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Compton A.H. — X-rays and electrons. An outline of recent X-ray theory |
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ray, excited by X-rays 224
ray, ionization by 257
ray, tracks 4 258
Absorption, coefficients 7 177 355
Absorption, critical 186 190 191
Absorption, due to scattering 194 307
Absorption, empirical formula for 189
Absorption, experimental test of classical theory 204
Absorption, long wave trains 198
Absorption, mass 7 8
Absorption, tables of coefficients 180—185
Absorption, total 175
Absorption, true 309
Ahmad, N. 308
Allen, S. J. M. 308
Andrade, E. N. C. 389
Atomic and electron constants 383
Atomic number and Moseley’s law 25
Atoms, distances apart in crystals 92 93 116
Atoms, distribution of electrons in 79
Atoms, regularity of grouping in liquids 75—77
Auger, P. 249
Ayres, T. 306
Babcock, G. D. 271
Bache, A. 176
Backhurst, I. 169
Balmers series 34
Barkla, C. G. 13 25 35 47 62 68 81 178 186 230 261 306
Barlow 91
Bearden, J. A. 132 147 167
Beatty, R. T. 230
Bohr, N. 29 35 239 257 278 282 315 343
Bohr’s theory 29—35 315—317 324
Bosanquet, C. H. 117 135 144 147 149 153 161 165 167
Bothe, W., recoil electrons 259 273
Bowen, I. S. 342
Bragg, W. H. 21 115 117 118 135 137 138 144 147 149 151 153 161 165 167 169 253
Bragg, W. L. 20 115 117 137 138
Bragg’s formula 23 96 318
Bragg’s formula, corrected for refraction 212
Bragg’s formula, derived by use of quanta 317
Brandes, effect of X-rays on the retina 1
Bravais 91
Breit, G., intensity of scattered radiation 97 304 321
Broglie, L. de, theory of absorption 349
Broglie, M. de 172 231 253 328 389
Bubb, F. W. 236 241 357 358
Bubb’s theory of distribution of photoelectrons 246 358
Cabrera, J. 389
Characteristic radiations 13 26—27 39 398
Clark, H. 74
Coefficient, absorption 7 177 180—185 355
Coefficient, scattering 60
Collins, E. H. 169
Compton, A. H. 33 67 69 70 75 81 88 73 262 264 265 274 275 282 298 306 390
Compton, K. T. 173 223
Continuous spectrum 27
Continuous spectrum, intensity and voltage 28
Continuous spectrum, short-wave limit 27
Coolidge tube 3
Correspondence principle and scattered energy 296
Cosmic rays 57
Coster, D. 343
Crowther, J. A. 188
Crystals, analysis by powder method 102
Crystals, diffuse scattering by 170
Crystals, infinite, simple cubic 318
Crystals, lattices 92 93
Crystals, Miller, indices 94
Crystals, perfect and irregular 119 126
Crystals, reflecting power 117
Crystals, reflection 18—25 95
Crystals, reflection and temperature 169
Crystals, reflection from very small crystals 121
Crystals, table of structure of the elements 116
Damping and width of lines 54
Darwin, C. G. 74 119 139 140 142 169 212
Dauvillier, A. 188 346
Davis, Bergen 134 142 143 214 219
Debye, P. 74 75 76 102 169 172 297
Defoe, O. K. 294
Dershem, E. 8
Diffraction of X-rays 16—25
Diffraction of X-rays by crystal 18—25 126—129 318
Diffraction of X-rays by liquids 75—77
Diffraction of X-rays by ruled grating 17 325
Diffraction of X-rays by slit 16
Doan, R. L. 215
Dobronsawov, N. 238
Doppler effect and scattering 264 279
Dorn, E. 1
Doublets, irregular 340
Doublets, relativity 337 339
Drude, P. 205
Duane, W. 36 115 151 158 161 172 188 213 223 271 317 332 337
Ehrenfest, P. 77 161 321
Einstein, A. 222
