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Krasnov N.F. — Aerodynamics. Part 1. Fundamentals of theory. Aerodynamics of an Airfoil and a Wing |
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Point, nodal, characteristics 227
Point, stagnation 185f 191f 268
Polar, airfoil 296
Polar, craft 46ff
Polar, first kind 46
Polar, second kind 47
Polar, shock 180 182
Porodenko, V.V. 153 157 493
Potential, additional 310f 313 321
Potential, complex 97 104
Potential, complex, circulatory-forward flow 243
Potential, complex, cylinder 244f
Potential, complex, flow over circular cylinder 241
Potential, complex, flow over plate 241f
Potential, complex, non-circulatory flow 243
Potential, complex, parallel flow 98
Potential, disturbance 457
Potential, disturbed velocities 424
Potential, doublet region 356
Potential, elementary source 318ff
Potential, retarded 425
Potential, total 313f
Prandtl, L. 19 21 32 279
Predvoditelev, A.S. 61 62 66 67 165 188 493
Pressure coefficient 42 172 187f 281f 390 416
Pressure coefficient at stagnation point 185f 191 268
Pressure coefficient, behind shock 291
Pressure coefficient, compressible flow 268 306
Pressure coefficient, conical flow 362
Pressure coefficient, conversion to various Mach numbers 271f
Pressure coefficient, hexagonal wing 370 372
Pressure coefficient, hypersonic flow 292 297
Pressure coefficient, limiting value 186
Pressure coefficient, nearly uniform flow 235 293
Pressure coefficient, ratio 106 172f 186
Pressure coefficient, rectangular wing 385f
Pressure coefficient, sideslipping wing 302 304
Pressure coefficient, tetragonal wing 337 339 345f
Pressure coefficient, triangular wing 325ff 363
Pressure(s) in ideal fluid 26ff
Pressure(s) in jet 152f
Pressure(s), absolute 272
Pressure(s), critical 152 154f
Pressure(s), dimensionless 145
Pressure(s), excess 235 265
Pressure(s), gradient 107
Pressure(s), linearized flow 265
Pressure(s), nearly uniform flow 235
Pressure(s), ratio 166 172f 189f
Pressure(s), ratio, behind shock 175
Pressure(s), ratio, normal shock 184
Pressure(s), stagnation 151 153 191f 224
Pressure(s), stagnation, flow behind shock 174f
Principle, flow superposition 105
Principle, freezing 196
Principle, inverted flow 16
Problem, Cauchy 206ff
Probstein, R.F. 494
Puckett, A.E. 494
Rakhmatulin, Kh.A. 209 494
Rate, mass flow 156ff
Rate, mass flow, specific 156f
Ratio, aspect and wing lifting capacity 482f 487
Ratio, aspect, influence on aerodynamic derivatives 483
Ratio, density 165 172f 184 188
Ratio, density, dissociation and ionization 189ff
Ratio, density, limiting 186
Ratio, lift-to-drag 46f see
Ratio, lift-to-drag, maximum 47
Ratio, mass velocity 156f
Ratio, pressure 166 172f 186
Ratio, pressure coefficient 186
Ratio, pressure recovery, across shock 174
Ratio, pressure, behind shock 175
Ratio, pressure, dissociation and ionization 189f
Ratio, pressure, normal shock 184
Ratio, taper, and wing lifting capacity 483
Ratio, temperature 166 172f 184 189ff
Ratio, temperature, dissociation and ionization 189ff
Ratio, velocity (speed) 152 156 271
Ratio, velocity (speed) and Mach number 152
Ratio, velocity (speed), flow without separation 133
Recombination 60
Region, doublet, influence 356f
Region, doublet, potential 356
Region, integration 320
Region, multiply connected 94
Region, simply connected 94
Region, source influence 319f
