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Gerald C.H. — Electro–optical imaging iystem performance
Gerald C.H. — Electro–optical imaging iystem performance

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Название: Electro–optical imaging iystem performance

Автор: Gerald C.H.


This updated edition is a consolidation of reference material needed to design, analyze, and evaluate imaging system performance. The information is integrated from a wide range of subjects in which the analyst must be conversant: target characterization, atmospheric effects, optics, detectors, electronics, displays, and human perception of image quality. The material could otherwise only be obtained by sifting through dozens of textbooks and journal articles. Although emphasis is placed on infrared systems, the principles apply to all imaging systems operating in the visible region of the spectrum.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-ое издание

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 438

Добавлена в каталог: 02.05.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
MDT      365
Mean detection time      426
Measurement resolution      201
Median Filter      351
Mercury cadmium telluride      26
Meteorological range      253 259 260
MFTD      385
Microphonics      321 359
Microscan      84 168 194
Mid-wavelength infrared      3
Mie theory      255
Military      11
Minimum detectable temperature      8 365
Minimum dimension      386
Minimum findable temperature difference      385
Minimum resolvable contrast      8 355 380
Minimum resolvable temperature      8 355
Minimum temperature difference perceived      377
Mirror motion      106
MODTRAN      250 262
Modulation      63
Modulation transfer function      62
Moire pattern      73
Monitor      35 135 157
Monte Carlo      378
Motion      98 141 166 183 369 421
MRC      355 380
MRT      123 355
MRT, two-dimensional      374
MTDP      377
MTF      62 63
MTF, aberrated      94
MTF, aerosol      299
MTF, amplifier      113
MTF, atmospheric      289
MTF, averaging filter      154
MTF, bilinear interpolation      156 194
MTF, boost      133
MTF, Butterworth      114 135 161
MTF, central obscuration      92
MTF, charge transfer efficiency      166 189
MTF, Chebychev      161
MTF, cosine filter      153
MTF, CRT      184
MTF, defocus      95 179
MTF, detector      77 97 188
MTF, diffraction      69 90
MTF, digital filter      153 189
MTF, eye      119 189
MTF, film      185
MTF, Gaussian      94 104 126 132 135
MTF, human visual system      117
MTF, ideal      160
MTF, ideal filter      114
MTF, interpolation      189
MTF, lead circuit      134
MTF, LED      116 189
MTF, linear motion      99
MTF, microscan      168
MTF, mirror motion      106
MTF, monitor      135 189
MTF, motion      188
MTF, N-pole      114
MTF, non-limiting      123 370
MTF, optics      188
MTF, phase      149 188
MTF, polychromatic      90
MTF, random motion      104
MTF, rectangular aperture      177
MTF, sample and hold      159
MTF, sample-scene phase      149
MTF, sinsoidal motion      102
MTF, SPRITE      146
MTF, squeeze      243 376
MTF, TDI      143
MTF, time constant      113 183
MTF, tuned circuit      134
MTF, turbulence      293
MTF, vertical      188
MTF, vidicon      131 189
MTF, visual optics      116 189
Multiplexer noise      328
Multispectral scanner system      236
MWIR      3
MWIR versus LWIR      206 251 255 274 281 283 345 423
nadir      175
Narrow field-of-view      417
National Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale      202
Near-field      293
NEBW      322
NEDT      340
NEI      346
NEP      331
Net lead      134
Newton's relationship      179
NIIRS      202
Noise      321
Noise equivalent bandwidth      27 322
Noise equivalent flux density      320
Noise equivalent irradiance      320
Noise equivalent power      331
Noise equivalent temperature      320
Noise equivalent temperature differential      320
Noise filter      141 367
noise floor      328
Noise power spectral density      322 356
Noise, 1/f      322 327
Noise, additive      328
Noise, aliased      352
Noise, amplifier      325
Noise, dark current      326
Noise, default values      371
Noise, fixed pattern      325 327 358
Noise, Johnson      325
Noise, kTC      328
Noise, microphonics      359
Noise, multiplexer      325 328
Noise, multiplicative      328
Noise, noise floor      328
Noise, photon      324 335
Noise, quantization      328
Noise, random      358
Noise, readout      325 359
Noise, shot      326
Noise, signal-dependent      328