Electromagnetic energy 42
Electromagnetic field due to accelerated electron 40
Electromagnetic field due to slow electron 39
Electromagnetic radiation of energy 43
Electromagnetic theory 38—57 365—380
Electrons and atomic constants 383
Electrons in Bohr orbits, and scattered quanta 289
Electrons, binding of, and scattered quanta 285—295
Electrons, complex, effect on scattering 87
Electrons, cooperation in scattering 65
Electrons, density in atomic layers 152 159
Electrons, distribution in atoms 79 161 165 343
Electrons, free, and scattered quanta 265—285
Electrons, large, and scattering 88
Electrons, mass and velocity 374
Electrons, moving, radiation from 38—50 365—380
Electrons, number per atom 61
Electrons, photo-electrons 14 230 235—259
Electrons, recoil 227 273 393
Ellis, C. D. 231 233 253 389
energy levels 232
Epstein, P. 161 321
Ewald, P., no 140 212
Extinction in crystals 134 135 143 146
Fage, E. W. 308 313
Faxen, H. 169 172
Fleming, N. 308 313
Florance, D. C. H. 306
Flourescent rays, n 12
Fourier series applied to a pulsey 48
Fourier series, electron distribution 151
Fricke, H. 312 337
Friedrich, W. 7
Friedrich, W. ray wave lengths 233 234 389 392
Gases, ionization of 4
Geiger, H. 225
General radiation, form of energy curve 27
General radiation, polarization 47
General radiation, pulse, theory of production 38—52
General radiation, short-wave limit 51
Glasser, O. 312
Glocker, R. 74
Gnomonic projection, no Grant 188
Grating, crystal 18—25 327
Grating, ruled 17 325
Haga 16 47
Hagenow, C. T. 69
Hallwachs, W. 237
Hartree, D. R. 347
Hatley, C. C. 37 214
Havighurst, R. J. 147 151 161 165
Herweg, J. 47
Hewlett, C. W. 61 62 66 76 172 306 3 8
| Hjalmar, E. 213
Houstoun, R. A. 202
Hughes, A. L. 223
Hull, A. W. 102 115
Hunt, F. L. 223
Inertia and energy 376
Innes, P. D. 230
Intensity, distribution about cathode stream 46
Inter-atomic distances 75 92 93 116
Ionization produced by X-raysy 4
Irregular doublets 390 7
Irregular doublets, radiation 188 261
James, B. W. 117 135 144 47
Jauncey, G. E. M. 48 169 172 288— 295 302—304
Jauncey’s formula for scattered intensity 3 2
Jauncey’s theory of scatterings 288—295
Jeans, J. H. 221
Joffe, A. 238
K radiation 26 261 333 396
Kaye, G. W. C. 45
Keeson, W. H. 76
Kirchhoff’s law and X-ray absorption 349
Kleeman, R. D. 237
Kohlrausch, K. W. F. 306
Kovarik, A. F. 389
Kramers theory of emission and absorptiony 349
Kramers, H. A. 239 278 282 351 352 391
Kramer’s theory 352
Kramer’s theory, long wave trains 53
Kramer’s theory, scattered radiation 296 314
L radiation 26 261 333 397
Lande 74
Larsson, A. 37 217
Laub, J. 188
Laue, M. 18 90
Levels, energy 332
Lines, characteristic 13 26—27 396—398
Lines, width due to damping 54
Liquids and X-ray diffraction 75—77
Loebe, W. W. 45
Lorentz transformation 365
Lorentz, H. A. 205 209
Lyman series 34
M radiation 333 398
Magnesium oxide, crystal structure 113
Magnesium, crystal structure 109
Magnetisation and reflection 173
Maizlish, I. 87
Maxwell, displacement currents 38
Miller indices 94
Millikan, R. A. 5 223 342
Molybdenum, crystal structure 107
Momentum of radiation 265
Moseley, H. G. J. 25 35 337 343
Moseley’s diagram 343
Moseley’s Jaw 25 35 337
Nardroff, R. von 37 214 220
Nernst, E. 222
Nuttall, J. M. 294
Olmstead, P. S. 33
Olson, A. R. 8
