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Tietze H. — Famous Problems of Mathematics Solved and Unsolved |
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Julian the Apostate 280
Kant, Immanuel 247
Kantengesetz 88
Kempe, Alfred Bray 86 240
Kepler, Johann 128 207 313
Klein, Felix 181 198 199 204 209 210 235 242 286 302 303 325 335 336
Knot theory 226 234 332
Knots in space 87
Kochansky’s approximate squaring of the circle 95 ff.
Kopf, Eugen 54 63 95
Kovalevsky, Sonja 180
Kronecker, Leopold 179 248 249 301
Kummer, Ernst Eduard 144 170 248 285 286 300 301
Kummer’s Theorem 301
Lacroix, Sylvestre Francois 283
Lagrange, Joseph Louis 197 216 218 288 289 296 302
Lagrange’s Theorem 296
Lam , Gabriel 283 284 285 300
Lambert, Johann Heinrich 104
Landau, Edmund 181 301
Laplace, Pierre Simon 197 302 312
Lattice points 253
Least squares, method of 194
Lebesgue, Henri 265
Lebesgue, Victor Am d e 283 300
Leibniz series 101
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 64 105 174 215 234 279 288 332 333
Lengendre, Adrien Marie 123 124 125 133 143 216 217 283 296 300 302
Lengendre’s conjecture 124 125 126
Length of a path 23 39
Leverrier, Urbain Jean Joseph 208 225
Levi - Civita, Tullio 331
Lindemann, Ferdinand 90 93 94 95 99 102 105
Liouville, Joseph 193 225
Lipschitz, Rudolf 181
Listing, J. B. 74 76 87
Littlewood, John Edensor 153 335
Living row 122
Lobatschewskij, Nikolai 314
Lobkowitz, John Caramuel y 174
Local properties 64 73
Local rectilinearity 73
Lucas, Edouard 19
Ludolph number 99 100 103
Lusternik, L. 41
M ray, Charles 181 247
M bius band (strip) 75 76 77 88 233
M bius, August Ferdinand 64 65 72 74 75 76 77 83 88
MAP 237
Map coloring problems 226 233 241 242
Mathematical induction 264 297
Maximum number of neighboring domains 230
Maxwell, James Clerk 111 197
Measure of curvature 316
Measure of non - Euclideanness 316
Measurements on curved surfaces 316 ff. 318 320
Mendel, Gregor 312
Menger, Karl 120
Mersenne, Marin 280 295
Minkowski, Hermann 144
Mittag - Leffler, G sta Magnus 227
Models of two-dimensional non - Euclidean geometries 316 ff. 318 323
Monge, Gaspard 56
Montgolfier, Joseph and tienne 289
Morse, Marston 41
Natural numbers 1
Needle problem 332 335
Negative curvature 30 34 35 37 42
negative numbers 166 177
Neighborhood of a point 34
Neighborhood principle 108 109
Neighboring domains 69 88 226 229
Neighboring domains in space 77
Neighboring domains in the plane 69
Neighboring domains on a double torus 72
Neighboring domains on a M bius band 77
Neighboring domains on a nonorientable surface 88
Neighboring domains on a sphere 69 85 86
Neighboring domains on a sphere with handles 86
Neighboring domains on a surface 72
Neighboring domains on a torus 71
Neighboring domains on one-sided surfaces 77
Neptune 205 208
Net in the plane 44 45
Newton, Isaac 64 128 197 199 279 288 311 332
Noether, Emmy 180
Noether, Max 180
Non - Euclidean geometry 196 313
Non - Euclidean geometry of negative type 315 328
Non - Euclidean geometry of positive type 315 319 328
Non - Euclidean index 321 322
Non-convex body 32 37
Non-convex surface 32 34
Non-homogeneity 323 ff.
Nonary system 163 ff.
