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McQuarrie D.A. — Statistical Mechanics
McQuarrie D.A. — Statistical Mechanics

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Название: Statistical Mechanics

Автор: McQuarrie D.A.


McQuarrie's Statistical Mechanics is a classic textbook in the field and, although it was first published in 1976, is still widely used in courses and consulted by researchers. A strong part of the appeal of the book are the numerous problems that accompany each chapter. However, no solution manual is available. The purpose of this site is therefore to serve as a forum where interested students, academics and scientists can submit, consult and discuss solutions to the problems presented in the book.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Механика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1976

Количество страниц: 331

Добавлена в каталог: 04.05.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Macroscopic compressibility approximation      308
Magnetic dipoles      79
Markov process      457 555
Markovian spectrum      560
Mass average velocity      407
Mass balance equation      380 381
Master equation      423
Matrix elements      183
Maximum term method      25 31
Maxwell potential      369
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution      125 358 415
Maxwellian molecules      370
Maxwell’s equation      618 622 628
Mayer convergence factor      342
Mayer f-function      228
Mayer summation function      342 353
Mayer theory      340
McMillan — Mayer theory      327
Mean free path      358 359 373
Mean free path kinetic theory      358
Mean free path kinetic theory and time correlation function      523
Mean free path, binary mixture      373
Mean free path, distribution      374
Mean ionic activity coefficient      338 339 352
Mean ionic activity coefficient, concentrated solutions      340
Mean ionic activity coefficient, hypernetted-chain equation      347
Mean ionic activity coefficient, limiting law      339
Mean ionic activity coefficient, mean spherical model      356
Mean ionic activity coefficient, mode expansion      349
Mean ionic activity coefficient, optimized random phase approximation      347 348
Mean spherical model      348 355
Mean spherical model, for dipoles      356
Mean-square displacement      397 455 462 514
Mechanical property      35
Memory function      572
Metals      164-168
Method of images      399 400
mex      348
microcanonical ensemble      37 56
Microscopic reversibility      421
Mie — Gruneisen equation      218
Mixtures, fluid      293 294 295 296 297
Mixtures, fluid, effective Lennard — Jones parameters      294
Mixtures, fluid, energy equation      293
Mixtures, gases      248
Mixtures, gases, virial expansion of      248
Mixtures, Omstein — Zemicke equation      293
Mixtures, Percus — Yevick equation      293
Mode expansion      348
Modified cluster integrals      271
Molecular chaos assumption      410 422
Molecular collisions      365-370
Molecular collisions, cross section of      372
Molecular collisions, frequency of      370 373
Molecular constants for diatomic molecules      95
Molecular constants for polyatomic molecules      132
Molecular Dynamics      255 256 281 297 441 442 456
Molecular dynamics and Boltzmann H-theorem      416
Molecular dynamics and diffusion constant      578
Molecular dynamics and Enskog theory      442
Molecular dynamics and Gaussian approximation      590 591
Molecular dynamics and hard-sphere radial distribution function      288 289 Appendix
Molecular dynamics and hard-sphere structure factor      301
Molecular dynamics and mean-square displacement      456
Molecular dynamics and power spectrum      552 579
Molecular dynamics and radial distribution function for hard spheres      288 289 Appendix
Molecular dynamics and radial distribution function for Lennard — Jones fluid      259
Molecular dynamics and radial distribution function for square well fluids      308
Molecular dynamics and superposition approximation      280 281
Molecular dynamics and velocity autocorrelation function      516 578
Molecular partition function      70 75 113
Molecular velocities      358
Molecular velocities, relative      371
Moment of a distribution      20
Moment of inertia      94 110 133 140
Momentum balance equation      381 419
Momentum eigenfunction      186
Momentum, conjugate      7
Monte Carlo calculations      288 289
Monte Carlo calculations, ionic systems      346
Monte Carlo calculations, mixtures      296 297
