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Bruck R.H. — A survey of binary systems |
Предметный указатель |
function 148
-condition 77
( , ) condition 77
( ) set 150
, properties 92 93
Add 27
Adjoint 119
Algebra 21
Algebra (bibliography) 163 178
Amalgamated 8
Associative law 23
Associative systems (bibliography) 177
Associative, power 59 64 87
Associator 13
Associator subloop 138
Autctopism 112
Automorphism 3
Automorphism group 88
Automorphism, centre 72
Automorphism, inner 64
Automorphism, pseudo 113
Automorphism, semi 116
Binary operation 1
Cancellation law 8
Cancellation semigroup 26
centralizer 66
Centre 57
Centre -isomorphism 74 75
Centre automorphism 72
Centre, 95
Centre, 94
Centre, Moufang 94
Chain condition 45
Chain, 67
Chain, chief 67
Chain, divisor 4
Chain, isomorphic 67
Chain, length of 67
Chain, refinement of 67
Characteristic subloop 86
Class argument 141
Closure 119
Closure operation 62
Cogroup 41 43
Commutator 13 70
Commutator-associator subloop 68
Commutator-associator subquasigroup 13
companion 113
Compatible 1
Composition chief system 105
Composition series 67
Congruence 22
Conjugate class 43 63
Conjugate, right 43
Conjugate, self 63
Core 120
Coset 61
Coset expansion 92
Decomposition, direct 72
Decomposition, free 87
Decomposition, refinement of 75
Dedekind’s Law 35
Di-associative 60 87 92
Disjoint 1
distributor 94 141
Division, left 8
Divisionsystem, left 91
Divisor-chain 4
Divisor-chain, length of 4
Endomorphism 3
Endomorphism, 65
Endomorphism, centralizing 68
Endomorphism, normal 68
Endomorphism, orthogonal 68
Endomorphism, semi 116
Endomorphism, zero 68
Enumeration 99
Equivalence class 22 49
Equivalence relation 22
Equivalence, commuting 22
Equivalence, normal 90
Extension 2 103
Extension chain 2
Extension, complete 2
Extension, open 2
Extension, proper 104
Factor, nontrivial free 87
Factor, principal 49
Fitting’s Lemma 82
Flock 40
Frattini subloop 97
Free basis 5
Free basis of -loop 17
Free decomposition 6 7 14 15 16 17 86
Free halfgroupoid 5
Free halfquasigroup 10
Free over 3
Free product 6
Free product, generalized 6
Free representation theorem 5
Free semigroup 37
Free set of generators 10
Freely generated 3
Generate 2
Generatefreely 3
Group 28
Group (bibliography) 178
Group with zero 44
Group, Burnside 28
Group, covering 36
Group, inner mapping 61
Group, mixed 35
Group, multiplication 54
Group, polyadic 21 36
Group, transitive automorphism 88
Groupoid 1
Groupoid (bibliography) 166 178
Groupoid with the left (right) inverse property 111
Groupoid, Brandt 34
Groupoid, crossed-inverse 111
Halfalgebra 21
Halfgroupoid 1
Halfgroupoid, amalgamated 8
Halfgroupoid, closed 2
Halfgroupoid, compatible 1
Halfgroupoid, disjoint 1
Halfgroupoid, intersecting 2
Halfgroupoid, prime in 4
Halfgroupoid, rank of 6
Halfgroupoid, union of 1
Halfloop 15
Halfquasigroup 9
Holomorph 41
Homomorphism 3
Homomorphism of loops 60
Homomorphism of quasigroups 90
Homomorphism, 65
Homomorphism, extend 3
Homomorphism, induce 3
Homomorphism, kernel of 59 60
Hypergroup 41
Ideal 25 44
Ideal, complementary 49
Ideal, left, right 44
Ideal, maximal 45
Ideal, minimal 45
Ideal, principal 49
Idempotent 25 35 44
Idempotent semigroup 50
| Idempotent, primitive 44
Identity, left, right 15 41
Identity, Moufang 115
Image, inverse 24 63
Image, loop 91
