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Worsnop B.L., Flint H.T. — Advanced Practical Physics for Students |
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"Osglim" lamp 402
Aberration, spherical 310
Absorption coefficient for and rays in aluminium, etc. 633 634
Absorption of solution (for light) 386
Ammeter 459
Ammeter, unipivot 460
Amplification factor of valve 646
Anderson and Bowen, surface tension 145
Anderson's method, self inductance 571
Angle of dip 442
Angstroem's method, conductivity 233
Area, measurement of 33
Atwood's machine 76
B-H for iron 445 449
Balance, sensitivity of 48
Balance, the 44
Ballistic galvanometer, calibration of 453 479 521
Beams, bending of 86
Beams, cantilever 88
Beams, Y by bending 90 91
Beams, Y by vibration of 94
Beats 403
Berthelot's apparatus (latent heat) 208
Bi-quartz 374
Bifilar suspension 61
Bismuth spiral, variation of resistance in magnetic field 519
Boiling point, solutions, rise of 246
Borda's method 49
Bowen and Anderson, surface tension 145
Brewster's Law 370
Bubbles, soap, surface tension of 133
Bulk modulus for glass 119
Bunsen's ice calorimeter 203
Buoyancy correction 49
Cadmium cells 529
Calibration of bridge wire by potentiometer 489
Calibration of bridge wire, Carey Foster's method 495
Calibration of galvanometer 453 479 521 see
Calibration of tube 42
Callendar — Griffiths bridge 512
Candle power 380
cantilever 88
Capacities, comparison of, deflection method 550
Capacities, comparison of, method of mixtures 553
Capacities, comparison of, null method (de Sauty) 552
Capacities, comparison of, small 559
Capacity effect in circuit conveying alternating current 558
Capacity, absolute determination of 554
Capacity, comparison of large and small 601
Capacity, determination by fluxmeter 557
Capacity, small, determination in E.M. units 605
Capillary electrometer, Lippmann 546
Capillary tube, determination of surface tension 130
Carey Foster bridge 490
Cathode rays (e/m and v) 611
Chladni's figures 420
Chronograph 397
Clark cell 533
Clement and Desorme's experiment 212
Coincidence, method of 73
Comparator, the 31
Comparison of approximately equal resistances 491
Comparison of yard and metre 32
Composition of harmonic motions at right angles 405
Composition of harmonic motions in same direction 403
Compound pendulum 67
Conduction of electricity in gases-saturation curve 630
Conductivity (heat) of copper bar 222
Conductivity (heat) of glass 226
Conductivity (heat) of rubber tubing 223
Conductivity (heat), Angstroem's method 233
Conductivity (heat), Forbe's method 230
Conductivity (heat), Lees and Chorlton's method 227
Conductivity of solutions 527
Conductivity, specific 529
Constant deviation prism 342
Constant pressure air thermometer 188
Constant volume air thermometer 192
Cooling — Newton's Law 182
Current sensitivity of galvanometer 463
Curvature of surfaces, Searle's method 268
Damped oscillations 27
Density of water (by glass sinker) 186
dielectric constant 600
Diffraction at straight edge 360
Diffraction grating, reflection 364
Diffraction grating, transmission 362
Diffraction through single slit 366
Dip circle 442
Disc on strings 60
Dispersive power of prism 283
Double ratio box 504
E.M.F. comparison 534 592
e/m for electron (cathode rays) 611
e/m for electron (Zeeman effect) 356
Efficiency of sources of light 382
Elasticity 80
Electric waves (Lecher) 608
End correction in wire bridge 495
Expansion of water 186
Fabry — Perot etalon 351
Falling plate (frequency) 395
Flicker photometer 383
Fluxmeter, Grassot 482
Flywheel, moment of inertia of 55
Focal length by Goniometer (Searle's) 303
Focal length by revolving table 307
Focal length, lens combination 296
Focal length, microscope objective 307
Focal length, thin lenses, by pins 293—296
Focal lines of concave mirror 266
Forbe's method, conductivity 230
Freezing point, depression of 251
Frequency by Chronograph 397
Frequency by Falling plate 395
Frequency of high pitched note 424
Frequency, Lissajou's figures 405
Frequency, Siren 392
Frequency, stroboscopic methods 400
Frequency, tonometer 394
Fresnel's biprism 321
Fresnel's double mirror 320
Fundamental interval, platinum thermometer 512
Galvanometer, adjustment of 469
Galvanometer, ballistic moving coil 471
Galvanometer, ballistic moving needle 470
Galvanometer, ballistic, calibration of 453 479 521
Galvanometer, broca 466
Galvanometer, choice of 471
Galvanometer, damping in 473
Galvanometer, Einthoven 485
Galvanometer, excessive damping, reduction of 481
Galvanometer, lamp and scale adjustment 461
Galvanometer, moving coil 467
Galvanometer, moving needle 464
Galvanometer, Onwood 469
Galvanometer, resistance of 489 643
Galvanometer, sensitivity of 462
Galvanometer, Thomson 465
Gauss method of (double weighing) 48
Gauss's proof of law of magnetic force 427
Gold leaf electroscope 632
Goniometer, Searle's 303
Goniometer, Wollaston's 261
Graduation of a tube 41
Gruetzmacher correction table 251
Half shade 374
Half shadow angle 377 379
Heat of solution 210
High Frequency Resistance, by valve 650
| Hooke's law 81
Horizontal component of Earth's magnetic field 437
Hysteresis 448
Ice calorimeter, Bunsen's 203