Monte Carlo method      240
Morse potential      92 110
Multicomponent mixture, gases as, virial expansion of      248
Multinominal coefficient      22 25
Multinominal coefficient, distribution of      22 31
Multinominal coefficient, theorem on      22
N-dimensional sphere      12 28 124
N-particle system      11 12 28 36
Natural variables      15 45 55
Navier — Stokes equation      391 515
Navier — Stokes equation, linearized      396 516 538 570
Neutron scattering      544
Neutron scattering, coherent      547
Neutron scattering, incoherent      547
Newtonian mechanics      3
Newtonian pressure tensor      396 446
Newton’s law of viscous flow      361
No-slip boundary condition      393 394
Node      274
Nonmechanical thermodynamic variable      35
Nonviscous flow      389 390 391
Normal coordinate analysis      131
Normal coordinates      131 132 194 195 196
Normal random process      559 560
Normal solution      426 428
Nuclear partition function      83 85
Nuclear spin functions      102
Occupation number      38 212
One-fluid theory      294
One-sided correlation function      501
Opalescence, critical      62
Optical branch      210
Optimized random phase approximation      348
Ornstein — Zernike equation      269 270 275 290 344
Ornstein — Zernike Equation, for mixtures      293
ORPA + $B_2$ approximation      350
Ortho- and para-molecules      105 111
Ortho-para deuterium      111
Ortho-para hydrogen      105 106 107
Ortho-para hydrogen, heat capacity of      106 107
Oscillating dipole      478 Appendix
Osmotic coefficient      338
Osmotic coefficient, DHLL + $B_2$      347
Osmotic coefficient, hypernetted chain      346
Osmotic coefficient, mean spherical model      350
Osmotic coefficient, MEX      349
Osmotic coefficient, Monte Carlo calculations      346 356
Osmotic coefficient, ORPA + $B_2$      350
Osmotic coefficient, Percus — Yevick approximation      346
Osmotic coefficient, various theories      356
Pade approximant      256 257 283 289
Pairwise additivity      124 228
Parallel bandParseval’s theorem      556 587
Partition function and thermodynamic, functions, summary of      58
Partition function, classical      113-117
Partition function, electronic      83 84 109 130
Partition function, independent, distinguishable particles and      70
Partition function, independent, indistinguishable particles and      71
Partition function, nuclear      83 85 130
Partition function, rotational      98 104
Partition function, translational      81 82 93
Partition function, vibrational      96 197
Peculiar velocity      407
Percus — Yevick equation      276
Percus — Yevick equation, comparison to experiment      284 288
Percus — Yevick equation, density expansion      277 278
Percus — Yevick equation, hard-sphere equation of state      279 280
Percus — Yevick equation, mixtures      293
Percus — Yevick — Allnatt equation      346
Percus — Yevick — Allnatt equation, comparison to Monte Carlo data      346
Periodic boundary conditions      209
Perpendicular band      474
Phase point      117 402
Phase space      117 402 403 417
phase velocity      208
Phonon      207 212 213
Phonon gas      212 213
Photon      177
Physical constants, table of      593
Planck radiation law      31 182 192 193 376
Planck’s constant      593
Plane wave      620 621
Plane wave expansion      624
Poincare cycle      416 424
Poincare recurrence theorem      416 424
Poincare recurrence theorem and irreversibility      424
Point defects in solids      214-217
Poise      365
Poiseuille flow      392 393 394
Poisson bracket      404 494
Poisson distribution      20 30 90
Poisson equation      328 330 351
Poisson — Boltzmann equation, linear      332
Poisson — Boltzmann equation, non-linear      331 354
Polarizability      476 477 484 533
Polarizability, anisotropic part      480 533
Polarizability, longitudinal      484
Polarizability, N-body expansion      251
Polarizability, spherical part      480
Polarizability, table of      481
Polarizability, tensor      477
Polarizability, transverse      484
Polarization vector      49 179
Postulate of Gibbs      36 41 118
Potential barriers of rotation      138 139 140
Potential barriers of rotation, table of      140
Potential of mean force      266 267 290
Potential of mean force, Debye — Huckel      331
Power spectrum      557 587
Poynting vector      471 Appendix
Prefactor      613
Pressure broadening      503 504
Pressure due to radiation      181
Pressure equation      261-262 289
Pressure equation, for hard spheres      280
