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Shafarevich I.R., Shokurov V.V., Danilov V.I. — Algebraic geometry I: Algebraic curves algebraic. Manifolds and schemes
Shafarevich I.R., Shokurov V.V., Danilov V.I. — Algebraic geometry I: Algebraic curves algebraic. Manifolds and schemes

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Название: Algebraic geometry I: Algebraic curves algebraic. Manifolds and schemes

Авторы: Shafarevich I.R., Shokurov V.V., Danilov V.I.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Алгебра/Алгебраическая геометрия/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1994

Количество страниц: 307

Добавлена в каталог: 12.03.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Roch, G.      62 79 82 84 85 106 113 117 120 123—126 129 160 161
Ruled join      248
Ruled surface      124
Sard, A.      43
Scheme      287
Scheme of finite type      289
Scheme, affine      285
Scheme, algebraic      202 291
Scheme, algebraic, affine      180
Scheme, geometrically irreducible      292
Scheme, geometrically normal      292
Scheme, geometrically reduced      292
Scheme, geometrically regular      292
Scheme, irreducible      288
Scheme, Noetherian      289
Scheme, normal      289
Scheme, reduced      288
Scheme, regular      290
Scheme, relative      288
Scheme, S-      288
Scheme, smooth      292
Schubert cycle      269
Schubert variety      269
Schubert, H.      269 274 277 278
Schwarz, H.A.      65 73 78
Segre class      269 270
Segre embedding      195
Segre, B.      269 270
Segre, C.      90 195 196 247 258 262
Seidenberg, A.      221
Seifert, H.      38
Series, linear      119
Serre duality      84
Serre's finiteness theorem      224
Serre, J-P.      84 186 224
Severi, F.      135
Shafarevich, I.R.      5
Shakespeare, W.      16
Sheaf      199
Sheaf of differential forms      208 210
Sheaf of modules      200
Sheaf of relative differentials      293
Sheaf, canonical      241
Sheaf, coherent      201
Sheaf, conormal      208
Sheaf, cotangent      208
Sheaf, free      201
Sheaf, invertible      201
Sheaf, locally free      201
Sheaf, quasi-coherent      201
Sheaf, structure      285 287
Sheaf, tautological      202
Sheaf, very ample      262
Siegel matrix      143
Siegel matrix, modular group      144
Siegel matrix, upper half-plane      144
Siegel, C.L.      143 144
Space of meromorphic functions (associated with a divisor)      80
Space, affine      175 178 286
Space, irreducible      211
Space, noetherian      211
Space, of rational differentials (associated with a divisor)      112
Space, of rational functions (associated with a divisor)      112
Space, projective      187
Space, ringed      200
Space, tangent      44 205
Space, tangent, embedded      94
Speciality index      112
Specialization      267 272 285
Spectrum, prime      282
Spectrum, projective      204
Stalk      202
Stein factorization      225
Stein, K.      225 247 248
Steiner, J.      127
Stokes, G.G.      141
Strange curve      95
Structure, complex-analytic      17
Structure, sheaf      285 287
Study, E.      48 69
Submanifold      18
Submanifold, open      18
Subscheme      180 202
Subscheme, open      287
Subsets, algebraic      175 178
Subsets, basic open      185
Subvariety      90 188
Subvariety, exceptional      214 241
Subvariety, linear      191
Supersingular curve      149
Support of a cycle      266
Support of a divisor      27 108 256
surface      22 94
Surface, ruled      124
Surface, Veronese      195
Symmetric power      95
Symmetric product      95
System of algebraic equations      175
System, differentiable coordinate      22
System, exceptional special      123
System, linear      119 244
System, linear, (base-point) free      119 261
System, linear, canonical      120
System, linear, special      123
System, linear, very ample      262
System, linear, without base points      119 261
System, linear,-complete      119 261
System, ordinary special      123
System, pluricanonical      120
Tangent cone      206
Tangent space      44 205
Tangent space, embedded      94
Tautological bundle      198
Taylor, B.      83 96 98 287
Teichmiiller, O.      78
Theorem of Bertini      249
Theorem of Bezout      109 111 251 273
Theorem of Castelnuovo      275
Theorem of Chevalley, constructibility      219
Theorem of Chevalley, semi-continuity      228
Theorem of Chow      86 145 224
Theorem of Clifford      124 125
Theorem of de Rham      51
Theorem of Hilbert, basis      176
Theorem of Hilbert, Nullstellensatz      177 178
Theorem of Hodge, index      275
Theorem of Lueroth      114
Theorem of Nagata      222
Theorem of Pascal      110
Theorem of Riemann, existence      62
Theorem of Serre, finiteness      224
Theorem of van der Waerden      241
Theorem of Zariski, connectedness      225
Theorem of Zariski, main      240
Theta characteristic      149
Theta characteristic of a curve      160
Theta characteristic, even      150
Theta characteristic, nondegenerate      161
Theta characteristic, odd      150
Theta constants      151
Theta divisor, Riemann      146 150
Theta function with characteristics      150
Theta function with characteristics, Riemann      145 151
Theta relation, Riemann      154
Torelli, R.      160
Torus, complex      18
Torus, embedding      189
Torus, polarized      142
Torus, polarized, isomorphic      144
Torus, principally polarized      142
Transformation, elliptic      76
triangle      36
Triangulation      36
Trigonal curve      124
Type, elliptic      67 69
Type, hyperbolic      67 71
Type, parabolic      67 69
Unibranch      221
Unit disk      20 68 69
Unit, punctured      20
Universal bundle      198
Universal covering      30
Universal differentiation      102
Universal linear section      245
Universal quotient bundle      198
Universal subbundle      198
Upper half-plane      20 68 69
Upper half-plane, Siegel      144
Van der Waerden's theorem      241
Variety of secants      232
Variety, abelian      140 197
Variety, abelian, principally polarized      148
Variety, affine      90 178
Variety, algebraic      90 188
Variety, algebraic, affine      178
Variety, algebraic, irreducible      93 211
Variety, algebraic, quasi-affine      186
Variety, algebraic, rational      99
Variety, Chow      244 278
Variety, complete      221
Variety, dual      246
Variety, factorial      236
Variety, Grassmann      190
Variety, Jacobian      259
Variety, linear      191
Variety, linearly normal      120 265
Variety, nonsingular      95
Variety, normal      219
Variety, Picard      156 157
Variety, projective      89 190
Variety, projectively normal      128 266
Variety, quasi-projective      90
Variety, Schubert      269
Variety, separated      192
Variety, simply connected      233
Variety, smooth      207
Variety, Veronese      92
Veronese mapping      92
Veronese surface      195
Veronese variety      92
Veronese, G.      80 92 117 121 131 195 252 262 263 266 276 277 279
Waerden, B.L. van der      241
Weierstrass P-function      24
Weierstrass, K.      24 26 65 88 151 152 162
Weil, A.      65 174 256 266 269 275
Weyl's lemma      61
Weyl, H.      61 179
Wirtinger, W.      45
Zak, F.A.      250 266
Zariski connectedness theorem      225
Zariski main theorem      240
Zariski topology      90 183 284
Zariski, O.      89—91 93 94 113 122 183—186 188 205 210 211 221 225 230 240 247 284
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