
Theorem, Capelli 92
Theorem, Gauss 498
Theorem, Geyer 70
Theorem, Gordan — Igusa 15
Theorem, Gourin, extended 110
Theorem, Gourin, refined 263
Theorem, Hilbert, refined 298
Theorem, Hilbert, simplified 4
Theorem, Kneser 92
Theorem, Kronecker 59
Theorem, Kronecker — Kneser 62
Theorem, Luroth 13
Theorem, Noether 12 16 201 204
Theorem, Northcott 523
Theorem, Ritt 51
Theorem, Ritt, first 21
Theorem, Ritt, second 24
Theorem, Ruppert 204 213
Theorem, Salomon 215
Theorem, Uchida 313
Theorem, Wojcik 263
Torsion point 521
Variety in affine space 517
Variety in affine space in projective space 519
Variety in affine space, defined over k 518
Variety in affine space, general linear 519
Variety in affine space, pure dimensional 519
Vertices of a polytope 513
Vertices of a polytope, opposite 514
Volume of a lattice 520
Weil height of an algebraic number 522
Weil height, logarithmic Weil height 522
Zariski topology 518
Реклама |