Pressure equation, for mixtures      293
Pressure equation, Percus — Yevick equation as      279
Pressure tensor      381 382 408
Primitive model      326
Primitive model, restricted      328
Principal axes      477 533
Principal moments of inertia      133
Principle of equal a priori probabilities      36 118
Probability distributions      20
Products of inertia      134
Projection operator      574 576 588
Pure quantum state      37
Quantum corrections to $B_2(T)$      250
quantum mechanics      9
Quantum statistics      73
Quasi-particles      69
Radial distribution function      259 290
Radial distribution function and chemical potential      264
Radial distribution function and virial coefficients      262 263
Radial distribution function, computer program for      Appendix D
Radial distribution function, density derivative      290
Radial distribution function, density expansion      262 263 272 273
Radial distribution function, first density correction      273 290
Radial distribution function, hard-sphere      282
Radial distribution function, interionic      353
Radial distribution function, temperature derivative      291
Raman scattering      476 486-488
Random mixture theory      293 294
Random phase approximation      348
Random variable      20
Random variable, continuous      20
Random variable, discrete      20
Random variable, independent      30
Rate of shear tensor      392
Rayleigh scattering      63 476 564 571
Rayleigh — Jeans law      192
Recurrence time      416
Recurrence time and irreversibility      417
Reduced distribution functions      405
Reduced mass      27 93 110
Ree — Hoover Pade approximant      257 280
Reference system      302
Relative coordinates      366
Relativistic kinetic energy      127
Relaxation time      419
Renormalized potential      350
Resolvent operator      574
Restricted primitive model      328
Restricted primitive model, numerical results      346 347 349 350
Resummation of virial series      342
Retarded Green’s function      623
Reversal paradox      415
Reversion of a series      163 170 190 225
Riemann zeta function      33 34 171 180 191
Rigid rotor, classical      27 128 141
Rigid rotor, quantum      10 94
Rigid rotor-harmonic oscillator, approximation      91 93 111
Root point      272
Root-mean-square speed      126
Root-mean-square velocity      358
Rotation matrices      534 535
Rotation-vibration coupling constant      112
Rotational constant      94 110 134
Rotational constant for diatomic molecules      95
Rotational constant for polyatomic molecules      132
Rotational diffusion equation      398
Rotational Hamiltonian      27 128 141
Rotational kinetic energy of diatomic molecule      27
Rotational kinetic energy of linear molecule      27
Rotational kinetic energy, asymmetric top and      141
Rotational kinetic energy, symmetric top and      141
Rotational Laplacian      398
Rotational partition function, asymmetric top and      136
Rotational partition function, of heteronuclear diatomic molecule      98
Rotational partition function, of homonuclear diatomic molecule      104
Rotational partition function, of linear molecule      133
Rotational partition function, spherical top and      135
Rotational partition function, symmetric top and      135
Rotational relaxation      398
Rotational spectrum      94 110 111
Rotational temperature      99 132
Rotational wave functions      102 103
Russell — Saunders coupling      88
Sackur — Tetrode equation      86
Scalar product      612
Scattering function      298 299
Scattering function, neutron      545
Schottky defect      214 219
Schroedinger equation      9
Schroedinger representation      472 616 617
Schwartz inequality      539 576
Screened coulombic potential      334
Second law of thermodynamics      13 44 46
Second moment condition      355
Second virial coefficient      227 228 233-237
Second virial coefficient, angle-dependent potentials and      249 250
Second virial coefficient, determination of potential parameters from      236 237 248
Second virial coefficient, experimental      233 235
Second virial coefficient, hard-sphere potential and      234
Second virial coefficient, Lennard — Jones potential and      235
Second virial coefficient, quantum corrections and      241 242 243 250 315 316
Second virial coefficient, reduced form of      233 236
Second virial coefficient, square well potential for      235
Second virial coefficient, Sutherland potential for      247
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