Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Rice F.O., Teller E. — The structure of matter |
Предметный указатель |
Phenol, resonance in 122
Phonon 289
Phosphorescence 293
Phosphorus, black, structure of 129
Photoconductivity 171 292
Photoeffect, internal 292
Photographic process 171 172
Photoneutrons 326
Planck's constant 2 3
Polarizability and light scattering 220
Polarizability ellipsoid 60 61
Polarizability tensor 60
Polarizability, anisotropic 59
Polarizability, electronic 57 58
Positron 123 306
Predissociation 278—287
probability 3
Protons 299
Pyrene, resonance in 110
Pyroxene minerals, structure of 130
Q branch 209
Quadrupole radiation 202 234
Quadrupole transitions 204
quantum mechanics 3 4
Quantum of charge 2
Quantum theory 2 3
R branch 207 208
Radiationless transitions 278—287
Radiative capture 330
Radicals, stability of 120 121
Radioactivity, beta 305 306
Raman effect 220—227
Raman spectrum 216 228
Rare gases, structure in solid state 131
Rare-earth elements, structure of atoms of 27
Rare-earth ions, crystal structure of salts of 269
Rare-earth ions, paramagnetism of 186
Rare-earth salts use in low-temperature production 187
Rayleigh scattering 222
Red dwarfs 337
Red giants 337
Residual valence 137
Resonance 34 112—122 272—278 324 325
Resonance in metallic conductors 176
Rotation, free 230
Rotational spectra 202
Rutherford law 296
Rutherford's model 1 2
S function 8
s state 8 12 233 235
Scattering of light 220
Selection rules 201—206 241 254 266 270
Selenium, structure of 130
Semiconductors 171
Silver iodide, structure of 147
Singlet state 74 240—242 249
Sodium atom, electronic spectrum 237
Sodium chloride, infrared spectrum 219
Sodium chloride, lattice energy 140
| Specific heat, vibrational 228—230
Spin 34 182 184 233 238—241 300
Spin degeneracy 74
Stark effect 243
Stokes line 223
Structure of lighter elements 22 23
Sulfate ion, resonance in 143
Sulfite ion, shape of 144
Sulfur, structure of 129
Superconductivity 169
Superconductors 192
Supernovae 346
Superposition, of time-dependent functions 17—19
Superposition, of wave functions 9
Surface effects 180
Synchrotron 321
Technetium 315
Tellurium, structure of 130
Tetrahedral carbon 99
thermal conductivity 167
Thomas — Fermi model 30
Thorium fission 316
Time-dependent wave functions 16
Tolman effect 149
Transition elements 30—33
Triphenylmethyl 120
Triple bonds 103
triplet state 74 240 241 249
Tunnel effect 38 78—80 82—84 318 322
Uncertainty principle 4 5 161 331
Unshared electrons 93
Uranium fission 319
Valence 71
Valence vibrations 210
Valence-orbital method 91 92 95 96
Valences, directed 92—94
Van de Graaf generator 321
Van der Waals forces 63
Van der Waals repulsion 72
van der Waals solids 126 130—134
Vector-addition rule 236 237 239
Vibrations, deformation 209 210
Vibrations, harmonic 205
Vibrations, normal 194—198 206 210 213 218 229 270
Vibrations, nuclear 39
Water molecule, shape of 94
Water molecules, attraction between 134—135
Wave function 3
Wave functions, time-dependent 16
wave number 200
Wave packet 161
Wave-particle picture 4
White dwarfs 337
Work functions 180 181
X-ray diffraction 41
Zeeman effect 243
Zero line 264
zero point energy 39 40 194
Zinc sulfide, structure of 146
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