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Gerald C.H. — Electro–optical imaging iystem performance
Gerald C.H. — Electro–optical imaging iystem performance

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Название: Electro–optical imaging iystem performance

Автор: Gerald C.H.


This updated edition is a consolidation of reference material needed to design, analyze, and evaluate imaging system performance. The information is integrated from a wide range of subjects in which the analyst must be conversant: target characterization, atmospheric effects, optics, detectors, electronics, displays, and human perception of image quality. The material could otherwise only be obtained by sifting through dozens of textbooks and journal articles. Although emphasis is placed on infrared systems, the principles apply to all imaging systems operating in the visible region of the spectrum.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-ое издание

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 438

Добавлена в каталог: 02.05.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Static model      357
Step-stare      168
Stratosphere      262
Subjective quality factor      221
Summary noise factor      365
Sun glints      283
Sun, Precipitation, Atmosphere, Clouds, Earth      308
Sunshine      315
Superposition      65 68
SWIR      3
Synchronous integrator      363
System cutoff      80
System engineering      2
System Image Analyzer      359
System performance model      7
Systeme Modulaire Thermique      11
T-number      47
Tangential MTF      90 188
TAPs      153
Target discrimination      317 385 409
Target signature      12 303
Target size      421
Target size function      53
Target transfer probability function      394 414
Targets      424
TDI      21 143 343 371
Telescope, afocal      106
Telescope, Cassegrainian      92
Temperature reference      37
Thermal crossover      308
Thermal derivative      56
Thermal detector      330 333
Thermal detectors      25
Thermal imaging band      3
Thermal Imaging Common Module      11
Thermal inertia      308
Thermal Range Model      377
Thermal structure metrics      317
thermal time constant      147
Thermoelectric cooler      24
Three-dimensional noise      357
Throughput      32
TICM      11
Time delay      71
Time-delay and integration      21
Tolerance      151
Tolerancing      378
Tradeoff      409
Tradeoff analysis      1
Transfer efficiency      166
Transmittance      44
Transmittance, contrast      261
Transverse coherence length      293
TRM 3      377
Tropical      251
TTPF      394 414
Turbulence      249 289
TV limiting resolution      200
TV limiting response      135
Two point      37
Two-dimensional MRT      374
Two-point correction      340
Uncooled detectors      24
Uncooled technology      140
Undersample      73
V/H ratio      174
Validation      13
Vertical profile      293
Very long wave infrared      3
video bandwidth      135
Video timing      133
Vidicon      33 130
Visibility      258
Visible      46
Visual angle      118
Visual range      260
VLWIR      3
Warm filter      335
Washed out      311
Water vapor      249 252
Wave-front error      94 179
Weather conditions      267
Weather Effects on Tactical Target Acquisition      268
WETTA      268
Wide field-of-view      417
Zoom      118 137 156 417 423
1 2 3
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