Relaxation 194
Relaxation in shock waves 196ff
Relaxation, dissociative 194f
Relaxation, length 198
Relaxation, time 194 199
Relaxation, time, dissociative 194f
Relaxation, time, vibrational 194f
Relaxation, vibrational 194f
Resistance see "Drag"
Reynolds O. 19
Roshko, A. 494
Rotation, about centre of mass 407
Roze, N.V. 82 111 493
Rozhdestvensky, I.B. 61 62 63 67 165 188 493
Rule, Prandtl — Glauert compressibility 482
Sadekova, G.S. 111 493
Sagomonyan, A.Ya 209 494
Samuilov, E.V. 61 62 66 67 165 188 493
Scale, turbulence 30f
Schlichting, H. 494
Sedov, L.I. 17 20 21 22 493 494
Shock(s) 156 159 see shock"
Shock(s) at hypersonic velocities 186ff
Shock(s), adiabat 172 184
Shock(s), angle 159
Shock(s), attached 183f 187
Shock(s), attached, curved 159f
Shock(s), attached, straight 159f
Shock(s), curved 159f 178f
Shock(s), density ratio 165 172f
Shock(s), detached, curved 159f
Shock(s), detached, flow over sharp-nosed cone 177
Shock(s), expansion 181 211 281
Shock(s), lambda-shaped 275
Shock(s), local 275
Shock(s), normal 159 168f 184ff
Shock(s), normal in dissociated and ionized gas 189ff
Shock(s), oblique 159 163ff 171
Shock(s), oblique in dissociated and ionized gas 189
Shock(s), oblique, formation 161f
Shock(s), polar 180 182
Shock(s), possibility 182
Shock(s), pressure ratio 166 172f
Shock(s), strength 172
Shock(s), temperature behind 170 172
Shock(s), temperature ratio 166 172f
Shock(s), thickness 163
Shock(s), thickness and Mach number 163
Shock(s), velocity behind 166 171
Shumyatsky, B.Ya. 62 63 67 188 493
Similarity, aerodynamic 138ff
Similarity, dynamic 139 144f
Similarity, full-scale and model flows 146f
Similarity, full-scale and model flows, complete 147
Similarity, geometric 139
Similarity, partial 146
Sink, point, three-dimensional 100
Sink, point, two-dimensional 100
Sink, strength 100
Skripach, B.K. 23 398 419 427 431 433 436 451 452 455 460 488 493 494
Sound, speed 67f 142f 151f 155 264
| Sound, speed and pressure 67f
Sound, speed and temperature 67f
Sound, speed in undisturbed flow 142f
Sound, speed, critical 151f 155
Sound, speed, local 152
Sound, speed, stagnation conditions 151
Source, distribution density 318f
Source, disturbances 159
Source, elementary, potential 318ff
Source, point, three-dimensional 100
Source, point, two-dimensional 99
Source, region of influence 319f
Source, strength 100 427
Source, strength, varying 425f
Source, vortex, two-dimensional 103
Span, characteristic dimension 262
Specific heats and pressure 61f
Specific heats and temperature 61f
Speed see also "Velocity"
Speed, fluctuation 29
Stability derivatives 397f 418f
Stability derivatives and aerodynamic coefficients 399
Stability derivatives and control surfaces 402f
Stability derivatives in subsonic flow 478ff
Stability derivatives in supersonic flow 483ff
Stability derivatives, acceleration 399
Stability derivatives, conversion 404ff
Stability derivatives, dynamic 398
Stability derivatives, first order 398
Stability derivatives, groups 399
Stability derivatives, gyroscopic 404
Stability derivatives, Magnus 403
Stability derivatives, potential function 458
Stability derivatives, rotary 399
Stability derivatives, second order 398
Stability derivatives, static 398 402f
Stability derivatives, wing 449
Stability, dynamic 394f 410ff
Stability, free motion 412
Stability, longitudinal, oscillatory 415