Increase in length of bar on magnetization 433
Inductance, effect in circuit conveying alternating current 558
Inductance, self see "Self-inductance"
Intensity of magnetization 445
Interference of sound waves 424
Interference-light 314
Interferometer, Jamin 327
Interferometer, Michelson 335
Ionization potential, by valve 649
Jaeger's method, surface tension 140
Jamin's interferometer 327
Joly's steam calorimeter 201
Kater's pendulum 71
Kelvin double bridge 501
Kelvin's method, galvanometer resistance 489
Kinetic energy of rotating body 51
Koenig's method (bending beam) 91
Kundt's Tube, ratio of specific heats 419
Kundt's Tube, velocity of sound in 417
Kundt's Tube, velocity of sound in rods 415
Kundt's Tube, velocity of torsional vibration 416
Kundt's Tube, Young's modulus and rigidity 417
Ladenburg correction 642
Lamp and scale adjustment for galvanometer 461
Latent heat of, fusion 207
Latent heat of, vaporization 208
Laurent Saccharimeter 372
Leakage, high resistance by 594 643
Lecher's experiment on velocity of electric waves 608
Lees and Chorlton, conductivity cardboard 227
Length, measurement of 31
Lens combination 296
Lens, focal lengths of see "Focal lengths"
Lens, thick 300
Lippich polarizing system 376
Lippmann's capillary electrometer 546
Lissajou's figures 405 408
Lloyd's single mirror 317
Logarithmic decrement 30 161
Lummer — Brodhun photometer 384
Lummer — Gehrcke plate 345
Magnetic field, measurement of 521 615 616
Magnetic moment, variation with temperature 431
Magnetism, distribution of, in magnet 427
Magnetism, law of force 427
Magnetism, terrestrial-determination of H 437
Magnetization, increase of length of bar with 433
Magnetometer 429 440
Magnets, measurement of pole strength of 264
Maxwell's method, self-inductance 566
Maxwell's needle 104
Mean spherical efficiency source of light 381
Mechanical equivalent, electrical method 255
Mechanical equivalent, friction cones 253
Melde's experiment 412
Metre and yard, comparison of 32
Meyer, O.E. viscosity 160
Michelson's interferometer 335
Microscope, travelling 31
Mirrors, radii of curvature of 263
Molecular weight by depression of freezing point 251
Moment of external forces 53
Moment of inertia of disc on strings 60
Moment of inertia of flywheel 55
Moment of inertia of wheel and axle 59
Moment of inertia, calculation of 23 53
Moment of inertia, definition of 51
Moment of inertia, table 64
Mutual Inductance by Fluxmeter 582
Mutual Inductance, Carey Foster's method 644
Mutual Inductance, comparison with self-inductance 579
Mutual Inductance, direct determination by ballistic galvanometer 577
Narrow-necked resonator 422
Natural leak 633
Neon lamp ("Osglim lamp"), use in Stroboscopic method 402
Newton's law of cooling 182
Newton's rings 322
Nutting photometer 386
Ohm's Law, verification by Q.E. 592
Optical bench 317
Optical constants by revolving table 307
Oscillations of a magnet 27
Oscillations, damped 27
Oscillations, undamped electric 628
Oscillograph, Duddell 487
Owen's method, self-inductance 574
Oxy-coal gas flame 586
Pendulum, compound 67
Pendulum, Kater's 71
Pendulum, simple 26
Permeability by ballistic galvanometer 449
Permeability by Magnetometer method 445
Photometer, flicker 383
Photometer, Lummer — Brodhun 384
Photometer, Nutting 386
Photometry 380
Planimeter 33
Platinum resistance thermometer 511
Poisson's ratio for india-rubber 122
Polarimeter 372
Polarization by reflection 370
Polarization, rotation of plane of 372
Potentiometer 534
Potentiometer, direct reading 538
Potentiometer, method low resistance 500
Potentiometer, to make direct reading 535
Principal planes of thick lens 300
Principal points, by rotation 302 307
Prism, constant deviation 342
Quadrant electrometer 584
Quadrant electrometer, adjustment of 587
Quadrant electrometer, capacity of 597
Quadrant electrometer, comparison of E.M.F. by 592
Quadrant electrometer, high resistance by leakage 594
Quadrant electrometer, sensitivity of 591
Quadrant electrometer, suspension 585
Quadrant electrometer, verification of Ohm's Law 592
Quartz fibres 585
Quincke's method, surface tension mercury 135
Radiation, constant 243
Radiation, correction 196
Radii of curvature of mirrors 263—265
Radio-activity 632
Radio-activity, ray absorption 633
Radio-activity, ray absorption 634
Radio-activity, decay of radioactive compound 635
Radius of gyration 53
Rankine's method, viscosity 637
Ratio of E.S. and E.M. units 601 605
Ratio of specific heats 211 419
Rayleigh's method (ripple) surface tension 137
Rayleigh's method, self-inductance 562
Refractive Index by apparent thickness 273
Refractive Index by auto-collimating spectrometer 290
Refractive Index by Boy's method 278
Refractive Index by lens and plane mirror 276
Refractive Index by minimum deviation 282
Refractive Index by total internal reflection in prism 284
Refractive Index by total reflection 274
Refractive Index of quartz, table of 360
Refractometer, Pulfrich 291
Refractometer, Rayleigh 329 333
Resistance of battery (Mance) 526
Resistance of Bismuth spiral in magnetic field 519
Resistance of bridge wire 492
Resistance of electrolyte 527
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