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Laurens Jansen — Theory of Finite Groups. Applications in Physics |
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Space-time-inversion operator 306
Special k-vector 252
Spectral decomposition theorem 200—201
Spectrum of operator 200 201
Spin matrices (Pauli) 125 263 301
Spin representation 268
Spinor 192
Spinor space 192 213ff.
Square lattice-group 259—261
Square, group of 113—115
Stable subgroup (or -subgroup) 62
Stable subring see "Ideal"
Stable subset 13
Stable subspace 79n
Star of k-vector 255
State mapping 193 202
State, quantum mechanical 189
Structure of set 1
Structure of set, algebraic 1
Structure of set, order 1
Structure of set, topological 1
Structure theorems (for finite abelian groups) 55
Subduccd representation 133 135ff.
Subgroup(s) 12—13
Subgroup(s), admissible see "Subgroup(s) stable"
Subgroup(s), commutator 74
Subgroup(s), conjugate 33
Subgroup(s), dense 57
Subgroup(s), direct product of 41 51 57
Subgroup(s), direct sum of (for abelian groups) 42 54 57 58
Subgroup(s), improper 13
Subgroup(s), index of 16
Subgroup(s), invariant see "Subgroup(s) normal"
Subgroup(s), normal 22 33—35
Subgroup(s), product of 39 51 57
Subgroup(s), proper 13
Subgroup(s), self-conjugate see "Subgroup(s) normal"
Subgroup(s), semidirect product of 41
Subgroup(s), stable (or -subgroup) 62
Subgroup(s), sum of (for abelian groups) 42 54 57 58
Subgroup(s), weak direct product of 49
Submodule 69
Submodule, minimal 69
Subring 67
Subring stable see "Ideal"
Subset 12
Subset, dense 193—194
Subset, stable 13
Subspace(s) (of vector space) 64 193
Subspace(s) (of vector space), complement of 196
Subspace(s) (of vector space), direct sum of 196
Subspace(s) (of vector space), orthogonal complement of 196
Subspace(s) (of vector space), stable 79n
Substitution (operator) 213ff.
Substitutional groups 213 215ff.
Substitutional point- and space-groups 217 242—243
Sum of abelian groups or subgroups 42 54 57 58
Sum of abelian groups or subgroups, direct 42 54 57 58
Sum of abelian groups or subgroups, infinite 57
Sum of abelian groups or subgroups, multiple finite 54
Superposition principle 189
Symmetric group see "Permutation group"
Symmetric mapping 163
| Symmetric property of equivalence relation 24
Symmetrization operator 234
Symmetry adapted functions 232
Symmetry group for quantum, Dirac-electron systems 222 293—298 307ff.
Symmetry group for quantum, general N-particle systems 222—223
Symmetry group for quantum, general one-particle systems 213ff.
Symmetry group for quantum, mechanical systems 203ff. 213ff.
Symmetry group for quantum, systems with external magnetic field 217—219 294ff.
Symmetry group for quantum, systems with spin-orbit coupling 206 210 218 219 221 262ff. 294 329ff.
Symmetry operation or operator 9 189 203ff.
Symmetry-operator ray 204ff.
Symmetry-operator ray group 204—207
Symmorphic space-group 241 242
Symmorphic space-group, irreducible representations of 161
Tetrahedral group 48 347
Tight-binding functions 250
Time-inversion operator 305
Time-reversal operator 211 281ff. 289 316 356
Time-reversal operator for Dirac-electron systems 316
Time-reversal operator for systems with spin-orbit coupling 282
Time-reversal operator for systems without spin 282
Time-reversal symmetry 211 281ff. 289ff.
Transformation 18
Transformation, invariance 214
Transformation, linear 64
Transformation, Lorentz 306
Transformation, Poincare (or inhomogeneous Lorentz) 303ff.
Transformation, similarity (of a group) see "Conjugation"
Transformation, similarity (of a representation) 83
Transitive property of equivalence relation 24
Translation (operator) 238—239 240
Translation (operator), non-primitive 240
Translation (operator), primitive 240
Translation (operator), substitution 244
Translation group 239 246ff.
Translation group, double 268
Translation group, irreducible representations of 246ff.
Transposition 236
Trivial representation see "Identity representation"
Union of sets 12
Unit cell of crystal 238
Unit cell of reciprocal space 247
Unit element see "Identity element"
Unit operator see "Identity operator"
Unitary metric see "Euclidean metric"
Unitary operator 193
Unitary representation 83
Unitary space 86 190
Unitary unimodular matrix 221
Vector space(s) 61 70
Vector space(s), carrier 79
Vector space(s), complete 190
Vector space(s), disjoint 92 196
Vector space(s), Euclidean 61 85—86
Vector space(s), Hilbert 189ff.
Vector space(s), Lebesgue square-integrable function 192
Vector space(s), reciprocal 247
Vector space(s), representation see "Vector space(s) carrier"
Vector space(s), spinor 192
Vector space(s), unitary 86 190
Wave vector 247—248
Wave vector, reduced see "k-vector"
Weak direct product 49
Z-module 62
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