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The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid and Propositions I - XXI of Book XI |

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Название: The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid and Propositions I - XXI of Book XI
Рубрика: Математика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: third edition, revised and enlarged
Год издания: 1885
Количество страниц: 315
Добавлена в каталог: 25.03.2006
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Abbott 302
Alternando 200
Altitude 211
Ampere 304
angle 5
Angle, acute 7
Angle, adjacent 7
Angle, alternate 45
Angle, bisection of 26
Angle, complement of 7
Angle, dihedral 267
Angle, extension of meaning 108
Angle, exterior 8
Angle, interior 31 45 49
Angle, legs of 6
Angle, obtuse 8
Angle, re-entrant 6
Angle, right 7
Angle, solid 267 280
Angle, supplement of 7
Angle, trihedral 267
Angle, trisection of 307
Angle, vertex of 6
Antecedent of a ratio 181
Arc of a circle 106
Area 80 240
Axioms 10 299
Axis of symmetry 21
Axis, radical 128
Catalan, preface 177 304
Centre 9
Centre, of similitude 238
Centre, radical 128
Chasles 2
circle 9
Circle, arc of 106
Circle, chord of 107
Circle, circumference 9
Circle, circumscribed 157
Circle, concentric 108
Circle, contact of 107 125
Circle, diameter of 9
Circle, escribed 161
Circle, nine-points 164
Circle, polar 163
Circle, radius of 9
Circle, sector of 107
Circle, segment of 107
Circumcentre 162
circumcircle 162
Comberousse, preface 121
Componendo 201
Conclusion 12
Cone 284
Congruent 13
Contrapositive 13
Convertendo 202
Corollary 13
cube 284
Cylinder 284 291
demonstration 13
Diagonal 45
Diagonal, middle points of 26
Diagonal, third of a quadrilateral 45
Dividendo 201
dodecahedron 283
Double point 238
enunciation 13
Ex aequali 204
Ex aequo perturbato 205
figures 5
Figures, directly similar 233
Figures, given in magnitude 210
Figures, given in position 210
Figures, given in species 210
Figures, inversely similar 233
Figures, rectilineal 5
Figures, similar 210
Galbraith 306
Gauss 3
Gnomon 78
Hamilton 233 300
Harmonic conjugates 208
Henrici 5
hexahedron 283
Homologous terms 189
Homothetic 239
Hypotenuse 8
Hypothesis 12
icosahedron 283
Identically equal 55
Identity, rule of 13
Inscribed 157
Invertendo 193
Lardner 142
legendre 299
Lemma 13
| Line 4
Line, divided harmonically 208
Lines, concurrent 7
Lines, Coplanar 267
Lines, Incommensurable 97 182
Lines, normal to a plane 269
Lines, parallel 44
Lines, pencil of 7
Lines, perpendicular 7
Lines, Philo's 306
Lines, projection of 45
Lines, segment of 77
Lines, transversal 13
Locus 44
Lozenge 9
M'Cullagh 306
Maximum 115
Median 36
Minimum 115
Multiples 180
Newcomb 5 106 107
Newton 305
octahedron 283
Orthocentre 162
Orthogonal 135
Parallelogram 44
Parallelogram, complements of 61
Parallelopiped 283
Pascal 262
Pentagon 9
Philo, proofs by 24 304
Plane 5
Playfair 302
Points, collinear 5
Points, concyclic 108
Points, homologous 238
Points, inverse 128
Points, row of 7
Polygon 8
Polyhedron 283
Poncelet 299
Postulate 9
prism 283
Problem 13
Projection 45
Proportion 184
Proportion, extremes of 184
Proportion, means of 184
Proportional, mean 210 224
Proportionals, fourth 223
Proportionals, third 222
Proportionals, two mean 210 304 305
Proposition 12
Proposition, contrapositive of 13
Proposition, converse of 12
Propositions identical 100
Propositions, obverse of 12
Ptolemy's theorem 232
Ptolemy's theorem, converse of 258
Ptolemy's theorem, extension of 258
Quadrature of circle 308
Quadrilateral 9
Quadrilateral, cyclic 108
ratio 181 182
Ratio of greater inequality 208
Ratio of lesser inequality 208
Ratio, antecedent of a 183
Ratio, compound 187 188
Ratio, consequent of a 181
Ratio, duplicate 187 188
Ratio, extreme and mean 97
Ratio, reciprocal of 183
Ray 7 108
rectangle 77
Rouche 121
Secant 13
Simson 134
Solution 13
Sphere 284 293 295
Square 9
Submultiple 180
surface 5
Tangent 106
Theorem 12
Theorem, converse of 12
Townsend, preface 142
Trapezium 45
triangle 8
Triangle, equilateral 8
Triangle, isosceles 8
Triangle, obtuse-angled 8
Triangle, right-angled 8
Triangle, scalene 8
Trihedral angle 267
Trihedral angle, supplementary of 282
Vertex of angle 6
Vertex of pencil 7
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