Optical and X-ray doublets 342
Owen, E. A. 188 194 238 308 313
Owens law 192 254
Partzsch, A. 237
Patterson, R. A. 213
Peirce, S. E. 178
Perrin, F. 249
Photo-electric effect 14
Photo-electric effect, compound 233
Photo-electric effect, method of production 238
Photo-electrons 13
Photo-electrons and quanta 248
Photo-electrons, maximum emission angle 246
Photo-electrons, number 253
Photo-electrons, range in matter 254
Photo-electrons, spatial distribution 235 246 249
Photo-electrons, speed 230
Planck’s constant 13 90
Planck’s quantum hypothesis 221
Pohl, R. 16
Poincare 221
Polarization, general radiation 15 47 362
Polarization, scattered radiation 6
Principle of correspondence 296
Pulse theory 38—52 195—198 381—382
Pulse theory and absorption 195
Pulse theory, difficulties with 50
Pulse theory, efficiency of production of X-rays 48
Pulse theory, Fourier integral 381
Pulse theory, intensity of radiation 43
Quanta directed, vs. spreading waves 27 3
Quanta, directed, and scattered X-rays 281
Quanta, energy of 222 265
Quanta, instantaneous action of 287
Quanta, momentum of 265
Quanta, scattered by free electrons 264 279
Quantum theory, origin of 221
Rabinov, I. I. 17
Raman, C. V. 77
Ramanathan, H. R. 77
Rawlinson, W. F. 227
Rayleigh 221
Read, H. S. 8
Recoil electrons 227
Reflection of x-rays 18—25
Reflection of X-rays and magnetisation 173
Reflection of X-rays, effect of temperature on 169
Reflection of X-rays, from perfect crystals 140
Reflection of X-rays, integrated 118 128
Reflection of X-rays, total 18 215
Refraction of X-rays 35
Refraction of X-rays and electron frequencies 205 206
Refraction of X-rays by a prism 217
Refraction of X-rays by crystal wedge 214
Regular and irregular doublets 334
Relativity doublets 337 339
Richardson, O. W. 223 230
Richtmyer, F. K. 188 194 219 391
Robinson, H. R. 227 232 346
Roentgen, W. C. 1 21 35 217
Rognley, O. 173
Ross, P. A. 270 272 273 293
Rosseland, S. 257
Rutherford, E. 29 258 389
Sadler, C. A. 13 25
Scattered X-radiation and quanta 260 265
Scattered X-radiation, absorption coefficient 194 307
Scattered X-radiation, Breit’s formula for intensity 304
Scattered X-radiation, change of wave length in 69 261—272 393
Scattered X-radiation, coefficient of 60
Scattered X-radiation, Compton’s formula for intensity 300
Scattered X-radiation, conservation of energy 266 286
Scattered X-radiation, cooperation of electrons 64 384
Scattered X-radiation, Debye formula for intensity 297
Scattered X-radiation, distribution of electrons in atoms and 61 79
Scattered X-radiation, Doppler effect 264
Scattered X-radiation, early experiments on 261
Scattered X-radiation, failure of wave theory 83
Scattered X-radiation, from bound electrons 84 285
Scattered X-radiation, from complex electrons 87
Scattered X-radiation, from electrons in Bohr orbits 289
Scattered X-radiation, from groups of electrons 79
Scattered X-radiation, hard 62 83
Scattered X-radiation, intensity and scattering angle 66 67
Scattered X-radiation, interference effects 64 72 384
Scattered X-radiation, Jauncey’s formula for intensity 302
Scattered X-radiation, method of computing wave length from 80
Scattered X-radiation, n 12
Scattered X-radiation, Thomson theory 58
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