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Franklin P. — Differential and integral calculus
Franklin P. — Differential and integral calculus

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Название: Differential and integral calculus

Автор: Franklin P.


This book is designed to serve as a basic but full introduction to the field of differential and integral calculus. It is a fine textbook for a two or three-semester course, especially as it contains review material on trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic fUnctions and highlights of plane and solid analytic geometry-prerequisites which may not have been previously covered by the student. It is equally valuable as supplementary reading for classwork or as a self-instruction text. After establishing the basis for differential calculus in the first chapter, the author moves quickly to the discussion of integration of pOwer functions, leaving the more complex study of the definite integral regarded as the limit of a summation until later in the book. Among Other topics covered are parametric funCtions, force components in polar coordinates, Duhamel's theorem, extrema of functions of two or more variables, methods and applicalions of integration, infinite series, Taylor'S series, and multiple integrals. A chapter on vectors and surfaces in space is in line with the most modern approach to undergraduate teaching.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1953

Количество страниц: 679

Добавлена в каталог: 02.05.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Increments      30
Increments, law of finite      477
Indefinite integrals      91
Independent variables      4 477
Indeterminate forms      452—457
Induction, mathematical      39
Inequality symbols      2
Infinite series      397
Infinite series, absolutely convergent      417
Infinite series, alternating      415
Infinite series, convergent      401
Infinite series, divergent      401 402
Infinite series, sum of an      401
Infinite series, tests for, comparison      406 409
Infinite series, tests for, integral      405
Infinite series, tests for, ratio      412
Infinitesimals      18
Infinitesimals, theorems on      19
infinity      11
Inflection, point of      55
Integrable combinations      587
Integral curve      579
Integral test for series      405
Integrals      90 see
Integrals, double      542
Integrals, improper      318
Integrals, indefinite      91
Integrals, repeated      540
Integrals, table of      627
Integrals, table of, use of      356
Integrals, triple      561
integrand      91
Integrating factors      584 588
Integration      90
Integration between limits      98
Integration by parts      347
Integration by substitution      303 342—347 355
Integration of exponential functions      336
Integration of polynomials      92
Integration of powers      92 322
Integration of rational fractions      351
Integration of trigonometric functions      334 337—342
Integration, constant of      91 580
Integration, element of      84
Integration, fundamental theorem of      291
Integration, leading to, inverse functions      329
Integration, leading to, logarithms      327
Integration, numerical      459 460 463
Integration, using series      226 429 435 438
interval      2
Interval of convergence      421
Inverse functions      70
Inverse hyperbolic functions      473
Inverse trigonometric functions      163—169
Involute      237
Involute of the circle      217
Isothermal expansion      393
Kepler's laws      625
l'Hospital's rule      453 454 456
Leading term, principle of      12
Lemniscate      218 251
Length of arc      see "Arc length"
Limacon      248
limits of functions      8 10
Limits of integration      98
Limits of variables      7
Limits, calculation of      9
Limits, operations on      8
Limits, theorems on      20
Line, secant      27 524 see "Tangent
Linear dependence      604
Linear differential equation      578 583 603
Locus of an equation      5 110
Logarithmic differentiation      196
Logarithmic functions      182
Logarithmic spiral      257
Logarithms, computation of      439
Logarithms, differentiation of      193 195
Logarithms, natural and common      189
Logarithms, natural and common, tables of      630 632
Logarithms, rules for      183
Maclaurin's series      432
Maclaurin's series with the remainder      451
Maclaurin's series, special      434 438
Mathematical induction      39
Maximum and minimum      54 60 74 77
Maximum and minimum of a function of two variables      496
Mean value      366
Mean value by multiple integration      574
Mean value theorem      45 447
Mean Value Theorem, Cauchy's      447
Meridian section      530
Mid-point      113 513
Minimum      see "Maximum and minimum"
Moment of inertia      380
Moment of inertia about a parallel-axis      387
Moment of inertia of a plane area      382
Moment of inertia of a plane area by double integration      556
Moment of inertia of a solid      386
Moment of inertia of a solid by triple integration      569 573
Moment of inertia polar      384
Moments      369—390
Moments, about straight lines      369 389
Moments, about straight lines, by double integration      554
Moments, bending      619
Moments, with respect to planes      374
Moments, with respect to planes, by triple integration      567 569 573
Motion, harmonic, damped      204
Motion, harmonic, simple      173
Motion, in a plane      622
Motion, on curves      87
Motion, on straight lines      51 613
Natural logarithms      189
Natural logarithms, table of      630
Newton's method of solving equations      57 286 466
Normal length of      140
Normal length of, polar      265
Normal length of, to a plane curve      135
Normal length of, to a surface      528