Noise, signal-independent      328
Noise, streaks      358
Noise, summary noise factors      365
Noise, three-dimensional      357
Noisy images      123
Nonuniformity      328 339 373
Nonuniformity correction      37
Normalization      57
NPSD      322 351
NUC      37
Numerical aperture      179 430
Nutation      170
NVL model      362 371
NVTherm      375 416
Nyquist frequency      73 375 416
Obscurants      286
Obscuration      92
Operational model      7
Optical shape factor      53
Optical transfer function      62
Optical transmittance      45 418
Optics      17
Optimum design      1
Orientation      386
OTF      62
Out-of-phase      149
Oversample      73
Overscan      190
Overscan ratio      107
Panoramic distortion      177
Parralel scan      21
PAS      203
Path radiance      261 286 312 336
Peak-up      194
PG720      272
Phase shift      71
Phase shift lens      71
Phase transfer function      62
Photoconductive      24
Photometry      57
Photon detector      329
Photon noise      324 335
Photovoltaic      25
Physically Reasonable infrared Signature Model      316
Picture height      131
Pitch      80
Pixel      400
Pixel angular subtense      203
Pixels on target      231 400
Planck's blackbody radiation law      42
Platinum silicide      26
Point source      49
Point source detection      204
Point spread function      67
Point visibility factor      53 204 346
Poisson statistics      326
Post-amplifier      30 113
Post-filter      141
Post-reconstruction      35 141
Pre-amplifier      30 113
Pre-filter      141
Principal plane      429
prism      316
PTF      62
Pushbroom      29 173
PVF      53
Pyroelectric      25 147
Quantum well      25 26
Quantum well detector      330 332
R384      272
R400      272
Radiant exitance      40
Radiant flux      40
Radiant intensity      40
Radiant sterance      40
Radiometry      40
Random motion      104
Range performance probability      414
Range prediction      411
Rank-order      351
Raster      157
Raster scan      20
Rayleigh criterion      200 274
Rayleigh scattering      255
Re-imager      106
Recognition      233 245 386
Reconstruction      35 141 348
Recursive filter      350
Reference frequency      324
Reflectance      44
Reflectivity      44
Refractive index structure parameter      290
Relative humidity      252
Residual FPN      340
Resolution      8 231 418
Resolution, gray scale      197
Resolution, spatial      197
Resolution, spectral      197
Resolution, temporal      197
Resolution-limited      409
Resolved source      45
Responsivity      46 328 329
Richardson emission constant      327
Ringing      69 134 154 246
Ripple      161
Rotating polygon      111
Sagittal MTF      90 188
Sample correlation factor      366
Sample per detector dimension      229
Sample-and-hold      159
Sample-scene phase      149 231
Sampled-data sysiem      75 149 226
Samples per dwell      228
Sampling      73
Sampling effects      415
Sampling frequency      149
Scan conversion      33 130
Scan efficiency      107
Scan time      20
Scan velocity      107 110
Scan, bidirectional      71
Scanner      20 175 183
Scanner, axe-head      175
Scanner, Kennedy      176
Scanner, split aperture      175
Scattering      248
Scattering, solar      285
Schottky barrier diode      25 327 330 332
Scintillation      289
Search      425
Second generation      36
Sensitivity      8 320 418
Sensitivity-limited      409
Serial scan      20
Serial/parallel      36
Shade's equivalent band pass      220
Shift invariant      71
Short exposure      293
Short wavelength infrared      3
Shrinking raster      135
SIA      359
Signal transfer function      55
Signal-to-clutter ratio      397
Signal-to-noise ratio      220 266 280 338 370
Sine wave response      116
Sinusoidal motion      102
SiTF      55
Situational awareness      417
Sky      314
Sky-to-background ratio      314
Skyshine      315
Slit response function      201
Slow mode      294
Solar absorption      308
Solar heating      308
Solar scattering      285
Soot      286
Space      308
Sparrow criterion      200
spatial resolution      197
Specific detectivity      27 331
Spectral Infrared Imaging of Targets and Scenes      316
Spirits      316
Sprite      11 20 26 143 146 188 204 332
Spurious resolution      100
Spurious response      227 237 243
Square wave response      355
Square-root integral      224
SQUEEZE      243 376
Stabilization      421
STADIUM FLIR      378 423
Staggered array      36
Staggered elements      82
Star detection      406
Staring array      36 165 342
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