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Fulton W., Lang S. — Riemann-Roch algebra
Fulton W., Lang S. — Riemann-Roch algebra

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Название: Riemann-Roch algebra

Авторы: Fulton W., Lang S.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Алгебра/Алгебраическая геометрия/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1985

Количество страниц: 205

Добавлена в каталог: 12.03.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$\gamma$-filtration      48 122 124 179 182
$\lambda$-dimension      6
$\lambda$-operations      3
$\lambda$-ring      3 103
$\lambda$-ring functor      37 139 157
Adams character      23 60
Adams multiplier      24
Adams operations      23 58
Adams — Riemann — Roch      37 63 119 142 146 149 190
ample      52 118
Associated functional      10 15 117
Associated Hirzebruch polynomial      17 19
Augmentation      3
Augmented Koszul complex      71
Basic deformation      30 142 144 160
Blow up      91 97 169 172 177
Blow up diagram      91 172
Blow up formula      155 156
Bott’s cannibalistic classes      24
Canonical generator      8 15 115
Canonical positive structure      9
Canonical resolution      413
Canonical section      77
Cap product      180
Chern character      17 125
Chern class      12 54
Chern class functor      31 142 144 146
Chern class homomorphism      12
Chern polynomial      13
Chern root      14
Chevalley — Warning formula      196
Codimension      86 89 120
COMPLEX      119
Conormal sheaf      77 153
Contravariance for lower K      184
Cotangent sheaf      81
Covariance      28 37 116 127 134 144 166
Deformation cube      160
Deformation diagram      30 99
Deformation to normal bundle      96 142 144 160
Direct images      105
Double complex      140
Doubly variant functor      37
Eigenspace decomposition for Adams character      60
Elementary imbedding      32 37 57 68 142 146
Elementary projection      32 38 57 115 117 147
Elementary square      158
Exceptional divisor      91
Excess conormal sheaf      153
Excess dimension      153
Extension of $\lambda$-ring K      4 7 115
Filtration      48 61 117 120 124 178 182 186
Finite-dimensional $\lambda$-ring      6
Fixed point formula      194
Formal group      40
Frobenius — Riemann — Roch      195
Functional of extension      10 15 117
Graded degree      55 65 143 183
Graded filtration      48
Graded K      54 61
Graded splitting      49
Grolhendieck filtration      48
Grothendieck group      102
Grothendieck operaiions      47
Grothendieck — Riemann — Roch      146
Hirzebruch polynomials      17
Hirzebruch — Newton polynomials      23
Hirzebruch — Riemann — Roch      148
Homology isomorphism      140
Howe’s proof      34
Hyperplane at infinity      68
Imbedding      68
Integral Riemann — Roch      43 46 148
Intersection formula      131 155 157
Involuiion      20
K of blow up      169
K of projective bundle      115
K(X)      103
K-functor      134
Key formula      155 156
Koszul complex      70 76 106
Koszul resolution      76 107
Lefschetz — Riemann — Roch      194
Line elements      4 53 103
Local complete intersection      86
Locally free resolution      100 126
Locally free sheaf      67 100
Lower filtration      178
Lower grading      180
Lower K      164
Meet regularly      80 128 131
Micali’s theorem      73
Multiplier      24 28 157 171
Newton polynomial      23
Nilpotence      52 125
PIC      53 10.3
Poincare homomorphism      165 181
Positive element      3
Positive structure      3 9
Principal element      32
Projection formula      28 118 128 139 167 184 186
Projective bundle      67 104 115
Projective completion      69
Proper intersection      153 155
Proper transform      94
Push forward      116 127 134 144 166
Quasi-equal      111
Quasi-finilely generated      111
Quillen’s proof      114
Regular complex      123
Regular imbedding      77 126
Regular intersection      131
Regular morphism      86 134
Regular section      76
Regular sequence      71
Regular sheaf      107
Relative dimension      89
Represented by a complex      119
Residual scheme      93
Resolution      76 100 113 126
Restricted morphism      157
Riemann — Roch character      28
Riemann — Roch for imbeddings      32
Riemann — Roch for projections      33
Riemann — Roch functor      28
Riemann — Roch multiplier      28
Riemann — Roch — Adams and Grolhendieck      63 142 146 149
Set intersection      155 171
Singular Riemann — Roch      188
Smooth      81
Special $\lambda$-ring      6
Splitting principle      13
Splitting property      4 49 118
Staircase decomposition      87
Star multiplication      177
Support      119
Symmetric functions      4
Symmetric powers      7 117
Tangent bundle      144
Tangent element      144
Tautological exact sequence      67
Todd class      20 188
Todd homomorphism      19 20 24
Top Chern class      14
Top graded degree      147 181
Topological filtration      120 122 125 179 181
Total Chern class      13
Total complex      140
Universal exact sequence      67
Universal hyperplane sheaf      67 68
Universal polynomials      5
Upper and lower filtration      178
Upper K      164
Vector bundle      68
Verdier Riemann-Roch      189
Virtual tangent bundle      144
Zero scheme      76 128
Zero section      68
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