Stability, motion 411
Stability, motion, neutral 412
Stability, oscillatory 414
Stability, static 52ff 415
Stability, static, axisymmetric craft 54
Stability, static, lateral 53 57f
Stability, static, lateral, directional 57f
Stability, static, lateral, rolling 57
Stability, static, longitudinal 53ff
Stability, static, longitudinal and elevator deflection 50
Stability, static, margin 55
Stakhanov, I.P. 61 62 66 67 165 188 493
Stepanov, E.A. 153 157 493
Stokes, G.G. 19
strain see also "Deformation"
Strain, angular 76 78
Strain, linear 76 78
Strain, specific volume, rate 78
Stream, filament 74
Stream, free 25
Stream, function 89f 98 202
Streamlines 73f 98 104f
Streamlines, family 74 104
Streamlines, zero 104f
Strength, bound vortex 435
Strength, free vortex filaments 433f
Strength, shock 172
Strength, sink 100
Strength, source 100 425ff
Strength, vortex 430 433 435 447
Strength, vortex layer 430 433 447
Strength, vortex sheet 429f
Strength, vortex tube 91
Stress, friction see "Stress shear"
Stress, normal 107ff
Stress, shear 31ff 107f
Stress, shear in laminar flow 31f
Stress, shear in turbulent flow 32ff
Strophoid 180f
Struminsky, V.V. 19
Stupochenko, E.V. 61 62 66 165 188 493
Sublayer, laminar 35
Sublayer, viscous 35
Surface(s), control 402f
Surface(s), control, angles 407f
Surface(s), discontinuity 156 see
Surface(s), lifting, flat 428
Surface(s), lifting, intricate planform 429f
Surface(s), lifting, rectangular 428f
Surface(s), wave 211
Surface(s), wing, deformation 451
System(s), disturbed sources 320
System(s), vortex 429
Tabachnikov, V.G. 398 419 427 431 451 452 455 460 488 494
Taylor, G.I. 32
Temperature, behind shock 170 172
Temperature, characteristic, dissociation 69
Temperature, critical 154
Temperature, ratio 166 172f 184 189ff
Temperature, stagnation 153 191f
Terms, interaction 402
Theorem, equivalence 209
Theorem, Helmholtz 78 91
Theorem, Kutta — Zhukovsky 430
Theorem, Stokes 93f
Theory, "loaded line" 253
Theory, aerodynamic, of wing 21
Theory, boundary layer 19
Theory, finite-span wing 21
Theory, heat transfer, gas-dynamic 19
Theory, infinite-span wing 21
Theory, linearized, supersonic flow over finite-span wing 308ff
Theory, second-order aerodynamic 293 296 298
Theory, shock wave 159ff
Theory, vortex 428ff
Time, relaxation 194 199
Time, relaxation, dissociative 194f
Time, relaxation, vibrational 194f
Tip(s), influence on flow over wing 342f
Tip(s), rounding 260
Tip(s), sonic 317
Tip(s), subsonic 317 385
Tip(s), supersonic 317 364
Trailing edge(s), sonic 317 365
Trailing edge(s), subsonic 317 428
Trailing edge(s), supersonic 317 364 366ff 372ff
Trajectory, particle see "Pathline"
Triangle, definiteness 232
Trim, lateral 58
trimming 55
Tube, Stream 74
Tube, vortex 91
Tube, vortex, strength 91
Tunnels, wind 15
Tunnels, wind, aerodynamic 29
Turbulence, homogeneous 31
Turbulence, initial 29f
Turbulence, intensity 29
Turbulence, isotropic 31
Turbulence, scale 30f
Variables, dimensionless 141f see similarity"
Variables, Eulerian 72
Variables, kinematic 395f 441
Vector, acceleration 72
Vector, acceleration, total 113
Vector, aerodynamic forces, resultant 36f 252
Vector, moment of aerodynamic forces, resultant 36f
Vector, principal, hydrodynamic pressure forces 246
Vector, velocity 72
Vector, velocity, divergence 78 86
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