Notation, for derivatives      33 478
Notation, for sums      290 398
Number scale      1
Number, complex      467
Number, real      1
Numerical integration      459 460 463
Numerical value      20
Octant, first      505
Open interval      2
Order of a differential equation      578
Ordinary differential equation      578
Ordinates      5
Ordinates, composition of      161
Orthogonal trajectories      583
P-series      405 408
Pappus, theorems of      378
parabola      121
Parabola in polar form      253
Parabola, cubical      226
Parabola, semicubical      138 234 502
Paraboloid      533
Parallel-axis theorem      387
PARAMETER      87 210
Parametric equations      210
Partial derivative      478
Partial differential equation      479 493 578
Partial fractions      351
Partial sum of a series      399
Percentage error      284 401
Perihelion      623
Period      173
Plane, equation of      510 517
Plane, tangent      528
Planet, orbit of      623 625
Point of inflection      55
Polar coordinates      245
Polar moment of inertia      384
Pole      244
Power series      420 424
Power series, operations on      427 435
Pressure, liquid      106 312 390
Pressure, liquid, center of      390
Projections      506
Psi      393
Quadrants      5 145
Quadratic expressions      332
Quadratic formula      49
Quadric surfaces      531
Radian measure      144
Radius vector      245
Radius, of curvature      229
Radius, of curvature, in polar form      267
Radius, of gyration      381
Range of a variable      4
Rates, of change      23 24 31
Rates, related      79
Ratio test for series      412
Ratio test for series, refined      413
Rational functions      14 17
Real number      1
Rectangular coordinates      5
Relative error      284 491
Remainder in Taylor's series      450
Repeated integrals      540
Revolution, axis of      530
Rolle's theorem      447
Roots of equations      57 286 466
Rose-leaf curves      248 256
scalar      511
Scalar product      514
Scale, number      1
Secant line      27 524
Secants, differentiation of      159
Secants, trigonometric      149
Second derivatives      50
Second derivatives from parametric form      220 280
Second derivatives, partial      492
Second derivatives, positive and negative      55
Second-degree equations      120—132 133—134
Second-degree equations of surfaces      531
Sector of a circle      145 298
Semicubical parabola      138 234 502
SEQUENCE      397
Series      398 see "Maclaurin's "Power "Taylor's
Series, alternating      415
Series, binomial      426
Series, comparison tests for      406 409
Series, geometric      401 402
Series, partial sum of      399
Series, ratio test for      412 413
simple harmonic motion      173
Simpson's rule      463
SINEs      145
Sines, differentiation of      156
Sines, law of      150
Singular solutions      590
Slopes      26 28
Slopes of curves      28
Slopes of curves, from parametric form      217 279
Slopes of curves, from polar form      258
Slopes of straight lines      26
Smooth curve      28 305
Solutions of differential equations      579
Solutions of differential equations, general      580
Solutions of differential equations, particular      580 596 605
Solutions of differential equations, singular      590
Speed      52 87 526
Speed, increasing or decreasing      52
Sphere      528 532
Spherical coordinates      572
Spheroid      532
Spiral, logarithmic or equiangular      257
Spiral, of Archimedes      248
Spiral, transition      226
straight lines      26 110
Straight lines in space      508
Straight lines, angle between      113
Straight lines, equations of      26 110 210
Straight lines, equations of, in polar form      251
Straight lines, motion on      51 613
Straight lines, slopes of      26
Subnormal      140
Subnormal, polar      265
Subtangent      140
Subtangent, polar      265
Sums, notation for      290 398
Surfaces      527
Surfaces of revolution      530
Surfaces of revolution, area of      313 363
Surfaces, area of curved      559
Surfaces, cylindrical      529
Surfaces, quadric      534
Symmetry, axis of      142
Tables, common logarithm      632
Tables, exponential and hyperbolic function      631
Tables, integral      627
Tables, natural logarithm      630
Tables, trigonometric function      634
Tangent line      28 135
Tangent line to a space curve      525
Tangent line, horizontal or vertical      136 217
Tangent plane      528
Tangent, length of      140
Tangent, polar      264
Tangents, differentiation of      158
Tangents, trigonometric      148
Taylor's series      443
Taylor's series for two variables      495
Taylor's series with the remainder      450
Taylor's series, incremental form of      444
Taylor's series, special      446
Torus      360
Total differential      480 485
Transition curves      225
Transition spiral      226
Trapezoidal rule      460
Trigonometric functions      144
Trigonometric functions of complex values      467 470
Trigonometric functions, differentiation of      155—160
Trigonometric functions, graphs of      161
Trigonometric functions, inverse      163—169
Trigonometric functions, table of      634
Trigonometric identities      147—150
Triple integrals      561
Trochoid      213
Undetermined coefficients      609
Unit vectors      240 269 512
Value, absolute      2 436
Value, numerical      2
Variables      4
Variables, limits of      7
Vector product      520
Vectors in space      510
Vectors in space, components of      512
Vectors, differentiation of      526
Vectors, radius      245
Vectors, unit      240 269 512
Velocity      23 51
Velocity in space      526
Velocity vector      238 526
Velocity vector, components of      238 240 269 526
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