Nondenumerability of the continuum 258 260
Nonorientability of a surface 88
Nonorientable surface 76 83 233
normal 317
Normal map 237
Number theory 125 151
Oblate ellipsoid 27
Ohm, Georg Simon 125
Olbers, H. W. M. 195 208
One-dimensional 109 113
One-sided surface 75 76 88
One-sided surface of genus 88
One-sided surface of genus two 76
One-sidedness of a surface 87
One-to-one (one-one) correspondence 245
One-to-one (one-one) correspondence, order preserving 261
Open geodesic 29 30 31 41
Order type 261
Order types, examples of 261
Ordered sets 261 263
Ordinal enumeration 243
Ordinal number 261
Ordinal numbers 261
Ore, Oystein 180
Orientability of a surface 88
Orientable surfaces 233
Orientation 83
Pallas 195
parabola 53 59
Parabolic geometry 328
Paraboloid 41
Pascal, Blaise 174 264 296 297
Peano, Giuseppe 117
Permutation groups 222 225
Perron, Oskar 54 63
Perturbation theory 208
Petersburg problem 332 335
Phragmen, Edvard 153
Pi ( ) 99 ff. 105
Pi poem 100 104
Piazzi, Giuseppe 194
Picard, mile 225
Plane 21 226
Plane lattice 253
Plato 9 294
Poincar , Henri 41 115 266 292 312 332 335
Poincar s recurrence theorem 332 335
Poincar ’s last theorem 335
Point sets 248 249
Poisson, Sim on Denis 197 225
Polyhedral surface 38 75
Positional principle 165
Positional system 166
Positive curvature 30 34 35 37 42
| Potential theory 209
Power of a set 252
Power of infinite sets 249
Power of the continuum 255 258 263
Preferred directions 323
Preferred points 323
Prime factor decomposition 180
Prime factorization 154
Prime ideal 286
Prime ideal factorization theorem 301
Prime number 2
Prime number formula 127
Prime number theorem 133
Prime quadruplets 19
Prime tables 1 4 5 6 9 11 135
Prime twins 10
Pringsheim, Alfred 302
probability 332
Projective geometry 73 235
Projective plane 329
Proper subset 244
Pseudo-sphere 316 317 318 321 329
Pythagoras 292 294
Pythagorean Theorem 19 58 94 292
Pythagorean triple 278 294 295
Quadratic equation 211 212 221
Quadratic residues 296
Quartic equation 211 213
Rank of a figure 120
Rational numbers 169 247 253
Real numbers 169 247
Regular -gon 182
Regular heptagon 188
Regular hexagon 184
Regular octagon 182
Regular pentagon 185
Regular polygon 182
Regular polygon of 17 sides 189 ff.
Regular polygon of 257 sides 188
Regular quadrilateral 183
Relatively prime arithmetic progression 144
Relatively prime numbers 144
Relatively prime row 144
Relativity, theory of 305 324 330 331
Residue class modulo 144
Residue classes of primes 153
Ricci, Gregorio 331
Richelieu 56
Richelot, F. J. 204
Riemann hypothesis 336
Riemann surfaces 331
Riemann zeta function 336
Riemann, Bernhard 87 126 151 171 234 305 324 325 328 331
Riemannian geometry 324 328 329
Riemannian manifolds 325
Ringel, Gerhard 83 86
Roberval, Giles Persone de 295
Roman numerals 166
Romantic non - Euclidean geometry 313 315 319 328 329
Root of an algebraic equation 218 219 221
Row distribution of primes 122
Ruffini, Paolo 215 224 225
Runge, Carl 335
Russell, Bertrand 264 266
Saddle surface 29 35 37
Salmon, George 235
Sarton, Georges 225
Schmidt, Erhard 335
Schnirelmann, L. 41 335
Schouten, J. A. 331
Seeliger, Hugo von 29 311
Set 244
Set theory 247
Sets with the power of the continuum 255 ff.
Shortest path 26
Sighting 23
Sine Theorem 295
Small circles 25
Space curvature 304 ff.
Special map 238
Sperner, Emanuel 120
Sphere 24 69 226 319 329
Sphere with handles 86 87
Sphere with two handles 72
Spider and fly problem 38 44 45
Spindle-shaped ellipsoid 27
St ckel, Paul 19 78
St ckel’s problem 78 80 81 82
Stifel, Michael 169
Straight line 24 39 40
Subset 244
Supporting planes 41
Surface of genus 87
Surfaces 27 ff.
Sylvester, James Joseph 235
System of neighboring domains 69
Tait, Peter Guthrie 87 226
Tangent plane 42
Tannery, Paul 296
Tartaglia, Nicolo 214 215 224
Testing for primes 18
Theon of Alexandria 180
Thomson, William 226
Three-dimensional 112 114
Three-dimensional chess game 111 ff.
Topological properties 73
topology 74 233 234 235 266 325
Topology of surfaces 325
Torricelli, Evangelista 296
Torus 29 31 37 42 71 79 110 233
Tractrix 30
Transcendental number 105
Transfinite arithmetic 263
Transfinite hierarchy of alephs 263
Transfinite numbers 243 249 261
triangle 184
Trisection of a segment 50 ff.
Trisection of an angle 52 ff.
Tschebyschef, P. L. 133 134 151 153
Tschirnhaus, E. Walther von 224
Two-dimensional 109 114
Two-fold one-sided surface 76
Two-sided surface 74 75 88
Two-sidedness of a surface 87
Uniqueness of prime factorization 154
Uranus 205 208
Urysohn, Paul 120
Val ry, Paul 179 292
Vall e Poussin, Charles de la 127 133 134
Veblen, Oswald 242
Vertex of a map 238
Vi te, Francois 103 104
Voltaire 256
Waerden, B. L. van der 180
Wallis, John 101
Waring’s problem 335
Weber, Wilhelm 197 313 326
Weierstrass, Karl 180 181 247 248
Weiske, Adolph 64 65 72 74 77
Well ordered set 261
Weyl, Hermann 180 264 331
Whole numbers 166
Wieleitner, Heinrich 172
Wolfskehl prize 277
Wren, Christopher 327
Zeno of Elea 265
Zero 158 166 167 176 177 264
Zero curvature 42 43
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