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Carmichael R.D. — The theory of relativity |
Предметный указатель |
Aberration of light 9
Acceleration 55
action 26 59 110
Addition of velocities 46 73
Atomic vibration 105
Bucherer 68 70 72
Bucherer experiment 68
Bumstead 51
Charge on electron 68—72
Christoffel symbols 90
Conservation of electricity 68
Conservation of energy 26 64
Conservation of momentum 26 50 66
Conservation, Postulates of 26
Consistency of postulates 24
Contravariant tensor 85
Conventions in physical theory 7 34 35 37
Covariant tensor 85
Derived units 54
Differentiation, covariant 90—92
Dimensional equations 55
Dimensions of units 54
Doppler effect 18
Earth, Movement through ether 10
Eddington 80 106 110
Einstein 44 77 95 97
Einstein’s law of gravitation 94—96
electricity 26 68
Electromagnetic equations 106—108
Electromagnetic theory of light 19
Electron 68—72
Emission theory of light 19
Energy 26
| Energy, and mass 49—62
Energy, conservation of 26 64
Equations of transformation 44—48 73
Equations, Dimensional 55
Equivalence, principle of 79 108
Ether 9 10 14 61
Experiment of Bucherer 68
Experiment of Michelson and Morley 10
Experiment of Trouton and Noble 13
Experimental verification 63—72
Fizeau 9
force 55 56
Foundations of physics 7
Fresnel 9
Fundamental tensors 88 89
Galilean axes 79
Galilean values of ’s 83
Gravitation 62
Independence of postulates 24
Laws of nature relative to observer 8
Length 27—43
Leverrier 103
Lewis 49
Light, aberration of 9
Light, Bending of ray of 103
Light, mass of 62
Light, velocity of 18 47 58
Lines of strain 61
Longitudinal mass 49
Lorentz 10
Mass and energy 49—62
Mass and velocity 49
Mass, longitudinal 49 68
Mass, Nature of 60 72
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