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Compton A.H. — X-rays and electrons. An outline of recent X-ray theory |
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Scattered X-radiation, unmodified line 272
Scheerer, P. 76 102
Schoenflies 91
Schoenke 91
Schott, G. A. 74
Secondary rays 8
Selection rule 333
Sharp, H. M. 271
Shearer, G. 230
Shimizu, T. 188
Siegbahn, M. 26 36 37 329 346
Silicon, crystal structure 109
Simon, L. 231 294
Slack, C. M. 219
Slater, J. C. 239 278 282
Smedt, J. de 76
Space lattice 91—93 116
Stark, J. 45
Stempel, W. M. 134 142 143
Stenstrom, W. 26 217
Stoker, G. 38 43
Stoner, E. C. 343 345
Storch, H. H. 8
Stuhlman, O. 237
Summerfeld, A. 335 336 339 341 342
Tables, absorption coefficients 180—185
Tables, atomic and electron constants 383
Tables, centered cubic 107
Tables, crystals with large space lattice 328
Tables, damping of electron by radiation 55
Tables, grating space and temperature 327
Tables, indices of refraction for X-rays 218
Tables, lattice simple cubic 95
Tables, lengths of Wilson tracks 276
| Tables, mass, scattering coefficients 313
Tables, maximum emission angle for photoelectrons 246
Tables, molecular distances in liquids 77
Tables, number and type of Wilson tracks 276
Tables, number of recoil electrons 295
Tables, ray wave lengths 234 392
Terrill, H. M. 255
Thibaud, J. 389
Thin target radiation 45
Thomson — Whiddington constant 256
Thomson — Whiddington constant, wave-lengths of spectrum lines 396—398
Thomson, J. J. 38 58 74 254 257
Thomson’s pulse theory 38
Total reflection 18 215
Ulrey, C. T. 27
Vegard, L. 47
Wagner, E. 46
Waller, L. 37 169 217
Walter, B. 16 17 217
Warburton, F. W 7 194
Wave trains, energy and intensity 53
Wave trains, necessity for long 52
Wave trains, number of waves in 55
Wave-length of characteristic lines 16—24 396—398
Wave-length, minimum set by damping 56
Webster, D. L. 35 52 54 74 186
Whiddington, R. 230 255
White, M. P. 188
Williams, E. J. 188 294
Wilson, C. T. R. 4 225 253 255 258 273 275
Wind 47
Woo, Y. H. 178 269 294 298
Wyckoff, R. W. G., no 113 115
X-ray spectra 328
X-ray spectra, classification 330
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