Imbeddable 7
Imbedding 7
Imbedding, homomorphic 32
Inner mapping 61
Innerautomorphism 64
Intersecting collection 2
Intersection 2
Invariant of principal isotopy 57
Invariant, right 43
Inverse 28
Inverse image 24 63
Inverse property 59 94 111
Inverse property, crossed 111
Inverse semigroup 25
Inverse, relative 25
Irreducible 66
Isomorphism 5
Isomorphism, 65
Isomorphism, centre 74 76
Isomorphism, exchange 76
Isotopy 20 56
Isotopy, geometry and 59
Isotopy, invariants of principal 57
Isotopy, noninvariants of principal 58
Isotopy, principal 56
J divisor-chain, finite 4
Jordan - H lder theorem 67 90
Kernel of homomorphism 59 60
Kernel of mixed group 35
Kernel, quasinormal 91
Lagrange’s Theorem 92 93
Local -loop 105 157
Local property 102 157
Loop 15
Loop (bibliography) 166 178
Loop image 91
Loop, 87 99
Loop, , , 108
Loop, 105 157
Loop, 17
Loop, additive, multiplicative, of a plane 20
Loop, Cayley 88
Loop, commutative Moufang 130
Loop, crossed-inverse 112
Loop, di-associative 60 87 92
Loop, free 17
Loop, hamiltonian 87
Loop, local 105 157
Loop, Moufang 58 110 115
Loop, operator 65
Loop, order-simple 110
Loop, ordered 108
Loop, quotient 61
Loop, simply ordered 108
Loop, totally symmetric 58
Loop, transfinitely upper -nilpotent 95
Loop, upper -nilpotent 95
Loop, with the inverse property 111
Loop, with transitive automorphism group 88
M bius fuction 100
Maximal associative subset 118
Minimal condition for ideals 45
Moufang centre 94
Moufang configuration 60 120
Moufang element 113
Moufang identity 115
Moufang loop 58 110 115
Moufang loop, commutative 130
Moufang nucleus 94
Moufang Theorem 117
Multigroup 41
Multigroup (bibliography) 169 179
Multigroupoid 41
Multigroupoidwith multiplicity 42
Net 19 59
Net, additive, multiplicative 20
Net, hexagonal 59
Net, order of 19
Nil radical 45
Nil subset 44
Nil, 45
Nilpotency 44 94
Nilpotency function 94
Nilpotency of loops 94
Nilpotency, 45
Nilpotency, 95
Nilpotency, central 94 98
Nilpotency, local central 105 157
Nilpotency, nuclear 94
Nilpotency, transfinite 95
Non-generator 97
Nonsingular, left, right 54
Normal endomorphism 68
Normal equivalence 90
Normal subloop 60
Normal subsemigroup 24
Normal subset 24
Normal system 91
Nucleus Moufang 94
Nucleus, left, middle, right 43 57
Operation of a cardinal on a set 21
Operation, -ary, unary, binary, ternary 21
Operation, closure 62 119
Operation, finitary 21
Operation, infinitary 21
Operation, range of 1
Operator 65
Operator loop 65
Order of a halfgroupoid 1
Order of a net 19
Orthogonal complement 68
Orthogonal endomorphism 68
Plane, affine 20
Plane, degenerate 18
Plane, free 19
Plane, partial 17
Plane, projective 18
Plane, rank of 19
Power-associative 60 64 87
Prime in 4
primitive class 22
Product, direct 72
Product, free 6
Product, outer direct 72
Projection 68
Quasigroup 8
Quasigroup (bibliography) 166 178
Quasigroup, rank of 11
Quasiregular 27
Radical 82
Radical, nil 45
Rank of a free halfgroupoid 6
Rank of a free quasigroup 11
Rank of a projective plane 19
Refinement of a direct decomposition 75
Refinement of an -chain 67
Refinement Theorem 67 77
Regular 25 52
Regular on the left 27
Reidemeister figure 88
Relation, equivalence 22
Relation, identical 16
Schreier refinement theorem 67
Schur’s lemma 66
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